It's not Costco, but the road where I'm becoming less and less patient.
With my new 45 minute commute in horrendous traffic I just get livid when the light turns green and the doofus in front of me is texting on their phone instead of paying attention to traffic!
Hesitate for a second and other cars jump in front and you're sitting at the same damn light for another cycle.
Usually, commuters are good at commuting. They know which lanes to get in, they know to keep up the pace, they know when the light turns green to go, they know how to merge smoothly.
Then you get a shmuck who acts like they're on a Sunday drive and they jusy mess up the whole commuting machine. Then my commute stretches for an hour or more and, times 2, I'm living in my car for 2 hours a day!
Please, if you're not a commuter, stay away from rush hour!!! You and we and everybody will get there faster, and probably have lower blood pressure too!