Latest FB posts show him cuddled up on the bed with his daughter.
Must need more money.
"Won't SOMEONE think of the children?"
original reddit post (removed).
Latest FB posts show him cuddled up on the bed with his daughter.
Must need more money.
"Won't SOMEONE think of the children?"
"a number of techniques employed to mislead others fall under the category of weasel words, and this article quotes examples that are regularly found in watchtower publications.. weasel words are defined as:.
“words or statements that are intentionally ambiguous or misleading,”[1].
intended “to avoid answering a question clearly or to make someone believe something that is not true."[2].
My new favourite weasel word comes for Gluttonous Bozo member Geoffrey Jackoff:
"It would seem presumptuous............."
i used to post here under the name nobleheart but forgot the old password, so put up a new account (nobleheart1).
was a jw (2002-2011), ended up writing a da letter.
i am a christian (since leaving the org).
1. Welcome back.
2. You've been "out" 12 years? Whoa boy!!! Hold on, you're in for a bumpy ride!
3. JW Broadcasting really fired up AFTER your exit. This is when the switch to greedy televangelism REALLY got rolling full-swing in JW Land. It's been a real shit-show! Tony Morris and in particular, Stephen Lett will make you think you are a baby! Lett talks down to the audience as if they are simpleton morons, much like Heaven's Gate leader Marshall Applewhite did. In fact, they are eerily similar looking in appearance AND mannerisms.
4. Everything has in fact, been "dumbed down." Below moronic levels, they are now at sub-moronic.
5. Literature has been cut - SEVERELY. I believe the WatchTower is now only printed like twice a year! Maybe quarterly? The volume went from like 32 pages down to 16? The Awake! magazine I think was actually canceled! As someone born and raised in the 80's, this is a complete shock. Would have never imagined this to happen. In fact, we were always told that as we neared "The End" that preaching and printing would PICK UP as a greater Witness. Guess that's all down the shitter now, huh?
a year ago i came back to jwd.
the 2 years before that.
when covid stated, i was diagnosed with colon cancer.
Congrats on your recovery and prayers for continued strength and good health.
I'm only 43 and in good health, but I get a colonoscopy every 5 years. They've gotten soooo much better over the years.
in 1977 ( i was 18 years old), i attended a led zeppelin concert at the chicago stadium.
sat in the 10th.
This type of censorship BS didn't just stop with worldly music. NO.
As a child of the 80's, not only could I not have or listen to worldly rock music, but I was forbidden from wearing any clothing whatsoever that bore large logos. This was considered worldly, materialistic, or having a "showy display of one's wealth." No t-shirts with pictures of anything on them either.
This meant up until I was about 15 and old enough to get a job and buy my own clothes with my own money, I was forced to always have a very cheap, "Generic" look at school. You can guess how this went over, and how it crushed my self-esteem and effected my demeanor. My parents were also the typical "cheap" JW's, so especially as a child this meant shopping at the local Goodwill and thrift shops. So not only generic crap, but used out-of-style CRAP. I was perpetually pissed off at this treatment, especially because we were more middle-class, and THEY didn't buy their clothes at Goodwill. (though they did dress cheap and generic)
As soon as I was old enough and had my own money, it was on. I bought the clothes I wanted, I bought the music I wanted, and anything else. Fugg 'em! I've never shopped or subjected my son to a Goodwill store either. (only high-end thrift store, of which there are a few around here with damn nice stuff when he was a very small kid)
I was also not allowed to have any posters on my wall of anything other than nature scenes. Everything else was considered idolatry, false idols. Growing up a JW was INSANITY. Everything was "No." No friends that weren't JW's, no riding the bus, no school activities, no afterschool anything, no sports, no going to friends houses, no going outside of my own yard, no going to the mall without parents, no going to the movies no NOTHING that wasn't JW-related. This is how I grew up. My parents NEVER took me to see a movie in a movie theater. I was 16 yrs old when I went by myself to a movie theater the first time. I was so excited! The isolation I was subjected to was prison-like frankly. Gee, any wonder I was resent this oppressive cult now? Big mystery.
original reddit post (removed).
OMG, his dad also looks like notorious Milwaukee Catholic pedophile priest Lawrence Murphy. Uncanny!!!
ever since the annual meeting last october and the letter to bodies of elders stating that "exceptional young men perhaps in their early 20's could qualify for appointment as elders.." it even states this in the updated elders manual!
have any of you pimo's, pimq's, or those on here with family/friends still in hear of any young men being appointed as elders yet?
i am talking 21, 22, 23, 24 etc.
20 yr old Elduh = Completely Useless!
got a link for a zoom meeting and thought id share my experience about the mid-week meeting.. guessing about 100 - 120 in cong.. 50 on zoom, only 8 with cameras on - all elderly.
watching from a detached point of view it's so obvious at how it is nothing but a glorified sales meeting, all designed to promote the org.
inspirational videos about how everyone can/ should do more to help with projects, in particular how to look after the kingdom hall, complete with bar charts showing levels of achievement to aspire to.. interestingly, tonights book study is about alcohol..
"Give until it hurts, than give some more!"
original reddit post (removed).
sig other is half assed still in, one family member is in... its been years... wondering if i should just let it be or just call up hq and say i resign... i will be pissed if they announce shit at the kh, though i dont even remember the last one i went to... lol.
for me, its none of anyone elses business... thoughts?.
Why put yourself back on their radar? Been 20 years? Hell, there's probably not many left that you knew still "in" from back then. Many have left or died!!
Just press on with your life. Best of luck.