Yes, he actually is Jewish.
JoinedPosts by GrreatTeacher
William Shatner is 90 years old but doesn't look like it-------Why?
by pistolpete ini can't believe william shatner is 90 years old but doesn't look like other 90 year olds that i've met.
is it genetic?
is it lifestyle.
What police have to deal with
by LoveUniHateExams inso, the actions of cops have come under scrutiny in recent days, what with the trial of derek chauvin and the death of daunte wright.
i certainly hope justice is served in both those cases.. what is easy for people to forget, is just what police officers have to deal with on a regular basis, during their interactions with citizens.. here's a video breaking down one such interaction.. a car owner was driving his car but the tags weren't legally displayed.
cops wanted him to pull over but the driver continued driving for a mile and a half with a police car following with sirens and lights.
That's what I was worried about: the officer and I being struck and killed!
He ended up having me pull over not only where there was no shoulder, but on an exit lane on a curve!
It ended up okay. I was polite and it all went smoothly. I know how traffic stops work. Circa DC traffic is horrendous to the point where if you followed all the rules to the tee, you'd never go anywhere.
Gridlock is not just a euphemism; when everyone at an intersection is trying to make a left turn, but can't because traffic is bumper to bumper, no one can move and the light just cycles until tempers flare. Someone needs to blow the horn and cut someone off for any movement at all.
And, when you need to get off and into a turn lane, but traffic is literally at a standstill, you need to cut someone off to make the turn. And when the previous redlight lets their right turns fill up the space in the turn lane, you will never move at all through that light. You have to go over to the left lane to move, then cut off somebody to get in the turn lane.
Or, when you're at a jampacked tollbooth of 11 lanes that then cut back down to 3, all hell breaks loose! You have to keep moving, slowly cutting others off because if you stop, you will get rear ended. And then those 3 lanes are cut down to 2 and people start getting road ragey.
Or, God forbid you're going the speed limit! That's a great way to get shot. If you dare to do the speed limit, it had better be in the right lane. The middle lane is for 10 miles over the speed limit and the left lane is for 20 miles over the speed limit. Or more. So, putt putting along at 55 when others are going 80 is truly dangerous.
The point being that you're going to break a traffic law sooner or later by necessity and so getting pulled over is just a thing that happens occasionally. You need to know how to handle it expeditiously.
What police have to deal with
by LoveUniHateExams inso, the actions of cops have come under scrutiny in recent days, what with the trial of derek chauvin and the death of daunte wright.
i certainly hope justice is served in both those cases.. what is easy for people to forget, is just what police officers have to deal with on a regular basis, during their interactions with citizens.. here's a video breaking down one such interaction.. a car owner was driving his car but the tags weren't legally displayed.
cops wanted him to pull over but the driver continued driving for a mile and a half with a police car following with sirens and lights.
That's right, TD. Being pulled over means you are detained, not under arrest.
They would have to Mirandize you and you would know it if you were placed under arrest. Part of your Miranda rights are that you have the right to remain silent. If they Mirandize you and then ask what seem like friendly questions, they are hoping that you give up your rights and talk. Don't do it. Just shut the hell up. They are fully able to continue the arrest process without your verbal input.
Another thing you don't have to do is allow the police to search your car. If you're asked, "You don't mind if I look around in your car, do you?" the answer should always be no. Never give up your rights.
Also, I'm surprised that this isn't more widely known. This was standard Civics education in the '80s.
What police have to deal with
by LoveUniHateExams inso, the actions of cops have come under scrutiny in recent days, what with the trial of derek chauvin and the death of daunte wright.
i certainly hope justice is served in both those cases.. what is easy for people to forget, is just what police officers have to deal with on a regular basis, during their interactions with citizens.. here's a video breaking down one such interaction.. a car owner was driving his car but the tags weren't legally displayed.
cops wanted him to pull over but the driver continued driving for a mile and a half with a police car following with sirens and lights.
You should always pull over in a well lit and safe place. This is what I've always been told and always have done.
