I love Man Cow. Used to listen to him ALL the time in Chicago when I lived out there. Is there a way to listen to the interview from afar? (website address?)
Good luck!!
i have just been booked to be interviewed with man cow tomorrow morning.
he's syndicated and in 20 markets!
for those of you who don't know him, he's a crazy wacky kinda' guy.
I love Man Cow. Used to listen to him ALL the time in Chicago when I lived out there. Is there a way to listen to the interview from afar? (website address?)
Good luck!!
did you ever give blood, if so, how often and how does it feel?
does it hurt?
Yes. Once. Not long after I drifted away from the bOrg I thought it would be kind of a nice thing to give blood, since now my opinions on the subject were so different than they had been. Making the whole thing easier was the fact that the people came to my place of employment and had set up their 'center' in this big conference rooms at work. So, I signed up and showed up at like 9 or 10am. They asked me some questions and I passed the initial 'test' and then they checked my blood type by poking my finger. Yes! I WASN'T anemic so on to the next steps. More questions, etc... Finally, I get to the lawn chair where they were about to prep me for the actual blood drawing. 'Um, Ms Candlestick'..the 'vampire' asked me 'have you been weighed to see if you're big enough to give blood?' "Yes!" I sad, enthusiastically. "I'm 110 and they said the cutoff was 105." Okay, so she proceeds. "Did you drink a lot of water today?" she asked. "Just regular amounts, why?" "Well, because I'm having a tough time finding your veins. Why don't you go have lunch, drink plenty of fluids and come back this afternoon." Al-right.. So, fast-forward to the afternoon. I drank a ton of water and I was even afraid to pee cause I didn't want to get too 'dehydrated' again, or whatever (I know, I was naive stupid).
I come back, they by-pass me straight to an open lawn chair and they try at me again. The nurse (different one) tells me to pump up my fist a lot as she is having a tough time seeing my little veins. I do so. I also tell her about the earlier try and how I was back and I drank a lot of fluids and ate. She said that was good and to keep pumping my fist. Finally, she finds me needle.... Except, that because I had pumped so much when she hit the vein all this blood went spewing everywhere. It got all over my arm, my shirt a little... Well, dummy me looks at it. (I'm not a chicken when it comes to needles, so I figure, why not?). BAD IDEA! Regarless of how strong I THOUGHT I was when it came to blood and needles seeing my own splattered all over the place and the nurse furiously trying to clean it up without me freiking out was enough to....well, freik me out. I don't know how fast the following things happened afterward...but I remember a mob of people (okay, maybe like 4 or 5 nurses) coming at me all at once -- they put a cold compress under my neck, they laid me down on the lawn chair, they stuck my legs UP in the air (on the lawn chair, MIND YOU, I had a skirt on -- I was at work!).... and I can feel the lady moving the needle around STILL in my arm. They ask if I was OK... and I was..but I suppose I got pretty pale and looked like I was about to pass out.
"K, I'm better" I thought..... but the lady is still moving the needle around ...and so I'm looking and kind of beginning to think to myself that MAYYYYBE this wasn't such a good idea afterall. But, I'm a strong cookie and this is a good thing... so, I toughen it out.
The lady calls over another nurse and says that my blood is coming out really slowly and that maybe it's not in there right. Ugh.. So, instead of cutting me off, what do they do? The other nurse brings over a scale... YES, a scale to WEIGH my little bloodsack to get me at least to the minimum amount. (They must have REALLY needed my blood! sheesh!) So, the one tending to me gets down on the floor, sits Indian style on the ground and puts my little blood sack on the scale to weigh it. Meanwhile, other people come, sit down, give blood, and leave, I'm still there having my little sack weighed ....and w/ my legs up, no less. (Friend from work cracking up laughing!)... So, yeah, they finished and I was fine, but what an ordeal.
About 6 months later they called me and said I had a very common blood-type and they wanted to know if I was interested in giving more... Yeah right. I think the people who did receive my blood should be very happy cause I don't know if I'd do it again. Ahh... I probably will, but I just haven't felt the 'calling' again.
