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JoinedPosts by GrreatTeacher
UC Berkeley Study on Disaffiliation from JW
by emmayataco ini'm a uc berkeley student researching the effects of disaffiliation from the jehovah's witnesses.
i'm not ex-jw but i am ex-mormon and as your cousin i can sympathize with the struggles we face when we question/leave the religion.. i currently have a survey open which closes on sunday the 20th at 11pm.. if you meet the criteria i encourage you to take the 20-30 minute survey.
-be at least 18 years old-born/raised jw (born in or family converted when you were minor)-"left" at least 6 months ago (left=inactive and questioning/non-believing).
Thinking about Flipper
by HappyDad inwith all the fires raging in california and oregon, i have been thinking about flipper and hoping he is ok. .
flipper..........if you read this, know that we are sending love your way.
we will most likely worry about you until we hear from you..
Fires in the west, hurricanes in the east.
Take care, everyone.
Flipper, you're near and dear to a lot of folks here.
I have heard the newscaster say Lake Tahoe once or twice and my heart leapt into my throat.
Thanks, HappyDad for the reminder to make an effort to communicate the love.
I hope Flip or Mrs. Flip check in here once in awhile. We love you both. Let us know if you need anything.
I know a lot of people who would be on the next plane out of town for you guys if you just said the word!
UGHHHHH Wife wants to pioneer. Our future together doesn’t look promising
by goingthruthemotions inughhhhh wife wants to pioneer.
our future together doesn't look promising .
i told her she doesn’t know what she is getting into.
GTTM, all this time I've thought that your username is Going Thru The Emotions.
I've been reading through your older posts and it really does seem that you've been going through a lot of Emotions for awhile now.
You've put up with a lot, you've got your sons out and your wife's behavior keeps deteriorating. You're posting a lot and you sound stressed.
Is it time to put a date on it?
You say your son is 17. Maybe give it till the end of high school for him and then you all 3 are free and clear?
And find counsel and get your affairs in order.
You don't have to put up with the crazy forever. You deserve to have a life, too. And it doesn't look good that your wife is going to change. It sounds like she's only getting in deeper.
Only you know how much you can tolerate, but I just wanted to remind you that you've done right by your sons. And you matter, too.
PS Don't leave the house. She has no right to kick you out. If your name is on the deed, mortgage, or lease it could really screw you.
PPS If the best divorce lawyer in town won't return your calls for a consultation, that means she's already hired them. It's better to be the first.
Have You Changed Your Viewing Habits Regarding Sports and Entertainment?
by minimus indo you still avidly view sports and entertainment?
have you been affected by athletes views on racism, the national anthem, white peoples vs. black?
same question for those in the entertainment industry.
I like baseball and the season has pretty much been trashed.
I usually go to one game at Camden Yards during the season and watch what I can on TV. It's nice just to have the game on in the background while puttering around the house.
What's annoying is that the local channels often don't carry baseball games anymore, and I have very limited cable. I won't pay for ESPN because it's outrageously expensive for just wanting the baseball game on in the background.
Sometimes a local channel will carry a game, for instance the World Series last year. That wasn't just on in the background. I was 3 feet in front of the TV for the whole thing!
David Splane's 2020 Conventionl talk ....''Jehovah has to come first''
by RULES & REGULATIONS in'' has your desire to put jehovah first been tested during this pandemic?
you lost your job and you searched for another one.
finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service.
Yeah, they lean hard on the stick, but not so much the carrot.
They have absolutely nothing to offer. They're no longer getting converts.
There's no good reason to be a stay-er either.
Only threats of losing your family.
by Youngaposthate inso i've been offline for a while wanting to lay low.
but i'm doing very well outside the jw sect.
lots of changes i've done in my personal life, from economical, social, maturity growth.
How did you ever make the crucial decision to not get baptized?
That's definitely the key to not being shunned, but weren't you pressured?
Glad things are working out well!
What does this video say to you about U.S. news organizations?
by Wasanelder Once inthis video was somewhat revelatory to me.
i knew that fox was a coordinated news outlet but i had no idea it was so rigid.
that's the iron fist of the corporate agenda.
Zach de la Rocha was a liberal before being a liberal was cool.
His stuff is 30 years old and is dead on current.
Killing in the Name--
"You justify those that die by wearing a badge. They're the chosen whites."
"Some of those that work Forces are the same that burn crosses."
He was BLM before it was even a thing.
How do you switch off the thoughts of being raised JW and feelings of anger
by Zeds Dead inraised as a jo blow and married into it.
37 years in it and now last 7 years out of it which feels great.. have memories of being a kid in school in the uk and just hating everything about being the jw kid.
bullied, embarrassed in front of others and self-esteem went into the toilet.wished i was born into a different family.. what angers me is the messaging i would receive at home when i talked about being bullied.
It sounds like you are still feeling Grief, grief over a lost childhood, grief over an unsatisfying parental relationship, grief over a late start in life.
The premier academic studying Grief was Elisabeth Kubler-Ross who proposed Five Stages of Grief. These were: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.
Her original theorizing posited a linear movement through these stages until Acceptance was finally reached.
Now it is thought that we can move through the stages in different orders or even cycle from Acceptance into previous stages and back again multiple times.
Maybe you can see yourself in one or more of these stages. Sometimes it helps just to put a name to something.
All this to say that you can feel okay about it one day and then go back to feeling unsettled. And that's actually quite normal. It's a process not an endpoint.
The Re-Opening of the Kingdom Halls
by LetTheTruthBeKnown init's been six months since the kingdom halls have been closed.
i believe here in ontario, canada that you are now allowed to have up to 50 people congregate together.. that was the average attendance before they did all the merging of the congregations.
they should have went back to the original pre-merger congregations.
My mother can't stand it. She is just jonesing for her twice weekly fix and even more often if you count field service.
She just cannot wait until the all clear is given to go back to the JW hive.
The Re-Opening of the Kingdom Halls
by LetTheTruthBeKnown init's been six months since the kingdom halls have been closed.
i believe here in ontario, canada that you are now allowed to have up to 50 people congregate together.. that was the average attendance before they did all the merging of the congregations.
they should have went back to the original pre-merger congregations.
Doc, I know that online donations have been encouraged to be automated according to my family.
I guess it would take a little more effort to call the bank and de-automate a payment than to just not send one in.