They still have pounds. They've kept pounds. Never went to the Euro.
So maybe they've always been a bit wishy washy about the European Union?
Or maybe it would've cost money to change money.
You know: cheaper to keep 'er.
apparently , some bright spark has created a new sexuality - super-straight - and posted it on twitter.
it's a new sexuality that means people who are exclusively attracted to cisgender males or females.
it was made because some people are saying you aren't straight if you don't date transgender people.
They still have pounds. They've kept pounds. Never went to the Euro.
So maybe they've always been a bit wishy washy about the European Union?
Or maybe it would've cost money to change money.
You know: cheaper to keep 'er.
my husband is going in on tuesday to have surgery to repair a badly torn rotator cuff on his right shoulder.
he is right handed.. he's 51 and is great about exercising and staying in shape.
however, while doing push ups, his shoulder just snapped.
Thanks, Sea Breeze.
I'm sorry you still are bothered with muscle pain. Sometimes I get muscle spasms in my neck and, boy, that is painful. Twice I've had to go to the doctor to get muscle relaxers and it takes a couple of days to unlock itself.
I really hope my husband is good with physical therapy. In the past, his problem has been working out too hard and ignoring the pain. I think that's what got us here. I have to keep reminding him over and over again that pain is your body telling you to stop before you really do damage. He generally just ignores it.
May I ask how long ago your surgery was? Do you feel it really made a difference?
my husband is going in on tuesday to have surgery to repair a badly torn rotator cuff on his right shoulder.
he is right handed.. he's 51 and is great about exercising and staying in shape.
however, while doing push ups, his shoulder just snapped.
Yes, I'm familiar with pain management as he's had spinal surgery about 10 years ago. He has a very high pain tolerance, but he was HURTING. He ended up with a Fever of Unknown Origin and had to stay in the hospital for a week.
He doesn't remember this, but he cursed out the phlebotomist, called her a vampire and other choice, no, actually very nasty and vulgar words (that he would never use in real life), and I had to go apologize.
It all went very badly and so I'm concerned. Although, he did heal well and now cycles 30 miles at a time.
I think pain brings out somewhat of a childishness? Not sure of the right word to explain it. I'm afraid he's going to get angry and start swinging, forgetting that's exactly what he CANNOT DO.
He told me to only give him full strength pain meds for the first three days, and then he wants to start cutting back for fear of getting addicted.
It's not like I can't handle this because I've done it before, both with him and both of my parents who were in a very serious car wreck. I guess I'm just a bit unexcited to, in essence, have a big old baby that I'm going to have to play parent for.
And, yes, the doctor put the fear of God into him. He told him if he destroyed his tendon, then it would be like "stapling jello to the wall" to try to fix it again. He got the visual on that!
Thanks for the reply!
australia: jehovah’s witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors.
Wasn't there some testimony during the Royal Commission to the effect of:
'We really wish you would make it (reporting) mandatory. It would make it easier on us.'
Looks like Australia took them at their word. Mandatory it shall be.
my husband is going in on tuesday to have surgery to repair a badly torn rotator cuff on his right shoulder.
he is right handed.. he's 51 and is great about exercising and staying in shape.
however, while doing push ups, his shoulder just snapped.
My husband is going in on Tuesday to have surgery to repair a badly torn rotator cuff on his right shoulder. He is right handed.
He's 51 and is great about exercising and staying in shape. However, while doing push ups, his shoulder just snapped. He knew immediately something was wrong.
The doctor requested an MRI and the news was bad. Do not pass go. Do not attempt physical therapy. Go directly to a surgeon.
He was fortunate to find a highly recommended hand surgeon who does rotator cuffs. A little bit of good luck later and he is going for surgery at an outpatient surgery center in Annapolis, Maryland this coming Tuesday.
Does anyone here happen to have any experience with this and any advice?
He's got an ice chiller apparatus for his shoulder. He's been told he'll be in a sling for 6 weeks and he's not to move his arm or he will do unfixable damage.
I'm just worried because he's an active, stay busy all the time guy, and I'm afraid he's going to drive me crazy.
He can go to physical therapy after 6 weeks and hopefully back to work by 3 months. He does a physical job.
Fortunately we have excellent health insurance, but for the first time we are becoming acquainted with our Out of Pocket Maximum and will be paying $1500 to the surgery center to play. Then, surgeon fees and anesthesioligist fees. The OPM is $2200 for the year, so if I break his other arm out of frustration, that'll be covered 100%!
i can't believe it.
it doesnt even seem real.
my mother told me that the world would gone by the time i was 25. .
Joliette, I'm a February baby too. Except I'm heading for 50!
Don't spend the last years of your 30s worrying about hitting 40.
Didn't the JWs use to say something like: "Sufficient for each decade is its own badness?"
Wait, maybe I remembered that wrong . . .
Happy Birthday!
my soon to be ex moved out over a year ago.
he left most of his things here ( i guess he thinks of my house as his personal storage unit).
one thing he left was his survival backpack, i assume his "go bag".
Makes me suspicious there was money in it. Or something else "precious." How hard is it to get a new one?
I absolutely cannot stand having things underfoot. My mom and dad have it literally right next to the door, but it looks a little deflated. I don't know what they have in there, but it apparently doesn't take up much space. It's just that it's right there to trip over every time you go in or out of the door. One of these days it's going to get kicked!
i would like to get some feed back from pomo's who's spouse is still pimi.
since myself and our son's left the jw cult.
my wife has been m.i.a has a mom and a wife.
She became worse when her mom died because they are holding her hostage.
Your wife thinks she needs to "remain faithful" in order to see her mother again.
3 alarm fire called at watchtower farms about 2.5 hours ago.
no details yet..
Anybody know whether they were volunteer or paid firefighters?
If volunteer, I wonder if WT will give a big donation?
Fundraising can be difficult for volunteer companies.
so you're stuck at home, you may be worried about your income, welcome to the world of filling your stuck-in-the-house time with saving some money!.
here in canada, our energy costs are going up because we have a carbon tax.
today, in the middle of the crisis, trudeau is raising it by 50%, probably as some perverse "thank you" to all the truckers delivering vital goods.
Our house is entirely electric, no gas or oil, so the electric bill can get expensive.
We learned that one of the biggest electric hogs in the house was the water heater. So, we put it on a timer. We only have it on in the evenings from 5 to 11. That's the time of heaviest water usage with cooking, laundry, showers all happening during that time.
And believe it or not, it keeps the water in the tank hot from 11pm until 5pm the next day. So it's only on for a quarter of the day. It still gives you enough hot water for one load of laundry or a shower without depleting the supply.
If I'm home doing lots of laundry and running the dishwasher at an earlier time, I just manually override it and turn it on.
Also, we set the temperature down at 120°F. It will still give you a hot enough shower, but it's below the threshold for scalding burns. Important when you have small children.