It didn't hurt - the needle going in -- just when they were moving the needle inside and I could see it in my vein. Yuck.
i've been reading this forum for a few years now and it is only now that i come to you all for some helpful advice and support.. i'll try not to get too detailed w/ my story, cause i can tend to ramble (hence the non-posting a lot, cause i usually check the forum at work and i'd be on here all the time) .
but here it is.. i've been da'd for about 6 years now.
that's going great and my life is happy - now out of the borg.
Thanks again for everyone's support, Orangecat, Almost, sassy, tjk(??), everyone else that I can't remember your names ...= )
It is a pretty difficult ordeal. Moreso for my mom. I think someone asked if my dad did this out of anger. Hmm.. I don't know. I guess only he'd be able to answer that. I know they didn't have a picture perfect marriage. I was there. I saw all the 'covering up' that they did.. put on a happy face at the KH and then behind closed doors there was a lack of respect that even as a kid I knew wasn't right. My mom wore the pants in the family. . . but I think she ended up doing that (now that I'm an adult I see more of her vulnerabilities...as a kid I just saw this strong-willed decision maker) because my dad allowed it. He just wouldn't make really wise decisions and then she'd end up having to bail out the family or fixing his stuff. He didn't do it maliciously...just from being naive. Anyway, she and he had an alright relationship, I suppose... but by alright I remember that even as a little kid (at the height of my dad being the big PO elder of our congo) we would wake up to their yellings. She was trying to find out WHY he left in the middle of the night, and he was calming her down saying that he went out to get a newspaper.
So yeah, there were issues there all along.... but I was never privvy to them until I got older and started seeing some inconsistencies. I remember point blank asking my mom about him and him possibly being unfaithful -- she wouldn't even hear of it. Saying that he couldn't possibly. . . he'd "never do that." How could he? she had him painted as maybe not the brightest husband, but a very faithful in the truth elder, one who served in prison for 2 years for denouncing the war. He was the spiritual rock of the family... Frankly, noone that is still IN the borg who knows my family would EVER suspect Brother (blank) of doing any such thing. Can you imagine me?! it's my dad?!
Nevertheless,like I said, my mom was a very strong character...and maybe after her getting so 'strong' she turned that into something else and he decided he didn't want her or couldn't take her anymore. I know how tough she was...I dealt w/ it during my departure.... but now, to see her so vulnerable, it's really quite different.
To answer another question: no, I don't think it was w/ anyone at the hall. The names were of people -- and I'll just say it now, yes men and women -- who we knew. At least two of the guys names we knew. We thought they were business associates. But it doesn't matter..there were TONS of names on those lists. Dates, etc. One that stung me the most was one on my birthday. Why? we never celebrated them, obviously, but to think of just WHAT he was doing on that date...and then to make a note of it in his little pile of papers..and it not even be worth the mention of saying to his daughter EVER "Happy Birthday." (kinda dumb, huh?!)
It's like he's two different people. The dad that sang Kingdom songs to us kids in the car as we did old roadtrips...and now this person who would hurt my family (esp. my mom) so. Why couldn't he have just left her? why play her a fool? Noone deserves that....
Regarding my relationship w/ them.. it's kind of weird. They KNOW I'm not a JW anymore. But, maybe cause I never officially wrote the letter they argue it to themselves that they can still talk to me. Who knows. To them, via a letter, I DA myself. . . but maybe they're just in denial about that too. My mom LOVES talking to me. She I think got the dose of reality when she and I did not speak for over a year (during my troubles and leaving the org.)... I think she realized she couldn't have that...and so she'd rather have me (thank God!). So, she - I think - has no bad feelings about leaning on me, even though I'm out. Honestly...she has noone else. The "brothers" were just there for, like you said, the juicy stuff. Now that they kicked him out, they're done w/ him. They're "supportive" in that they know she's not guilty of anything if she wants to divorce him... but they don't know what's going on. They don't hear her crying or sad... they just see her at the hall and give her a handshake and off they go.
