Thanks for that additional info.
I hope he's just trying to avoid an appeal, but 8 months seems ridiculously short.
I wonder if there are sentencing guidelines in Australia.
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Thanks for that additional info.
I hope he's just trying to avoid an appeal, but 8 months seems ridiculously short.
I wonder if there are sentencing guidelines in Australia.
i did an examination of the one single article ever to address father's day since it's tomorrow here in the us.
the article covers both mother's day and father's day.
hope it's informative.. examination of “mother and father worship unscriptural”, the only article ever to address father’s day in any publication printed by the watchtower bible and tract society.
Hubby, son and I are going kayaking for Father's Day tomorrow.
Enjoy it, everyone!
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
Maryland State Biology Curriculum Grade 7
Expectation 3.4 Evolution
Indicator 2 Estimate degrees of relatedness.
Assessment Limits:
Classification: distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
I could not get a link for some reason. This is in the US and I'm not sure if it's different in the UK, but, yes, I would expect a 7th grader (13 year old) to know the difference between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
Also in science education it is important to know how to research other things / vocabulary that is currently unknown. So, with a little diligence, Cofty's posting should be accessible.
The Link is below. It was a PDF and it was translated into plain text. Sorry about the formatting.
State Curriculum - Biology April 19, 2007 Page 41 of 48 Pre-requisites Summarized from State Biology State Curriculum (SC) Curriculum Life Science Grades 3 – 8 Expectation 3.4 Evolution: Explain the mechanism of evolutionary change. Supplemental Topics D. Evolution 1. Recognize and describe that evolutionary change in species over time occurs as a result of natural variation in organisms and environmental changes. a. Recognize and describe that gradual (climatic) and sudden (floods and fires) changes in environmental conditions affect the survival of organisms and populations. b. Recognize that adaptations may include variations in structures, behaviors, or physiology, such as spiny leaves on a cactus, birdcalls, and antibiotic resistant bacteria. c. Recognize and describe that adaptation and speciation involve the selection of natural variations in a population. d. Recognize and describe that extinction occurs when the adaptive traits of a population do not support its survival. e. Recognize that evolution accounts for the diversity of species. Indicator 2. Estimate degrees of relatedness among organisms or species. Assessment Limits: classification (recognize relationships among organisms; distinguish between prokaryotes and eukaryotes) anatomical similarities (evolutionary relationships; homologous structures) similarities of DNA base sequence and/or amino acid sequence including results from gel electrophoresis) Objectives ¾ Recognize and explain that the DNA code is virtually the same for all life forms. ¾ Integrate scientific information from a variety of disciplines to provide evidence for the relatedness of species on Earth, such as: • Geology, including fossils, radiometric dating • Comparative anatomy, including studies of homologous structures and anatomical similarities • Biochemistry, including studies of DNA base and/or amino acid sequences • Taxonomic systems based on biochemical and anatomical similarities ¾ Explain that the millions of different species that live on earth today are related by common ancestry. ¾ Classify and identify prokaryotes and eukaryotes based on their cell structures. ¾ Identify, explain, and demonstrate how technology can be used to determine evolutionary relationships among species. • Gel electrophoresis • Similarities of DNA base sequences and/or amino acid sequences Relatedness Among Organisms Species can be classified into large groups called domains and kingdoms, which are comprised of organisms with general similarities. Classification of prokaryotes and eukaryotes is based on their evolutionary relationships. Dichotomous keys and are tools that can be used to show relatedness among organisms. Cladograms are tools that can be used to suggest relatedness through ancestry.
Despite the curriculum, my issue was with not having "the interest or desire."
I find that sad as an educator.
Please don't give up. Please.
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
You are correct; there is no shame in admitting what you don't know.
I know precious little about chemistry.
But, if my son was having difficulty with it, I'd begin teaching myself about it in a heartbeat so I could help him.
I don't have an issue with people who can't learn things. I have students like that all the time.
But, choosing not to learn about things because you have "no interest or desire" is quite a different thing, and quite unacceptable, in my opinion. And, I can't believe that you can't learn it since you have a university degree.
I just cannot understand it. You have quite a difficult situation with your son. If he needs you to understand biology and evolutionary theory, why wouldn't you do everything in your power to learn it and teach it to him?
this week my son expressed he is agnostic as he is not sure what to believe about evolution and the common ancestor.. i thought any jw hang ups were gone.
i told him that what they teach in school is trustworthy and he can be rest assured that there is evidence to support that the common ancestor was the real link to the evolution of humans.. he has got critical thinking skills.
and responded with "for hundreds of years schools have been teaching things and have changed their thoughts".
Maybe not having the interest or desire to understand biology is part of the problem.
Ask your son what an amoeba or cytoplasm is. He likely knows.
This is middle school biology, at least in the US. Then it gets taught again in high school, and then to get a degree you need university level Biology 101.
It's not difficult and to shut down a line of reasoning just because you have neither the "interest nor the desire" seems puzzling to me.
time to take a break from debating religion.
take in a breath of fresh air and be healed by the wonders of nature around you.. how many of you have a garden?
how many have a nice flower patch to go with your vegetable garden?
Thanks for sharing. I love those garden pics.
In news from my garden, the hydrangeas are finally blooming! This is extremely late because of our cold spring, and they have not fully blossomed, but in a week or so I will have a gorgeous view from my hammock.
The weather is in the 70s and just perfect right now. I have my windows open and can hear the birds singing. I wish it would stay like this all summer, but the heat and humidity will surely be here soon. And then we will have to shut the windows and run the AC, which I am surely thankful for, but nothing beats fresh air!
i’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
You're welcome, starting over.
I get upset when, first, people think they are not animals, and second that they think they are better or superior to all the other animals.
God said to keep all the animals under subjection? Nope. Men decided to justify their doing of that when they wrote the scriptures and created god.
God is made in man's image.
i’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
"Unreasoning animals?"
Many, many, many animals can reason, including crows. Mammals, mice, even octopuses can solve problems.
We are animals, not qualitatively different than many other species, though our brains may be a bit bigger.
It saddens me when people consider animals as lessor and treat them badly for that reason. A dog on a chain feels depression the same way the human animal does; through neurotransmitters in the brain. They feel distress at losing an offspring the same way we do; through stress and anxiety mediated by hormones. Hormones drive their mating behavior as it does ours.
The more similar a mammal is to us, the more similar the body functions. Fight, flight, or freeze reactions just like us. Ever been so scared your hair stood up on the back of your head? That's how animals feel when they face a threat and the hair stand up on their back.
Our bodies work the same basic way. We are mammals, and yes we can think and reason, but so do other so-called "lessor" animals. We are excellent predators, but we're certainly not at the top of the food chain. Bears, crocodiles, big cats (mountain lions) are all OUR predators and make us their prey often enough.
There's humility involved when you realize that we're just an animal, no better or worse than all the others. We feel emotions and so do they. We're social animals and need people just as social animals need to be around others of their species.
When we treat them badly or as less than us, it only makes us look less than.
i’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
People deserve respect. Always.
Ideas are best respected by tearing them to shreds to see if they withstand scrutiny.
There is a difference.
and archived forever via the wayback machine.
In the US, child molestors are the scum of the scum and are hated by all the other prisoners. They do 'hard time' due to the other prisoners giving them a taste of their own medicine.
I don't know if that is true in Australian prisons or not, but I can't say I'd be sorry if it is.
If he's only doing 8 months, he deserves some hard time.
Child rapists disgust me.