Lloyd's channel circling the bowl worse than WT HQ's hopes of recruiting fresh donations.
JoinedPosts by WingCommander
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
2024 year Highlights: JWs hit 9 million Publishers
by Sanchy inwatchtower put out some highlights for the 2024 service year:.
average publishers: 8,828,124. peak publishers: 9,043,460. a 43.2 percent increase in "those who returned to jehovah", meaning 65,816 were reinstated.
baptized: 296,267. memorial attendance: 21,119,442. missing stat: number of partakers .. womp womp.
I have one helluva hard time believing membership is ANYWHERE NEAR 9 million. No fuggin' way! Probably more around 3 million. Just like Scientology (who WT HQ has studied and modeled their business after) they are masters of deception and faking numbers.
All of the empty Kingdom Halls being sold off, photos from Assemblies and Conventions over the past 4 years tell and entirely different story. Some Circuit Assemblies are 1/2, 1/3, or even a 1/4 what they used to be. And this reporting is coming from all over. We know Japan, Norway, The Netherlands, New Zealand, and other countries are waking up and walking. We're even seeing more coming out of South America over on the ex-JW Reddit sub.
And most telling of all? Why, just look at the topics of talks at the KH's or Conventions. Oh, and WT articles (whenever they can be bothered to put anything new out). You've got WT HQ loosening up on hard-core old-timey standards such as dress and grooming, and now even allowing greeting of the DF'd.....errrr....."Removed", with also quick re-instatement times. Every talk outline, WT magazine, etc hammers, absolutely HAMMERS on not viewing any outside (apostate) sources, no outside association, no higher education, and last by certainly not least, TOTAL OBEDIENCE and obeisance to the Governing Body. Jesus is a brief token footnote.
So no, I don't buy their made-up statistics one damn bit. Their numbers are circling the bowl. Hence the Irish investment portfolios. The Gluttonous Bozos and their support staff up on the woodland lake commune will be living off the interest for the rest of their lives. Their happy to clink glasses and proclaim, "Cheers!" (you dumb suckers)
Meeting attendance
by Farmer Jim1 infor those still in the organization what is your meeting attendance like these days?.
when i left in 2017 there were around 80 publishers and the average meeting attendance was 70..
Want to see what the JW Congregations will look like in 10 years?
Go visit a Christadelphian congregation today, and have a look around. (that is, IF you can find one)
All grey hairs and ZERO youth.
This is why WT HQ is slowly evolving (gasp!) into an online only (maybe even by monthly subscription) religion. Hence the need for Ram-a-Poo facility. All congregations slowly being updated and then sold off for profit and the future of the Congregations will be online and Quarterly Assemblies at WT owned Assembly Halls. They'll never give those up, as they are total money-makers and also the only social event for JW's. Once all KH's are sold off, the Memorial will be held at the Assembly Halls as well, being one huge dress party for the JW's to show off and go out to eat.
Think I'm kidding? Wait and see. The last 10 years were eye-popping, the next 10 will REALLY be something with Glutonous Bozos 3.0 at helm.
Dr. James Penton - goin' up yonder dirt nap
by Nathan Natas ini saw a post on reddit by "big_routine1112" announcing that james penton died.. well, there's always the resurrec... oh, nevermind.. as always, the person expressing the most profound grief and dismay wins!.
"he was my friend" .
"there will never be another of his ilk".
Nathan can't come to the PC right now. He's drinking his Ensure and then has to take nap after changing his Depends.
Dr. James Penton - goin' up yonder dirt nap
by Nathan Natas ini saw a post on reddit by "big_routine1112" announcing that james penton died.. well, there's always the resurrec... oh, nevermind.. as always, the person expressing the most profound grief and dismay wins!.
"he was my friend" .
"there will never be another of his ilk".
If Penton had actually plagiarized something (and not merely cited works as he did, as Slim mentioned above) White would have absolutely sued the pants off Penton.
Why wasn't this mentioned before? Sure is convenient to throw mud now after Penton's death, when he can't even defend himself. And to compare an actual academic scholar like Penton to a narcissistic hemorrhoid like Evans?
Man, you really are a world-class DICK!
Creating an entire thread to slam a guy who just died? I bet you're a real treat in person. SMH.
Historian and former JW Jim Penton dies
by slimboyfat ini don’t know a lot about james penton but i think he deserves a better thread than the one currently on offer.
james penton, who died recently, grew up in a jw family in canada and served as an elder.
unusually for a jw, he studied liberal arts at university and became a history professor.
To me, Penton's book "Apocalypse Delayed" is probably the finest, most studious, and academic history of the Jehovah's Witness cult every produced. Everyone else has pretty much borrowed from his thorough research. He was well educated and well spoken, and I'm sure WT HQ couldn't stand him for that reason alone. Of all of the ex-JW books I've read, only his remains. I sold the rest to other interested parties after reading twice.
My condolences to his friends and family. RIP James.