Fortunately my mom DOES have one other source of support.. another sister in the congr. who SHE TOO just had something similar w/ her husband. Again, i tell you, NEVER would have suspected this elder/brother of this either. (different circumstances)...but what gets to me about HIM is that HE was one of the elders who came after me w/ tears in his eyes when they were trying to get ME back.
(big sigh)...so yeah, that's my story.
I'm glad though that from the concensus it appears that the codes are nothing more than maybe just his numbers and not something to be worried about - for my mom or sister's well-being.
Sorry for the length..but it's been helpful.
i've been reading this forum for a few years now and it is only now that i come to you all for some helpful advice and support.. i'll try not to get too detailed w/ my story, cause i can tend to ramble (hence the non-posting a lot, cause i usually check the forum at work and i'd be on here all the time) .
but here it is.. i've been da'd for about 6 years now.
that's going great and my life is happy - now out of the borg.
Thanks for the hugs, Doubtfully. I know I'm out of the borg --- but I must say that all this stuff they're going through has brought back some memories of my exodus out too. Plus, it really got me po'd when I realized that through-out all that struggle *I* was going through in trying to get myself free of the religion's grips -- meanwhile my dad was up to his other dealings -- and yet he NEVER came to my aid and rescue. Not after the devastatingly horrible time I had during my departure.
Oh well.
May he find peace doing whatever he's doing. I don't care what he does... so long as he doesn't keep hurting the family. Fortunately, we're closer to that now w/ him gone.
i've been reading this forum for a few years now and it is only now that i come to you all for some helpful advice and support.. i'll try not to get too detailed w/ my story, cause i can tend to ramble (hence the non-posting a lot, cause i usually check the forum at work and i'd be on here all the time) .
but here it is.. i've been da'd for about 6 years now.
that's going great and my life is happy - now out of the borg.
Thanks for the reply. No, I haven't googled the codes yet. Honestly, to me it didn't look like anything other than a running tally on that person's 'times' w/ my dad... it seemed to increment in that fashion. . . But, according to this other person (who is not a JW) who saw the notes, she was reminded of something she'd heard about or read. (??)
I wouldn't totally rule out them getting back together. This all came to light last summer, and she gave him VARIOUS chances. . . but he kept on lying to her. Then he'd go through the deeply repentant phase and acknolwedge he needed help . . . but then he'd do something else to slip up again. She tried to salvage the marriage a bunch of times. She told me that she was afraid that if she threw him out that he'd just go back to those people again. But, she had no life. All she worried about was each time he wasn't in her presences what he could be up to or not. Plus, he blew his last chance again and she FINALLY (as of two wks ago) booted him out of the house. I think she's finally done w/ him. But it's been so tough to see her hold on for this long. She finally said - as she cried -- the last time we spoke 'well, you can't say I didn't give him a chance.' He blew it though when he was telling her that Jehovah forgives 77 times and that she should too. I got them both on the phone and gave him a piece of my mind. But, we'll see.
Thanks again.
i've been reading this forum for a few years now and it is only now that i come to you all for some helpful advice and support.. i'll try not to get too detailed w/ my story, cause i can tend to ramble (hence the non-posting a lot, cause i usually check the forum at work and i'd be on here all the time) .
but here it is.. i've been da'd for about 6 years now.
that's going great and my life is happy - now out of the borg.
Hi everyone! I've been reading this forum for a few years now and it is only now that I come to you all for some helpful advice and support.
I'll try not to get too detailed w/ my story, cause I can tend to ramble (hence the non-posting a lot, cause I usually check the forum at work and I'd be on here all the time) . . . but here it is.
I've been DA'd for about 6 years now. That's going great and my life is happy - now out of the borg. I have some family still in the borg, including my parents and a sister. Things weren't going well for my parents for a while. . . but it wasn't until about 6 months ago did we find out the real story. My father had been living 2 lives for the last 7 or 8 years or so. This, overlapping from when I still lived with them and was defnitely IN the religion myself.
