This reads just like all the stories over at reddit, raisedbynarcissists.
Narcissists can't step outside of their own point of view.
This does them no service, however, it also leaves them at a disadvantage when trying to defend themselves, as in court.
They sare too shortsighted, and also incredibly isolated, to understand what will actually get them a sympathetic ear in an actual court or in the court of public opinion. (See the Royal Commission in Australia.)
Use this to your advantage; be the chess player who can think 4 moves ahead.
Just do your homework. Do more homework than you've ever done in your life. Have a child custody plan to present to the court, and have the reasons and references to prove it.
Then, secondarily, study up on the likely JW responses and plan your counter-responses.
It's winnable, pale.emperor. Ask around about others' experiences with the local family court to discover its biases and assumptions. Use this knowledge in your plan.
Plan. Plan. Plan. Play offense. Plan for defense, as well. Go in confident. Find a solicitor who believes in you, and you him/her.
This is your equivalent of your doctoral thesis. Make it your work. If you work 40 hours a week, put in another 40 in research and planning. Make it your fulltime job to fight for your little girl!
We all believe in you!