Thanks Undisfellowshiped. I like your highlights of what the Legal Dept would have prefered to have seen printed in ultra fine print.
Interesting to see that they still resort to holy intimidation and re-interpreting Scriptures.
11 Decades ago Jehovah's Witnesses made their stand clear. For example, they supplied an article to The Journal of the American Medical Association (November 27, 1981; reprinted in How Can Blood Save Your Life? pages 27-9).* [Footnote: Published by Jehovah's Witnesses.] That article quoted from Genesis, Leviticus, and Acts. It said: "While these verses are not stated in medical terms, Witnesses view them as ruling out transfusion of whole blood, packed RBCs [red blood cells], and plasma as well as WBC [white blood cell] and platelet administration." The 2001 textbook Emergency Care, under "Composition of the Blood," stated: "The blood is made up of several components: plasma, red and white blood cells, and platelets." Thus, in line with medical facts, Witnesses refuse transfusions of whole blood or of any of its four primary components.
It cracks me up to see they claim "Jehovah's Witnesses made the stand clear" when it has ALWAYS been the WTS ramming this stuff up the asses of faithful JWs. Funny, even when I was a faithful JW I wondered why they would talk about JWs in the third person as if they made the decisions when EVERYBODY knew that the rank and file were simply herd animals that followed behind everything the WTS says. Especially so at the district conventions and those stupid self-righteous "resolutions".