We used to have a '71 Volkswagen Type 3 Squareback. Clementine orange.
It needed work. It was getting toxic to drive. The seal for the engine compartment was rotting and since it was literally in the back of the station wagon in the cabin, we were driving with the windows open to avoid choking on CO2.
We found a parts car on the other side of the city. Being young and stupid, we hooked up the parts car with a chain to the back of our decrepit Squareback and decided to tow it home through the city. I would be in the parts car steering and braking. My husband drove, and through hand signals out the window, he signaled to me in the parts car when to brake.
Traffic began to get pretty bad, stop and go, then we saw traffic cops directing traffic and realized that there was a parade! In the early nineties without GPS, we had no idea of the extent of it.
As we approached an intersection, a traffic cop signaled emphatically to stop. We saw the parade approaching and resigned ourselves to sitting there awhile. At least we would have a front row seat for the parade. And here it comes, the Popemobile with the pontiff waving to the masses of the faithful!
We then noticed vendors, and my husband got out to buy souvenirs for his Catholic relatives and left me sitting in a dead car towed behind a car sitting there without a driver.
The traffic cop wanted us to move, and now, and I shouted to my husband to get in the damn car. By the time he did, the cop was strenuously pointing in the direction he wanted us to go immediately. It happened to be directly behind the end of the parade. So, the faithful that were gathered in the streets pointed and laughed and we waved back while trying not to wreck and find a street that would get us home.
Zero out of five stars. Would not recommend. We should have had it towed, but that would've probably been more than the value of the car!