I like this metaphor.
A lump in yer belly.
i was just thinking about the way dubs are required to swallow huge indigestible lumps of “spiritual” food without question like a boa swallows a pig.. our batch had the "overlapping generation" presented amongst many other travesties.
the gb looked us in the eye and dared us not to swallow it whole, don’t complain about indigestion just take it.. can you imagine though being told, post 1914, that the awaited kingdom, christ in all his glory had already happened.
it happened just as foretold.
I like this metaphor.
A lump in yer belly.
... go full retard whenever an arabic name appears on the autocue, and 'give it the full arabic', so to speak?.
rageh omar is a british somali of sunni muslim heritage so it's understandable when he pronounces arabic names with an arabic pronunciation/accent.. but what about people who have nothing to do with arabic - huw edwards, emily maitlis, moira stewart, etc.?
they don't speak arabic, do they?.
Strange. The American city of La Jolla is pronounced the Spanish way: La Hoya, but the city of Amarillo is pronounced the English way with the l's enunciated rather than "ama reeyo" as it would be pronounced in Spanish.
I don't know the reason behind that.
it's only a matter of time of course..... jw rumor mills will start up soon, with stories of how jws were "first on the scene" as the flood waters receded..... how the red cross and/or us national guard and/or doctors without borders and/or [you name it] were marveling at just how "organized" the jws are..... how zealous jws were pulling their trolleys thru ankle-deep water to "offer comfort" to victims, by giving them - sandwiches?
bottled water?
to offer them comfort by giving them 16 page "magazines" to read in their spare time..... so as the stories start to come in, you can "deposit" those little nuggets of bs here.. once collected, we'll wrap them in a pretty bow and flush them away where other instances of pure manure go..
When our house was damaged by hurricane Sandy, an adjustor came out to appraise the damage and we got a check a few days later.
We chose our own contractor, but the insurance company didn't want receipts or proof that the work was sound. They wrote the check and washed their hand of it.
We could've just patched the roof and pocketed the excess money, but we replaced the roof and did the other related work the right way.
I can't imagine people just getting a patch, a lick and a promise, and then donating the entire check amount.
Please tell me people don't actually do that.
story breaking on reuters here.... kim jong-un seems determined to start a war.
nk is a national cult of personality.
hating the rest of the world is the first tenet of faith..
Nope, not the actual launching of missiles. There was bluster and faking, but he really enjoys playing War Games with Trump.
i am a big superhero fan and was looking forward to "the defenders".
the first two episodes are great but then ... liberalism happens.
one of the heroes (luke cage, big black guy) goes on this crazy rant, like a liberals wet dream of the bravehearth speech.
Simon, that rant could have come from a liberal's mouth exactly, just switch up right and left, a few years ago.
story breaking on reuters here.... kim jong-un seems determined to start a war.
nk is a national cult of personality.
hating the rest of the world is the first tenet of faith..
Kim Jong Crazy didn't start acting this way until he found someone just as crazy who he thought would be willing to play.
Fun times in the sandbox.
hey guys,.
i've been trying hard to locate a comment that was posted no longer than a few weeks ago (if that) by a poster providing a challenge for witnesses to find one scripture that states that we are still saved/have hope if we are outside of this "new covenant" that wt claims is for the 144,000 only.
the thread was to do with ways we can wake up a loved one and this particular poster (i can't remember who) gave a step-by-step guide to helping witnesses waking up using their own bible and doctrine.
Illuminati confirmed.
and what other verbal nonsense did you ever hear as a one-liner to defend / promote 'the truth'.
"Are we brainwashed? Well, our brains certainly need to be washed of this old world's badness!"
scientists at the university of nsw have been investigating an ancient clay tablet, known as plimpton 322, from the time of hammurabi (circa 1800 bce), whose laws may have been the model for the laws attributed to moses.. their conclusions are interesting.
if you want to quickly see what its about, check outs this video by the unsw,.
Wow! That is so cool!
And humbling.
i don't mean overly obvious, or otherwise meaning to cause harm, but taught to lie for the purpose of avoidance.
this type of lying can be pervasive in areas of life that are not just to avoid discussions with people who have questions about the jw, etc.
my husband will lie/be deceitful about the silliest, simple things.
Nonjwspouse, I know you posted this a month ago, but while reading this it struck me that your husband's behavior sounds consistent with ADHD.
My son has it and I know my husband does, too, but he won't go to a doctor.
The problems with time management, financial skills, long-term planning, problems in school, etc., these are executive function problems. ADHD is a deficit in executive functioning. You can be highly intelligent and still have problems functioning, despite the best of intentions. I see this disorder in my classroom, too, and your description sounds very consistent with behaviors I've seen in the classroom and with my family.
Also, it's highly heritable. If your daughter is having trouble functioning in school, especially if she is intelligent, have her screened! Your famiky doctor can do it and provide a screening questionnaire to her teacher. Intelligent students who struggle because of this disorder can become very demotivated and eventually give up. It's terrible to watch a kid that needs medical help struggle in the classroom when the parents can't be convinced to have them screened.
Also, you don't have to have the hyperactive variant to have ADHD. Girls especially often just seem inattentive and disorganized. Hyperactive young boys may even seem to outgrow the hyperactivity, but the inattention is usually still disabling.
Consider having both of them screened. The money thing...that is my husband! We just agree that I'm in charge of finances because he refuses to sit down and go over them. He doesn't like it sometimes when I tell him he can't buy something or to stop spending money, but I just tell him that he chose to not sit down with me to do the finances so he forced me to be the responsible one. I really wish he would go get the diagnosis I know he has. He could be so much more...together, and his life would be easier.
My son got the diagnosis in elementary school, finally found the right medicine, and now in high school he is on Honor Roll! For awhile I was worried, but I'm feeling good about his future now.
Sorry for rambling. Just thought I'd give you my observation in case it could help.