That said: About three years ago I was lit up while driving to work one morning on a miserable, heavily trafficked road with red light after red light by an unmarked vehicle.
Yes, I was probably speeding while taking off from a redlight before slamming on my breaks for the next one. Traffic moves fast, people weave in and out. It's a total shitshow.
I immediately slowed down, put on my signal and moved over 2 lanes of traffic. There was an additional lane that was the turn off to the local community college so I didn't want to stop there. Remember it's early morning and college students are pouring in. Busy, busy, busy. I wanted to pull into the college parking lot and not block traffic.
But, nope, the cop was having none of it. He put on the sirens, so I stopped. In the busiest, most dangerous place possible. But, that's what he wanted.
I won't lie. I've been pulled over before. I know the drill. Turn off the vehicle. Put your hands on the steering wheel and wait for the cop to come to you. He gets out of his car and walks up to my vehicle now taking up another lane that students are trying to use to get to school.
He asks me if I knew how fast I was going, blah, blah, blah and can he see my license, registration and proof of insurance. I tell him I need to reach into the glove compartment and he says okay. I have registration and proof of insurance.
My driver's license is in my purse which is in my teaching bag which is directly behind my seat and it is heavy so I can't reach it from my seat. He says to try. I say okay and fumble with the bag, but can't get it. I tell him that I have to get out and open the back door and I look him in the eye and ask him if it's safe to do so. I really don't believe it is.
Suddenly, he's on the back foot. He looks around at the mess of cars zooming around and says, "Yeah, I think so. Go ahead."
!!!You think so?!!! (I didn't say this out loud!)
So, I get out, and he's kind of blocking the traffic from hitting me and I get the feeling that he suddenly realizes that this is actually very dangerous. Cars are flying around, we're just past a corner and it feels dangerous. How easy would it be for someone to fly around the corner and smash into me and him. And they almost do. I'm pissed off because I don't really have a choice but to follow his directions and I'm fearing for my safety (and his)! I grab the bag, dig through books and papers, dig out my purse and go sit back in the driver's seat. I pull out my license, give it to him, he takes my stuff and disappears into his vehicle.
I frantically call the school where I work, tell them I'd been pulled over and told them that I might be late for my 8:30 parent conference. Of all the days!
The cop comes back with a written warning and told me to drive more safely since the traffic is really bad in the morning on this road. But he seemed a little less aggressive. In fact, almost chastened. Nearly apologetic.
I told him it was bad in the afternoon too, in fact it was never good and now I was really late for a parent conference. Then I told him thank you for being careful with my safety. And that was that.
He probably thought I was a dumb college student. Cops around here will pull kids over just to make a point. And I was driving a Subaru WRX and I was speeding and changing lanes. As everyone does because when the lane you're in comes to a sudden stop, you need to change lanes real quick. Ten miles of that shit twice a day.
He realized I wasn't a college student and everything checked out so he let me go. Maybe he also thought about how dangerous the whole thing was and if he had let me keep going to the college parking lot he wouldn't have put either of us in danger.
What do you think will be different in the Organization after the pandemic is over?
by ExCircuitOverseer inwhether they go back to door-to-door or not, what will be different?
do you think there will be a noticeable drop-off in attendance as we have read on here that many have left or faded?
will there be a mass selling of halls?
Vidiot, you know that is the deluxe model, right?
They paid extra for the glass windows and the extra support poles up front.
That's probably worth an extra $50,000!
Aussie covid situation I got vaccinated anyone else?
by Witness 007 inrecord 747,000 new cases yesterday but in australia we have no new infections except people flying into quarantine from other countries.
we are 116th with 29,000 confirmed cases.
i work in a hospital so received astra zenica vaccine 2 weeks ago with no bad symptoms.
Had one Pfizer shot. Felt fatigue for a day or two afterward. I just wanted to sleep all day.
Not really much injection site pain at all. Didn't notice anything unless I pressed on the site. My last Tetanus booster was worse.
