I think the problem would be determining legitimacy.
We've had some Nigerian "Ex-JWs" who have come on here begging for money. It's pretty distasteful to read, even if you can see right through them.
I think the problem would be determining legitimacy.
We've had some Nigerian "Ex-JWs" who have come on here begging for money. It's pretty distasteful to read, even if you can see right through them.
today my wife showed me the new medical directive and power of attorney form she got at the meeting.
surprisingly she asked if i wanted to fill mine!
i have been inactive for 6 years and i don't go close to any jw gatherings because i don't want friends who only care for me unless i share their beliefs.
It's a phobia. An indoctrinated phobia.
Phobias don't respond to logic or reason.
i saw two brothers this morning next to the main train station in liverpool city centre this morning.
they were not actively approaching anyone.
what i found strange was that they were from a cong that has different territory, so i don't know why they were there.. anyway i knew them both, and they know i was df'd, i was in my car and couldn't park up for a chat, but i did beep and wave to them as i drove passed and they waved back.
"Frozen vegetables." Pretty funny. :)
hey everyone,.
for those of you who don't know my story.
i had a messy divorce i lost custody of my son in 2011 age 9yrs after four years of court battles to get him back i couldn't do anymore.. yesterday my wonderful son had an upsetting day as our contact was cancelled.
Kate, I just read this and want to tell you I think that is the sweetest thing. Little boys love their mothers in a special way. Mine is now 15, but often enough jumps into bed with me while texting his friends.
It's the perfect example, to me, of that kid in the middle, not quite an adult, but still appreciates snuggles with mum.
I hope so badly that he still stays close to me when he's grown. My mom and I are not close, but that's mostly about the cult. I really hope he goes to community college after high school and I can keep him home another 2 years. He's my only child.
I hope you get your son back soon, and I love how hard you work to keep up a good relationship with him now.
Hopefully neither of us will ever have to worry about losing our boys to the cult!
i know this is an old topic, but it came to mind again.... yes it is appropriate for people to dress neatly and respectfully for a dignified religious gathering, but why does it have to be a full suit with collared shirt and tie?.
why does it have to be a full dress or skirt and jacket?.
sure, we would find it distasteful for a person to arrive in swimwear or work overalls or other inappropriate attire, but why does it have to conform to strict standards?.
Thanks, Pete. Boy, don't those folks on the left look terrible.
If I saw people like them in an alley, I'd run!
i know this is an old topic, but it came to mind again.... yes it is appropriate for people to dress neatly and respectfully for a dignified religious gathering, but why does it have to be a full suit with collared shirt and tie?.
why does it have to be a full dress or skirt and jacket?.
sure, we would find it distasteful for a person to arrive in swimwear or work overalls or other inappropriate attire, but why does it have to conform to strict standards?.
I wish someone could find and post a picture of the styleguide / picturebook of clothing that is appropriate vs. inappropriate when visiting Bethel, which is a FACTORY!
great news!.
we are free!.
as of the 9th of june, me and my dear wife mrs. eden handed over our letters of disassociation at bethel in portugal, thus making official our departure from the jehovah's witnesses.
Wow! Can't wait to hear more.
as the jewish holy day of shavuot (pentecost) begins this weekend, the reform judaism site publishes an interesting article entitled "judaism teaches: question authority, think for yourself.".
the article employs a jewish doctor's recollection of a jw patient who refused blood and died as an example of how both religious traditions greatly differ on how they see and apply god's law.. shavuot is the day jews recall god's giving the law to israel.
the article is significant in that it demonstrates how jews see the giving of the law as a call to questioning authority, including divine revelation itself whereas the death of the jw patient is contrasted as a slavish interpretation that misses the point behind jewish scripture.. for more see the article at:.
Isn't that something: Jehovah's Witnesses purporting to tell Jews how to interpret Jewish law.
read the news here.
the jehovah's witnesses lost their appeal to the supreme court of russia.
bethel to be liquidated.. i bet the gb saw this coming ... here comes the persecution complex paranoia.
DJS, you are an insufferable bastard. ;)
You also make some excellent points.
It's easy to hate Russia because they are Russia. But, your analysis of their unique response to terrorism is very interesting.
Maybe they got this one right this time.
as the jewish holy day of shavuot (pentecost) begins this weekend, the reform judaism site publishes an interesting article entitled "judaism teaches: question authority, think for yourself.".
the article employs a jewish doctor's recollection of a jw patient who refused blood and died as an example of how both religious traditions greatly differ on how they see and apply god's law.. shavuot is the day jews recall god's giving the law to israel.
the article is significant in that it demonstrates how jews see the giving of the law as a call to questioning authority, including divine revelation itself whereas the death of the jw patient is contrasted as a slavish interpretation that misses the point behind jewish scripture.. for more see the article at:.
Interesting read. Thanks for posting it.