Hello all:
Since I am new on this forum, just thought I'd share my story. (Though it seems typical on here) Born into JW's. Parent's nutty JW friends told them to raise children like Nazi's, and not allow them to do anything, or associate with anyone other than JW kids. Never saw cousins till I was 12, as parents didn't even associate with brothers, sisters, or their own parents. Childhood not all bad, with the exception of being made an A$$ out of at school. Left out of everything, never saw invitations to parties, as of course, parents threw them out immediately. I didn't miss the holidays, as I do feel they are pretty pagan. Girls all liked me, but of course, no REAL social skills means no friends, and being completely shy. Didn't have a real woman till I was 17, whom showed me the "in's & outs" of a real relationship. Of course, she wasn't a JW, so I'm going in direct violation of God. Nevermind that she was sweet and sincere. Studied with breifly at 12, but elder was too busy to finish, so never got baptized. All 'A's in school, but god forbid, don't take and academic courses or look to college. You are just supposed to magically own a construction business, and be able to pay bills while Pioneering. If you don't pioneer, and make all 10 meetings a week, while no one gives a shit about you. You are either supposed to own a construction business, or clean toilets and live in a hut, while somehow supporting a family. Oh, and you'd BETTER wear designer clothes to the Memorial every year, and somehow show up in a nice new clean car, or you are just $HIT again. There is no "middle cliche" in the JW's.....you are either rich with everything, or you are poor, and longing for a better life while being accused of being materialistic. What a bunch of double-talk!! The congregation I attended while growing up was very nice, but when it split, everyone spilled into rich congregations, and it was all downhill from there. While in school, all other JW's were the worst in classes, smoked, did drugs, screwed whomever. But don't ever even SUGGEST to their nieve, stupid, blinded parents that their little JW angels would ever even think a naughty thought, much less carry one out. So of course, they were little lord fauntlaroy's at the Kingdom Hall, and complete Hethans during the week at school. How do I know this? Why, I'm the one at the tender age of 12 getting the shit kicked out of me by a 14 year old JW (son of elder) at school, who was a bully and a liar. How dare I accuse this prestigous elders son of doing something like that!! Those pictures my parents took of my bruises must just be an illusion???? So of course, I get the talking to for "making up lies," and not having 2 other witnesses present. Guess the school yard full of kids doesn't count.
Anyway, that was it for me. End of the innosence. Still believe in the truth....but somehow have to support myself. Time to get a real job, training, etc. God blessed me with a great job at 16, after taking some early college courses ahead of schedule. Career went "up" since then. Made some money, took some more classes. Saved money, got a brand new car at 18, took some more classes. Then, parent's get terminally ill. Even though they reguarily attended, no one lifts a finger to help, or even call. Meals? You make them. Somehow, WORLDLY neighbors talk, and they are the ones that bring food and ask about us. Hmmm.........Satan must really be at work guiding these neighbors to help us!! What are we suggested to do more of? Go out PIONEERING! Like we really have time for that during a crisis. What a pile of dung!
Get internet, discover UN NGO scandal, pedophile cover-ups (no surprise), and much more. Feel sad for all the gualible, nieve, ignorant people stuck in their own little world, wishing everyone else was dead, no matter if they are good or not.
Sigh, that's most of it. Feeling better now that I got that off my chest. I'm sure it's nothing you all haven't heard before. Don't consider myself an apostate, as I'm only ranting about treatment and cover-ups, not against God in any way. Just wish these people would get a clue, a life, and come out of the waking coma's they all appear to be in.
Thanks - WingCommander