Postscript - About 2 years into my marriage, I got a phone call. The JW guy whom I had dated and had barely survived a car accident had been in another devastatjng accident. Again he was flown to shock trauma, again the HLC had been there and again he had refused blood. This time it had cost him his life. I was invited to the viewing at the funeral home.
I went. My new husband came with me. He was so beat up that they had a closed casket. A recent picture of him was sitting on top of the casket. He looked just as I remembered. I silently wondered why he had chosen to crawl back to the cult. Not a year earlier, he had gotten a guilty conscience and told his elders everything we had done. The local elders whom I did not even know showed up on my doorstep and wanted to talk. At first, I lied, but got the feeling that these elders would find me more believable if I admitted just a little bit, so I did admit some inappropriate touching which only happened once. They bought that and left me alone.
I, however, was livid and called the ex boyfriend up and really let him have it for not lettinf me know inadvance that he was going to be siccing the elders. He admitted that he should have and then he wanted to have a friendly conversation, but I cut it short. I was really angry.
And now he was dead. I wondered if he had been sincere about clearing his conscience and I wondered if he was reaching out. It seemed like maybe that was so. I wondered what would have happened if he'd never had the first accident, after which he completely changed, whether due to the head injury or a guilty conscience, I dont know. Would we have dated longer? Could he have convinved me that living a double life would work?
I didn't know. Alk I knew was that he was dead by his own hand from reckless driving and refusing blood. I was glad I hadn't stayed involved with him. I was glad I had married my husband who was right there by my side helping me deal with these uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. He is a good, good man. The best choice I had ever made.
I still believe that and am forever grateful I made the choices I did.