My father was disfellowshipped a few months back for having admitted to commiting adultery. My mom has taken it pretty hard, but I give her credit for being somewhat strong about it. Nevertheless, my mom still not trusting of my dad found some "notes" -- outlining further sexual indescresions; with dates, names, ratings and some numbers next to it. Again, long story short.. I won't get into ALL of the details. . . it's still very personal and disturbing for me -- but does anyone know of ANY sort of underground society or group that would possibly shed some light on what these codes could be?
My mom, again, still in the religion, showed me this evidence of what she found of his (by the way, these notes w/ his sexual experiences, etc were hidden in his KH briefcase. nice!) and seriously, I almost vomited. I can't imagine that the father who raised us, the perfect elder in the congo for 15 years, got to this point. But, I digress. I'm not here to make him change; most certainly not to ask him to go back to the borg... I just don't know who he is anymore, really. Nevertheless what I worry about it is if there could be any harm in these secret dealings. Someone else studying pscyhology or something (my mom said) looked at these 'notes' and said that she should be glad to have my dad out of the house, as these were 'secret codes' or something and she and my sister could be in danger. Has anyone heard of anything like that?
Anyway, if you guys could shed some light, that'd be helpful.
okay, what is the one fast food that you just love, but are a little ashamed to admit to?.
a detective character (sue grafton's kinsey milhone) in some mysteries i read has these guilty fast food pleasures.
just about every day she runs for miles on the beach, but then she is invariably ends up ducking into the mcdonald's drive thru with her little vw and scarfing a big mac or quarter pounder.
A Big-Mac, no pickles, no onions, with EXTRA SAUCE... fries & a coke.
(gotta go w/ the extra sauce...they make the sandwich fresh then...it's not one they made an hour before and is sitting under the warmer light... or at least that's how I like to rationalize it to myself.)
this is legit, i got this email and called cat.
she is looking for jws who might do this.
wouldn't that be a scream?
Too funny! Imagine the Mom's getting swapped. The JW mom is on the non-JW kids about how "worldly" they're dressing, how they should devote ALL of their time to spiriitual activities. Meanwhile the kids are trying to understand why this lady doesn't let them watch MTV and why she gets them up to go over the daily text before she bolts out of the house to get to the local congregations preaching group, etc.. (the poor kids!)
The non-JW mom does NOT get to sleep in on Saturdays cause she has to get up and make breakfast for the family who is all going preaching in the bitter cold! ...she wonders why she HAS to say a prayer before everyone eats, and WHY she has to wear a hankerchief on her head to do it (cause one of the kids is a boy). She probably wants to go out on a nice Saturday evening, with the family, but instead they have to sit around the living room and go over the magazine for the next day's study article..
Yeah, all that might go on for the first week. But the 2nd week is when the new 'parents' get to take over and enforce THEIR rules. The non-JW mom might say that they aren't going to do any of it anymore.. in which case, those kids might not ever want to go back. Ooh, especially if they get spoiled and it happens to fall around one of their birthdays or a big fun holiday!
doubt it'll happen though... they'd be too worried about the what kind of image will they be giving.
i just got an e-mail from a relative of mine with a link to a recording of song number 54 w/ celine dion and george benson?
i've not been checking the discussion forum for a while, so i don't know if this is old news?
please advise.
Ha. Interesting. I finally got a chance to jump back on and see what was posted to my original inquiry. I think I might have the link, if you all are interested in hearing it. I have to dig through my e-mails to find that ... but I now have doubts on whether it really IS Celine Dion. Who knows? I just thought it was funny that this relative of mine sent it to me w/ such reverence. Something to the affect of 'maybe she too has an open heart.'
i just got an e-mail from a relative of mine with a link to a recording of song number 54 w/ celine dion and george benson?
i've not been checking the discussion forum for a while, so i don't know if this is old news?
please advise.
I just got an e-mail from a relative of mine with a link to a recording of song number 54 w/ Celine Dion and George Benson? I've not been checking the discussion forum for a while, so I don't know if this is old news? Please advise.