The two sure things in life: death and taxes.
Watchtower doesn't believe in the first, and does its damnedest to avoid the second.
so we were at another family members home for a random celebration when the nature channel showed a killer whale eating a seal and my sister in law was horrified.
we made a joke about the circle of life and i said something along the lines of 'everything that lives must die, the bible says every king must die, so even jesus wasn't immune'.
after that comment there was an awkward silence with our jw family whispering to each other about my comment of dying.. once upon a time i asked my uber elder jw brother if he thought that he would not die and he asked me if i knew when god would start armageddon.
The two sure things in life: death and taxes.
Watchtower doesn't believe in the first, and does its damnedest to avoid the second.
i called my daughter and told her, please don't encourage my granddaughter to get married until she is 30 or 40. please let her go further in her education.
art 1,algebra 11, english, tools for success, spanish 1, and health science all "a".
i have known so many jw youths that were very bright and end up working in a job well below their skill level..she is in the 9th grade but algebra 2 her class is all 11th graders.. school "technical academy hs".
Some JWs are more receptive to higher education if there is a clear career path rather than just letting a child go off to university so they can "find" themselves.
Maybe ask her about a specific certification she might want to get. A CPA that could get her a job as an accountant? A BSN in nusing? A teacher's certificate so she can be a teacher?
This might help Mom get onboard.
instead of making a new thread for every little thing related to memorial 2017, i'm going to try to post here.
and to start us off.... cart artwork for 2017 memorial invitations.
I love the Oxford comma. That space before the conjunction just looks naked without it.
I also still space twice after the end of a sentence when typing. The naked space looks correct there to me.
If everyone could just get the spaces in the right places.
i picked up bernard cornwell's the pagan lord at the library.
historical fiction set in england after the death of alfred the great.
i'm loving it, especially the between-the-lines wit and sense of timing in cornwell's writing, and the complete badassery of the protagonist.
"There was a young student named Carson,
Whose dad told him he would go far, son.
Lit a match, threw it in,
the classroom trash bin,
Now he's been arrested for arson."
i picked up bernard cornwell's the pagan lord at the library.
historical fiction set in england after the death of alfred the great.
i'm loving it, especially the between-the-lines wit and sense of timing in cornwell's writing, and the complete badassery of the protagonist.
"I told them they had to be quiet,
And the children were threatening to riot.
I need some Scotch tape
For small mouths that gape.
The next time I'm shopping, I'll buy it."
i picked up bernard cornwell's the pagan lord at the library.
historical fiction set in england after the death of alfred the great.
i'm loving it, especially the between-the-lines wit and sense of timing in cornwell's writing, and the complete badassery of the protagonist.
I'm a new teacher. I don't have anytime for entertainment. (Grading 68 papers on a 15 point rubric, anyone?)
I do content myself with stupid limericks, though.
"In my hands hangs the fate of the nation;
I'm weaving the next generation.
And, next to my loom,
I'm parking my broom.
For what, you say? Cheap transportation!"
we've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Trump's goal was winning.
He has no freakin' clue what to do right now.
He is beholden to no one.
Including the people who voted him in.
so i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
Whoo hoo, hundreds of protesters block streets in Baltimore tonight.
Grabbing the popcorn.
This is gonna get good, folks.
harris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Yep.That's how he comes in under budget.
so i live in the u.s. i had family that lived in germany when hitler came to power.
i had family that was in london during the blitz.
being raised as a witness i was obsessed with everything having to do with the rise of the nazis.
"Putin Wonders if Trump Win is Too Good to be True"
This one from Bloomberg Business News. But, it's on every other major outlet, too, with a quick search.
Sorry, it appears I was unsuccessful with my bitly link magic this time. Maybe if you copy and paste the headlines into Google it will work.