Yes, one life and the older you are the faster it seems to go by.
It took me awhile to understand my husband's need to go at life full- tilt.
When you are bipolar, you go from living fast and furious alternating with living slow and sluggish. Treatment for me is learning how to live life moderately and steadily.
My husband has been tortured with a back that has been filled with metal and he hurts all the time.
He hasn't been able to secure approval from his work man's comp adjuster for two months for a new type of injection in his back. Apparently trying to go between 2 different vertebrae this time requires an audit of his entire medical history and an act of God. ( which could be why it's taking so long! ) He has been working through severe pain.
Today, while taking a day off for an inspiring visit to the DMV, he took his bike and did a 30 mile bike ride!
It used to make me crazy because that seems a good way to hurt his back even worse. And sometimes he does hurt afterward.
But, now I get it. Every time he rides he fears it will be his last. His vertebrae are slowly deteriorating. He could end up losing mobility and won't be able to cycle anymore. Ever.
I worry about him accelerating that process with hard exercise.
He worries that each ride will be his last. He needs to enjoy it while he can.
There are no do overs, no cycling in the "new system." or another afterlife or even another reincarnated life.
Just one chance, people. Make it count.