Simon, it's worse than communities that don't support education; it's communities that think they support education because they've registered their kid and they get there most of the time. But, they have no idea what supportive parenting is. They think it's okay to put sugar water in bottles, they don't realize that young kids need 10 hours of sleep, they think it's okay to scream at and slap small babies for crying, they see no need for regular bed times, no need for regular baths, no need for a clean unhoarded home so their child doesn't go to school reeking of cat urine, see no need to take a young girl to the doctor who is having yeast infection symptoms, no need to make sure of clean, nonbinding pants, no need to warn their daughter about menstruation before it starts, leaving the shocked girl, teacher, nurse and guidance counselor to deal with her education about that, no need to buy sanitary products because the school will, so their child has to ask to go to the nurse multiple times a day. They see no need to hold good grades up ad an expectation, therefore no need to follow them, no need to teach children to be tidy, hang up coats, put clean clothes in dressers, and organize important papers where they can be eadily reached. They don't know that aftet their child was found bullying another child over social media, that they should take that phone away as consequence. They don't realize that they should keep their kid from running around the neighborhood while gangs were present. And they certainly don't know that after being threatened with violence, the wrong thing to do is to get up in somebody's face and hit them. They don't even know that they should take time to communicate with their children and build a relationship, read to them at bedtime, have their children read to them, help them work on remembering multiplication facts, help them work on school projects.
Some of them don't even find it important enough to wake up and get their kid to school. Yeah, what do you do about that one? The ten year old then steps up to get hetself and her younger sistet to school while Mommy snoozes on.
Good lord it's amazing what they don't know. And terrifying.