This is regarding a situation in which your child is hospitalized and the hospital wants to give your child blood to save its life.
*Highlight (lowlight)
Don't allow the hospital to sneakily get a court order without your knowledge. Demand from the beginning that you as a parent be included in the proceeding and use the Hospital Liason Committee recommend alternative treatments to the judge.
Also *DO NOT mention your hope for the resurrection for your child as it may make you "appear unreasonable." ( yes, it does )
Theocratic warfare yet again.
If you were a judge, would you believe testimony from the Hospital Liason Committe or medical doctors, specifically the ones treating the patient?
I would hope that hospitals would be aware of this and know to get a court order immediately upon the discussion with the parents that they are refusing blood. Emergency court orders happen at all times of day or night.
I talked to the surgeon who was performing bloodless surgery for my father and asked him about children. He told me that he was confident that he could do the surgery successfully on my father, but pointed at my nephew who was a toddler and said he would get a court order for him "like that" and snapped his fingers.