Rule of thumb, I think, is one-third for the lawyers, two-thirds to keep.
JoinedPosts by GrreatTeacher
The Danger of Settlements
by Tech49 ini was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
Becoming the average JW (and what I found out about the average 'Joe Witness')
by Skepsis inuntil a couple of months ago i was an uber-spiritual pioneer, only having association with other pioneers, elders and others who would fill in the category i classified as "spiritually acceptable" friends.. but since stopping pioneering and having more time to think about my doubts and what i really believe (or better said, what i no longer believe), i have started getting to know other less spiritual brothers and sisters of the area.
in fact, my old friends are starting to forget me quite quickly, i must say.
so, i guess my next move in fading is becoming what i call the average witness.. and what did i discover?
James Jack, your comment about sisters wearing bikinis at a pool party made me chuckle. That seems so very appropriate!
Maybe I've been out too long and have forgotten, but do JWs really have issues with wearing bikinis to the pool?
The Timing of Telling My Parents My College Plans.
by WeatherLover ini know that at some point i have to tell my parents that i'm planning to go to college.
i basically have two options:.
1. tell them early.
Just another caution: my father refused to fill out the financial aid forms for my sister. Until you're 24 (I believe) colleges assume your parents to be responsible for some of your college expenses. Even if your family makes very little money, they require the FAFSA form to prove that to be true before you get any financial aid.
My sister had to go through a long and complicated process to be declared an "independent student" before she could get any financial aid, including loans. They do not grant this status lightly.
Unless you have the cash in hand, you will not be able to enroll. Do you have $5000 to write a check to the local community college? (I'm not being snarky. If needed, you could work for a year first to make the money.)
Also, the FAFSA forms need to be filled out by May 1st for the following Fall Enrollment.
So, there is no Later for you. You either have to get your family's cooperation now, or get yourself to the local community college's Financial Aid office to plead your case as an independent student. And that's tough.
Also, I'm not sure about 4 year college application deadlines, but it seems VERY late to not have even applied for the 2017/ 2018 school year! So, time to do some research!
Community colleges have open enrollment, so you would be guaranteed entrance, and, if your ACT scores are good enough, you can avoid placement tests. (If you score poorly on the placement tests, you will have to take remedial classes first, for no credit and at full price.) You can plan your transfer to a 4 year school and coordinate classes so you don't lose any credit. This will lower the cost of your education.
Plan on coming up with $60,000 if you are footing the entire bill yourself. I don't say this to scare you, but to emphasize the amount of planning and research that you must do! And you are running behind! You either need your parents cooperation in filling out the forms or you need to start talking to Financial Aid departments to figure out the appeals process to declare you an Independent Student. You'll need to be able to explain and prove why your parents should not or will not be responsible for their part of your education expenses.
Just a note, if your parents DO fill out the FAFSA, but decide NOT to pay their Expected Family Contribution, then that amount will fall on you as well. So, go make friends with people at Financial Aid and make this happen! Just so you know, you will probably get Financial Aid, but it will probably be in the form of loans. I'm middle-aged and will be paying Student Loans for a long time yet.
But, you're young, and doing this now is the right thing to do. You have plenty of time to pay off loans before middle age! And, it's definitely worth it in the long run with the increased earning power. But, it's a complicated and long process, so start now!
I Have A Question About A Dog
by minimus ini would like to have your opinion on something if you don't mind.
my girlfriends dog, a scottish terrier, is a wonderful lovable dog about fiveyears old.
my girlfriend owns a hair salon and takes her dog with her and the dog greets clients very lovingly.
Aww, Lois, that's the sweetest story.
I'm a cat lady myself. I have a 20 lb. orange tabby who is a snuggler, but even flapping pajama legs earn an attack. He is always on the hunt.
As to dogs, I've known dogs who only bark at men in baseball caps. I agree that it's likely a bad experience that they've generalized to all people who look similar.
US news article about low JW education causing problems in life - interesting
by Gorbatchov ingood article, a must read, from my perception.. i did a bachelor and master since 2001, having the same opinion, for a better present and future and for my and family sake: being an educated person, gaining respect and being proud of what i could realize in life.
a win - win situation..
for present jw and non present jw's, take your change and take the path to higher education.. g.. g..
I'm afraid we're going to see more and more young adults never leaving home, but getting married and living with their spouse, or even kids, in tiny basement apartments in Mom and Dad's house.
The parents will need the children's help, too, if they haven't worked enough to collect much Social Security.
Then you have the beginnings of a compound which can be the first step of removing themselves from the world and then going rogue.
I'm calling it; the compound. If not Warwick, somewhere where multi-families are living together due to their poor individual finance prospects.
Love for the Hate
by IronSharpensIron ini just wanted to share a perspective related to my experience with leaving the jw.
at this point, i have been df'd since i was 18. i'm 25, happily married with 2 fantastic children.
after being miserably at odds with my parents and extended family, i've come to some realizations as follows.. i struggled with the conditional nature of my parent's love- talking to me until it bothered their conscience, then cutting me off.
Think twice about this, Iron.
As super-spiritual as your parents sound, just fading could trigger their shunning again.
There are many here who have had that exact thing happen, and it appears the organization gives tacit approval for this.
Was There ANYTHING Positive That You Experienced Because of Being a JW?
by minimus inwas there anything positive about your jehovah's witness experience?.
The ability to tolerate 5 hours of boredom weekly.
US news article about low JW education causing problems in life - interesting
by Gorbatchov ingood article, a must read, from my perception.. i did a bachelor and master since 2001, having the same opinion, for a better present and future and for my and family sake: being an educated person, gaining respect and being proud of what i could realize in life.
a win - win situation..
for present jw and non present jw's, take your change and take the path to higher education.. g.. g..
The lack of manners is appalling.
Could you imagine in any other church having something think that, "Do you have enough money to live on?" is appropriate casual conversation?
USA: NYPD undercover cop resigns as he struggles with grief from killing innocent man
by darkspilver infrom the new york daily post - tuesday 21 february 2017, page 14. the headline in the newspaper is: exclusive - cop quits in grief - undercover traumatized over killing innocent man.
nypd undercover cop resigns as he struggles with grief from killing innocent man.
an undercover cop who fatally shot a bystander during a gun-buy operation has resigned from the nypd — too distraught to remain on the force, the daily news has learned.. the former detective, who sources say suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder, left the nypd in october with a tax-free disability pension.
All disability payments/pensions are tax free.
It's not like "tax free" distinguished it from a taxed disability pension.
Disability is and always has been tax free.
That's like saying I went to buy tax free groceries. Well, duh.
Why journalists add shit like that, I have no idea.
Top Bar
by Hecce ini used to have a slim bar with information at the top of my page, it seems like i did something and now what i have is a slim bar without any information and i have to click in the right hand side to be able to see the information that used to be on that top bar.. any ideas?.
please and thanks.
One day cats will take over the world.