"a line of bullshit that could keep a field of alfalfa green all summer"
I absolutely love this line!
What a wordsmith!
getting fired vs quitting_________________________my specialties in life are great and many, but none more fabulous than the talent i've possessed for getting fired and/or quitting a job.how many jobs and careers i blazed through would spin your head!
suffice it to say, more than you've time or patience to hear.. there is something in my psychology and verbal arsenal too prone toward candid criticism!
i find myself blurting out what i really think before even i can stop myself.i worked for an art gallery owner once who had everything going for him except good sense.
"a line of bullshit that could keep a field of alfalfa green all summer"
I absolutely love this line!
What a wordsmith!
this week all congregations in australia have been instructed to make the following announcement:.
if a member of the congregation would like a copy of the child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in australia, please see the coordinator of the body of elders or the secretary.. .
And, dang, did they learn nothing?
Only UNREPENTANT child abusers are disfellowshipped.
Say "sorry" and you're still good to go in the congregation.
this week all congregations in australia have been instructed to make the following announcement:.
if a member of the congregation would like a copy of the child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in australia, please see the coordinator of the body of elders or the secretary.. .
I wonder how many takers there will be.
I'm sure they will have a big stack printed and ready to distribute immediately after that announcement...
march 19, 2017 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: guest rooming for publishers visiting bethel facilities.
bethel visitors guest room request—instructions.
bethel visitors guest room request.
So, how does one submit a request via PDF?
Someone scans the paper copy into the computer as a PDF document and then sends that?
Have they even seen how hotels use webpages for secure reservations?
Are they really that behind technologically for all of their "We're on the net now! We're so advanced!" song and dance?
hi, everyone.. i haven't posted here much in quite a while, but having just been laid low by injury, i'll likely be a frequent visitor for some time to come!.
two weeks ago, i was involved in a workplace accident that left me with my lower l.h.
leg fractured in three places (the tibia and fibular both broken clean through, plus another crack in the "neck" of the fibular for good measure!
Sorry to hear that. My husband had a workplace injury that ended up with metal rods holding together three vertebrae in his lower back.
Yep, longtime ouchies. We had to take him off of the pain meds because when TV and social media got boring, there was always something so very necessary to order off of Amazon. I came home from work every other day tripping over those damn Amazon boxes with stuff in them that we did not need, and that he often forgot about all together. He got dialed down to ibuprofen real quick.
Fortunately the rods were titanium so he can get an MRI without getting sucked to the machine, and he doesn't have to get naked at airport security.
I just hope that your workplace is fulfilling their responsibilities for your workplace accident. My husband's is, often kicking and screaming, but everything gets approved after two or three calls to the lawyers, who then call the workplace and tell them that, yes, they legally have to cover this...even for things like medication that he's been on for years.
Anywho, not wishing you any of those problems. I hope you enjoy your downtime and look forward to hearing more from you on the forum.
all exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
I've made it clear to my teenager that sexting is a crime and they could be charged with child pornography.
Because it is, and they could.
And, as a teacher, if I knew about it, I would have to report them.
The law is the law.
good news people.
my older brother has abruptly stopped his bible study with the witnesses.
he was part-time shunning me during his study and his behavior was beginning to change into cult mode but he was thankfully woken up.
Such great news. You've got a thinker!
i'll start: stilton cheese.. (it was a toss up between that and sweet pickled beetroot).. thank you folks..
A bushel of steamed blue crabs, steamed in beer until they turn red and seasoned with Old Bay seasoning. Then dump out on a table covered in newspaper and crack the exoskeleton with wooden mallets to get to the meat inside. Ignore the dead eyes "looking" at you.
It's a slow process, so drink more beer. After a couple of hours when you're still hungry, start in on the hot buttered corn on the cob.
You could starve to death cracking crabs. It's about the social event.
the question of how humans came to have a moral sense is one of the more interesting challenges offered by believers against unguided evolution.
even informed christians who accept the reality of evolution feel a need to add an additional step where god imbued man with a conscience.. non-supernatural explanations of the origin of morality usually focus on simple examples of reciprocal altruism and the ability to empathise with fellow creatures.
secular moral systems most often rest on the single foundation of the effects actions have on the well-being of conscious creatures.
Thanks, Cofty, go get some sleep! Time changes this weekend, we lose an hour's sleep. Don't know about the UK, though.
the question of how humans came to have a moral sense is one of the more interesting challenges offered by believers against unguided evolution.
even informed christians who accept the reality of evolution feel a need to add an additional step where god imbued man with a conscience.. non-supernatural explanations of the origin of morality usually focus on simple examples of reciprocal altruism and the ability to empathise with fellow creatures.
secular moral systems most often rest on the single foundation of the effects actions have on the well-being of conscious creatures.
Wow. The flag thing after 9/11.
My instinct was to fly a pure white flag of peace. I wonder what that says about me.
I didn't, though, even though I probably could have. Now, you put the wrong bumper sticker on your car and you get fired, or a tow-truck driver refuses to tow you.