Hi, Terry Clees, maybe you are unaware of Witness doctrine, but according to it, Armageddon will be here to usher in a paradise earth for believers found acceptable, and this might happen any minute now!
They have been told all their life that they never have to die! Surely the imminence of their death greatly troubles them, though they do believe that they will be resurrected to that paradise earth in time. Their believing relatives are also sad that they have to say goodbye to loved ones in death, though they believe that they will see them again in the paradise earth. This victory feels very hollow and second best, however.
Some actually might question their faith. A doomsday religion without the promised doomsday is very troubling to many.
You may, however, be able to be of service to non-JW family. They've often left the religion in a hostile way. The JWs shun disbelievers. It may be that a relative visiting has been shunned entirely for years, even decades, and there may be a lot of anger and resentment there. The only reprieve from the shunning is "necessary family business" of which death would qualify. However, it's not entirely unheard of for JWs to shun entirely even past the death of a relative, the relative only being informed after the fact. Some of our members here have experienced it.
So, though you may not be wanted by the dying JW, non- or ex-JW family may be hurting extraordinarily due to their beliefs and practices, and you may be able to really provide care and comfort to those folks, if they're willing to open up about it.
Thanks for posting.