Does Politics Affect Your Entertainment Decisions and Choices?
by minimus inif coke disturbed you because of a certain stance would you stop buying coke?
would you stop watching a sport if a certain view was politicized?.
would you boycott a certain product because you did not agree with the corporation’s opinions?
Also, I hate that Google has become a verb. I always try to refer to searching something rather than "googling" it.
Sometimes I use Yahoo.
I'm of the opinion that big tech companies have become too big and would benefit from some anti-trust action.
I will never own a Tesla, and that's mostly because Elon Musk is a dick. I own a Subaru and Toyota, and I would buy from both companies again. The Dodge truck has needed a lot of work, so I probably wouldn't buy a Dodge again.
In the Walmart vs. Target debate, I shop Target. They're a little nicer and I also found out that their prices are often cheaper.
In the Safeway vs. Food Lion debate, I choose Food Lion because their prices are better. Although Safeway does have a pharmacy, and its bakery is much better. I also sometimes stop by to check out the $5 Friday deals.
I use CVS pharmacy rather than Walgreens. Target stores have CVS pharmacies in them. They all have drive throughs now.
If you have to do fast food or are just splurging, I go to McDonald's. Hardee's does have a few good sandwiches and the breakfast raisin buns, Burger King I don't like at all, and I am just not a fan of the chicken at Chick fil a, though they do have excellent milkshakes. Though not a burger joint, Taco Bell is also a great choice once in awhile. Drive up, order a 12 pack of tacos, pay and you're on your way. I really dislike ordering something and being asked a million questions about options. This is mostly why I don't eat at places like Sheetz, WaWa, and Royal Farms. It takes 10 minutes and 25 choices just to place your order on that stupid machine.
And, Dude! it's Coke rather than Pepsi. It's got a subtle citric acid taste to it that I don't detect in Pepsi.
Starbucks has better coffee than Dunkin Donuts, but Tim Hortons has better donuts than Dunkin. Too bad we don't have any of them around here. Krispy Kreme is a great option if you can find them nearby.
Does Politics Affect Your Entertainment Decisions and Choices?
by minimus inif coke disturbed you because of a certain stance would you stop buying coke?
would you stop watching a sport if a certain view was politicized?.
would you boycott a certain product because you did not agree with the corporation’s opinions?
I boycott everything I can that sells my personal information.
Facebook seems to me a great way to give any nosy person in the world free and available information about yourself, therefore I don't have an account.
I boycott Amazon because I hate their site and don't find it very user friendly.
I never sign up for free stuff and don't download apps. I still mail my bills and call customer service rather than do things online. I don't have online banking set up. Sometimes I literally go and speak to a teller in person!
I don't preload my credit card information into my phone because that makes it too easy to pull the trigger and buy something.
I turn my phone tracker off and even, gasp, turn it off completely sometimes when I am out.
If I really want to be left alone while I'm out and about, I will, double gasp, leave it at home!
I am a total Luddite, and I'm sure there's still way too much of my information out there.
Privacy is my new watchword, also, "Nunya" as in "Nunya business." I'm so tired of checking out in person at a physical cash register and being asked for my email address. Nope. I don't need any more spam or coupons.
This site is one of my only exceptions.
2021-March-20--Zoom Guidelines for Meeting Assignments!
by Atlantis inzoom guidelines for meeting assignments.. 2021-march 20.. .
meeting attendant--page 2. .
5. at around 25 minutes into the meeting take an attendance count.
"Join the meeting by 20 minutes early," makes no sense.
I think they're trying to say, "Join the meeting no later than 20 minutes early."
If you bother to put something in writing, you should bother to get it right.
Are You Concerned About Inflation?
by Simon ini saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
Investors can demand it, but that doesn't mean they're going to get it. People lose money all the time, not the least of which are retired people living off of investments that weren't hedged against inflation.
I agree with you that we are in an inflationary environment, however interest rates are lower than they've ever been in modern history.
If the Fed raises the interbank lending rate, other interest rates rise, like you said, so the banks can make money.
This slows demand for borrowing and takes the pressure off of the housing market, reducing the inflation of housing prices.