This has all been foretold in Revelations:
The Wild Beast (Cedar's untamed penis)
The 7 Trumpet Blasts (each of Cedar's trips to Thailand, where he got his horn blown)
Stars falling from the sky. (Cedars forced to sell donated BMW, and move to a pauper flat)
The King of the North unmasked, with people following after him (Cedars caught, tearful confession video, dumbass people still giving him money)
The gnashing of teeth, and the fisting of Tibor......errrr.....interview of Tibor. (Cedars needs more money!)
The cries of the pregnant woman (Djina's leaked letter to Cedars summed up: "You're a narcissistic PIG!")
The Four Horseman (seven or eight being sued)
The Serpent being hurled into the Abyss forever and ever: (Cedars Patreon account drying up, never to return to it's full glory)
King takes His thrown: (new YouTuber's filling in the Cedars void and doing an even better job by not boring the shit out of everyone with monotonous dialogue)
The End.