- Who thinks "Judge" Rutherford really believed what he wrote?
Unfortunately it seems, anyone who becomes a lawyer loses sight of morality and ethics and deals strictly on legalism. Beyond the favorable picture of what the WTS paints of Rutherford, other sources of information regarding Rutherford paint him as a dictatorial ego driven oppertunist who insisted that everyone live according to his dictates except he himself.
- I believe it was in the Salter letter where it is stated that Rutherford said once that he had "bluffed his way through life"
I read Olin Moyle's letter where he gave many reasons why he and his wife left Bethel which were for moral issues ranging from debauchery among Bethelites to Rutherford's own unchristian lifestyle.
- Think he also "bluffed" his way when writing and talking about "The Theocracy"?
I think he bluffed about everything. As a professional university educated lawyer among ignorant sheep ready for the taking - given the vacuum from Russell's death - he rolled-over everybody. That's why I'm willing to bet that while any convert with a college education will be used, no one with a college degree will ever be a member of the GB.
- Rutherford once said to a convention that he was not the head of the Jehovah's Witnesses. That was a very, very insideous way of actually increasing his hold/power on the followers.
What better way to increase power than to make yourself the mouthpiece of God and then to proceed to make such a statement to stifle any disagreements and contrary politics?