Just another Trinitarian Christian site. What's so special?
It is neat and easy on the eyes however.
Just another Trinitarian Christian site. What's so special?
It is neat and easy on the eyes however.
i still get copies of all the kms and mags - just for a giggle really.
oh and to look out for noo light of course!.
i was browsing thru the march 15 2009 yesterday and came across something that was noo to me.
I agree. I think they are in a slow scheme to phase out the 1914 year. I think they feel pretty confident that 2014 will come and pass. And "the generation" - any way they want to spin it - will most likely be all gone and buried.
Alas! I was so fooled. I should have bailed out when 1975 came and went. I have to laugh at myself.
i have finally finished an article outlining the deceptive way in which the watchtower presents its anti-trinitarian information.
any constructive criticism such as regarding errors that may have crept in is welcome.
since i cannot embed a page i hope entering the html code works, otherwise it can be read at http://jwfacts.com/index_files/trinity.htm.
John 5:23 is considered one of the strongest statements that Jesus is God by commentaries such as Burton, Coughman's and John Calvin, because of the implication that honor should be to the same degree. This corresponds to the preceeding verse in John 5:18 that "On this account, indeed, the Jews began seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he was also calling God his own Father, making himself equal to God."This only proves that is what the Jews thought he was doing, not that he was actually doing it.
If There is a Trinity then answer these questions:
God told Moses that "No man may see me and yet live" yet how many thousands saw Jesus and DID live??? If Jesus was God of the OT then that would imply he transformed himself into a lesser being in order to walk the earth for how else could you contain all that power, energy, knowledge and greatness that is God? No being who has power, knowledge, education and stature is willingly going to make him or her self into a person with less power, knowledge, education and stature
So Jesus was praying to himself in the garden?
The bible also says that no structure of man could contain God...yet Jesus was contained within many many man made structures in his time. How could something as small and puny as a house be expected to contain the greatness of God? It cannot
Jesus died and went to hell for 3 days...no human has the ability to kill God or any god unless we ourselves have created them. If Jesus is God then you are saying that humans killed their creator. If that's the case then how can he be a true god?
I don't for one minute believe that there is a Trinity. Certainly the Jews (and Muslims for that matter) don't believe in it, and didn't at the time either. I accept the arguement that if the early Christians were refering to a trinity type arrangement that it would have been a lot harder to attract Jews to it because it's not an obvious extention of their religion which is what Chirstianity is supposed to be...the final result of the Jewish religion, the end of the path.
I think it is another topic regarding the WTS standards, or lack of, when it comes to truth and accuracy in journalism. How the WTS tries to debunk the Trinity is amaturish at best. Surprizing for an organization that has been publishing for over a hundred years.
The Trinity falls flat on its face when Biblical facts are brought to bear.
i have finally finished an article outlining the deceptive way in which the watchtower presents its anti-trinitarian information.
any constructive criticism such as regarding errors that may have crept in is welcome.
since i cannot embed a page i hope entering the html code works, otherwise it can be read at http://jwfacts.com/index_files/trinity.htm.
Thanks for the info, JWFacts.
I've done my own research on the Trinity and I do find the Trinity to be an unscriptural doctrine. However, having said that, I've also found the approach that the WTS takes to formulate its claims and rebuttals on the Trinity to be quite substandard to accepted practice. In other words, they are guilty of taking statements out of context. But they don't have to use deceptive practices in order to debunk the Trinity unless deceptive practices are the norm in their journalism. (That's another topic.)
Anyway. I would have excused this somewhat if this was a the work of a junior high school student. I would expect higher standards from an organization who dispises college but not college graduates.
My gut feeling is that what college graduates they do get are placed in their legal department rather than their writing department. The legal department is where the "brains" of the organization really reside - if you get my meaning.
i wont bore you with all the details.
however the dedication went ahead on schedule this weekend.
talk was given by john (???
Still Ex....Bore me with the details...please!!!
Exactly! Seems rather odd that the elder's family is curiously silent and out-of-sight. Not a peep from them. Not even a speculation? I think somebody knows something. I think the elders in that congregation either knows or have a very good idea. And they put the gag order on the only other ones who know. Anyone want to guess that it was something to do with a sex scandal in that congregation? Either he was about to be outed, was about to be framed, or he had no choice but be the fall guy.
1894-a-conspiracy-exposed.pdf (32.74 mb) .
many of us wonder what kind of a man russell was.
the april 25, 1894 watch tower there was a special edition exposing a conspiracy regarding a possible overthrow of russell's power.. page 11 states that a bro zech disagreed with russell's opinion that the printed page was the best way to preach the word.
I wanted to get an update on the GB but this link is broken. And I tried en.jwpedia.org itself and it seems to be down.
Anyone knows what happened? Or if there is another site that carries GB information?
As usual, the rank and file members, the ones who contribute the money thinking it is in support of their congregation operations and maintenence will never know what happens to their money.
How much do you want to bet that the congregation financial reporting that's done in the Service Meeting each month will be somehow amended to not disclose what the congregation's checking account status is? Or maybe they will use "creative accounting" to make it appear they have the money when, in fact, the WTS has it.
How do these elders sleep at night with all the double standards and secrets going on?
Makes me sick!
are they the relatives of the former founders of the w.t.s.
Blondie, you never cease to amaze. You are an excellent resource of information.
it seems there is something new at the summer conventions from new book and pamphlet releases to changes in "new light".. i understand that i might be jumping the gun but did anyone get any advance information?.
just curious.
It seems there is something new at the summer conventions from new book and pamphlet releases to changes in "new light".
I understand that I might be jumping the gun but did anyone get any advance information?
Just curious. LOL!
One thing that has me wondering is when are they going to have a new song book and new songs to go along with it?
Come to think of it, I always wanted to track which songs would always get air time so I can find out which songs are no longer "approved". When it gets past a certain point, that's when I know a new song book would be coming. I rather anticipated the 1984 new song book. But I've been too out-of-touch to figure out what are they going to do next.
I think that's one of the things that drives new releases - no so much innovation but their editing and correction.
i have been visiting the site of the six screens of the watchtower and one of the things they speak about under screen three (i think) is the hidden pictures in the illustrations contained in the awake and watchtower mags.
i was blown away but what they found.
however, i don't want to seem paranoid about it go some of you should go and see it for yourselves and see if i'm crazy.
Let's all stand around and admire the white guy!
Wow! How did that pic slip by?
I'm sure that was a hit in Africa - unless the Africa branches made sure and "Africanized" all the pictures in the magazines into African Politically Correct versions.