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
Lett's see what Trump will do in the first 90 days in Office:
1. Green light the Keystone Pipeline Project
2. Close the southern border down and let ICE and Border Patrol do their job and get back to proper vetting.
3. Eliminate the "defund da Po-lice" bullshit.
4. Issue more permits for off-shore drilling, and possibly nuclear energy.
5. Stop the free handouts of money (which the taxpayers need) to Nato, the UN, and lessen to Israel and Ukraine. (fugg 'em, let them handle their own wars)
6. Get the tariffs back on Chy-na, etc up and going like his 1st Term, and get jobs back here.
7. Inflation starts to decrease, due to the self-reliance on our own oil, etc decreasing transportation and feed costs.
8. Get peace talks going between Russia and Ukraine.
9. Put immediate, full sanctions back on Iran, crippling their funding of Hamas and Hezzbollah.
10. Tell North Korea to knock it the fugg off, or else. Possibly send Dennis Rodman over again to smooze with Kim? Maybe a few love letters with veiled threats of annihilation if he doesn't behave himself?
11. Have a few military parades again while sipping on a nice warm glass of Liberal tears.
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
I gotta laugh at someone implying "stolen election" at this point in time. Especially after the measures put in place since 2020.
Like YOUR candidate didn't win this time, so obviously it's a rigged election? But oh hey! It was crazy to infer that 4 years ago, huh?
It's not even really close. There's nothing to contest. Not only did Trump get the electoral vote, he got the popular vote. The Senate is Republican, and the House looks about to be as well. Counties that haven't been Red since the 1800's went Red.
What should that tell the Democratic Party? It should tell them that they are living in a failed Progressive/Communist fever dream, and not out in reality.
Putting up a former San Francisco prosecutor who let out criminals while in California and then couldn't be bothered to even visit the collapsing southern Border when she was appointed the "Border Czar" by President Cryptkeeper, was a HUGE mistake. SHE was the best that the Democratic Party could put forth? A condescending, snooty, finger-wagging hateful bee-ouch? (just like Hillary) No thanks! America is gonna pass on becoming California-Lite..........
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
I know some (a lot apparently) who've commented on this thread don't even live in America.
So let me help you all out. I live in south-central Pennsylvania.
1. Trump's first term was absolutely GOLDEN for our economy, our retirement 401k's, and gas prices.
2. Unemployment was the lowest rate since JFK was in office.
3. Our borders were secure, and proper vetting was taking place.
4. Inflation was low as well. The last 4 years have been HELL in America with inflation.
5. Biden's first act was to shut down the Keystone Pipeline, which was all but complete. Many people lost jobs. Trump will open that right back up, and gas will be $2.00 /gallon again instead of $3.50+/gallon.
6. The rural voters didn't leave anything to chance. Unlike 2020, they ALL got out to vote. The Amish in this area (York / Lancaster) all voted Republican.
7. People are SICK TO DEATH of being told we MUST "accept" transgender bullshit, DEI bullshit, guys in female bathrooms and locker rooms, and cheating by playing in women's sports. Bunch a bullshit!!!
8. Women's rights are fully intact. Abortion wasn't abolished, it was given back to each State to decide upon, as it always should have been. Florida last night? Made their decision. And I'm Pro-Life, but with obvious medical exceptions. (and rape/incest)
9. The Stock Market is already projected to hit highs today. We are already looking forward to a better economic outlook. In the business I work for, we saw a notable slow-down of estimation and clients willing to sign off on contracts, UNTIL they saw who won this election. (construction related specialized industry) We fully expect an avalanche of new work now. 2016-tthru-to-Pandemic were GOLDEN years under Trump. Biden? Total collapse of nearly everything.....total shit-show.
10. When sacred cows from Democratic families such as the Kennedy's jump ship and throw support to Trump and openly state how extreme the Democratic party has become, is there any wonder Trump won? Watch a JFK or RFK speech. They could be Republicans today! Democrats today are extremist Socialist/Communist nutcases who divide and attempt to ram their agendas down everyone's throat, cause they know better than everyone. People are SICK OF THIS SHIT!!!! And they have voted as such. DummyCrooks: GET A FUGGIN' CLUE!!! The majority of America doesn't want to end up like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, or Philly or Baltimore. We don't want smug, hateful cunts like Hillary, Kamala, or Bernie Sanders. They are useless turds! So shove 'em right back up your asses and keep them there.
PRESIDENTIAL predictions...let the prognosticators have their say!
by Terry inmy only prowess in making predictions stems from my 77-years of life in the united statesgrowing up under president truman, eisenhower, kennedy, nixon, .....etc.
etc.i was a widdle kid sitting in front of a tiny black and white tv set when the very first broadcastsof political conventions, deal-making, debates (nixon vs kennedy), assassinations (jfk, rfk, martin luther king, etc.
) i grew up with duck and cover under my elementary schooldesk, the cold war, the iron curtain, the korean war, the vietnam war and i went to federal prisonas a jw conscientious objector while hippies, flower children, political activists protested and universitystudents were fired up on by troops.i grew up reading newspapers (2 of them).
The military has always had the power to kill civilians. There just had to have Marshall Law enacted. Boom! Any civilian out after curfew, not following direct orders of military personnel, etc.....could be shot on sight.