i recently posted a thread about my wifes congregation being told during the c.o.s talk that they must increase their contribution to society funds.
my wife then decided to explain to people about the donation arrangement for the magazines.. she has now been told by the p.o.
to cease and desist talking about the donation arrangement as it may appear that they are soliciting contributions, even though under the charity laws in the u.k. this could not be classed as an offence.. the reasons?we are too close to the time of the end so there is not the need for money.. this is far different to the actions of both the bible students and the witnesses in similar situations in the past.
It seems to me that the king of the north is the USA , Because we have money and big trading etc etc. So I think they get rid of ALL religion and then the USA gets totalled and then the people are morning because of the falling USA not religion.Did anyone morn here in the USA when the talban was wiped out.I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Want to know what I would do.Because just thinking about that makes my blood boil. I would buy a big cherry icey soft drink and pretend I slipped on something and dump it on them and say I'm sorry I didn't see you because I was looking down on the ground to shun you.
If I saw them in a store I would put extra items in there carts when they weren't looking like condoms, flee, etc etc. Then get in the same checkout line as them and watch the festivitys. Also when the person has the condoms in there hand say real loud "YOUR A CHRISTIAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT YOUR NOT MARRIED YOU SLUT" LOL
I can think of so many things.If they want to play games like that, then I say lets play.
are you on the road to death / or life open your eyes.. unfortunatly many are on the broad and spaciouse road leading to death,all serving j.w are responsible for there own salvation, they can all read and speak fluently ,they all proffess to serve jehovah god, therfore there own salvation is there own responsibility, ( jesus stands behind you as a j.w ) and jesus tells you how to gain gods approval not one of you would listen to him, would you approach your elders,first and condem jesus as an apostate,or so called apostate ,because he spoke the truth to you,and started asking you questions,about the teachings of the organization , why you were pedaling or selling magazines in his name,why you stopped showing ( love ) to people of the nations,why you had wonderd away from jehovahs teachings,why you are serving the society rather than the creator,why are you following a organization that has docterd the scriptures, why they dont question the false teachings ,as proven .. why were the borg members of the united nations for ten years,( babylon the great).
why charles taz russel the founder member ,was a freemason,why he got his scriptual dates from studying egyptology ,using the pyramids to determine 1914 and the stars.. what a mess he has left people in.mass suicide is the next thing jw.
I know how you must feel.When you have the freedom that Jesus taught it can be very overwhelming. God knows and understands that you want to serve him an not man(WTS). Please take care and keep the faith you have in the Lord he will not forsake you the WTS are a bunch of strokes. I can't speak for everyone here but I am here for you. Its ok to vent and get it off your chest just hang on. Jesus second coming has to be near for we are all going through something so just keep the faith and stay real!
Yeah, Why doesn't God just read everyones hearts and let that be it. The WTS thinks that they are are going to rule man for a 1,000 years.Nofu@king way!I believe ALL religon is false and God is going to get rid of them all soon.Every faith has there OWN bible that backs up there OWN believes so all their bibles are wrong. You can't add to it.So I ran out and got a reg. str8 up Bible that was not altared in anyway shape or form.An Man there is a BIG different.Reading My New Bible is so understanding and at the same time truthful.Everything is starting to make more sense to me.The WTS make people not read the bible only.They don't believe in just using the bible....Why?Jesus only used the bible or his fathers words not mans.So the WTS go against what jesus taught.That Borg is not heathly and false.Also thanks Blondie for the study you rock. Everyone read IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM BY RAYMOND FRANZ its a great book and with show you how bad the WTS really is.Take care friends
i think someone on this forum is a rat....or troll as i think they are called.. i am sitting at home last night watching fear factor, and there was a knock at the door.. i opened it to find two elders from my old hall.
they did not seem very sincere when they apologized for disturbing me without notice.. they said the purpose of there visit was to just to check up on me, find out if my circumstances or opinions had changed.
we ended up in a huge conversation about my "inactivity", they wanted to know if there was anything keeping or holding me back from the truth, and wanted to know if there was anything i needed to get of my chest, cause guilt has away of keeping people back.
Be careful of what you type out. Besides there are tons of people who have almost the same user name. Tell them to shut the flock up and say if you bash my name I'll be more then happy to bash yours all over town with flyers an any other ways you can think of. That should do the trick LOL.Maybe just play it cool and if you do find out that your the talk of the hall then do what you got to do and make them the talk of the town. Just be careful that's all
i recently have a stumper in talking to my mother.
she's agreed that she's going to be open minded and hear me out because she's starting to have slight doubts about the organization.
but the one thing she always throws out is that the society said that there would be talks of "peace and security" and that they must be the truth since everyone keeps saying "peace and security".. i'm still learning myself, so i try to do some research.
When every THEY are saying peace and security.......
The key words " THEY are saying" means they are talking or saying it but it doesn't mean they have it or going to get it.Remember the year 2000 when the pope was saying this is a year of peace because being in the year 2000.But then 2001 sept. 11. that idea was thrown out the window.So if thats true then it means its only gonna get worse ,not better until the end does come.Also I think ALL religon is false because they all are not telling the true, the prove is in the pudding. The Bible is the Truth and the word of God so believe that and that ONLY. Because 1cor. 2:5 states That YOUR faith might be, not in men's wisdom(WTBTS), but in God's power.1 cor. 3:19 For wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, for it is written: " He catches the wise in their own cunning (WTBTS)also 1cor 4:6 is a good script and of course Rom. 10:1-4 are Great scripts as well. All scripts can be found in the (NWT bible)I hope this helps
u apostates.... fallen ones..... spiritually weak ones.....whatever u want to call u r selfs make me sick... all u display is hate.
quit u r pathetic crusade to destroy the wts.
u r childish " if i cant have it... no one can" attitude.. apostate 1) " once at a meeting a talk was given and the elder said we should pray for the spiritually weak ones in the cong!!!!!!..
Yah, who are you to judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are just talking here that's all nothing more.Also what are you doing here, I don't remember anyone here asking you if your happy.When someone has to say there happy when a Q was never asked about that or even hinted then you must not be really happy. If your so happy then why are you hoping for the NEW SYSTEMYour so full of shit, how about so kool aid jim jones!!!!!!!!!You see we care about how real people feel here and try to help. You shun people and show no love, I mean why pray for people/someone when you yourself won't help them because of that whole shunning shit. Its a false love an everyone can see that.
JEHOVAH/JESUS will deal with everyone at his own due time and thats the real true and HE is the judge NOT YOU OR ANY MAN.Remember LOVE saved the world not HEARTLESSNESS OR SHUNNING.
being an ex-jw who would love to see my friends and other out of the jehovahs witness organisation i face a dilemma, is it always in a persons best interests to know the truth about the truth?.
when i first decided to leave the organisation, i was happy to speak to my family about why i disagreed with the organisation.then about 6 months ago my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the lungs (due to asbestos poisioning.if you think the governing body are corupt they are nothing compared to the people who produced this stuff).i have desided it best not to mention anything about the organisation untill my family recovers from my fathers death.. so since then i have not said a word about the "truth".that would be so counter productive to my fathers mental health, his and the rest of the families happiness can be only be found in the hope of a resurection , no matter how unfounded that hope is.. i have bumped into some elders from time to time who are in their late 70's and spent all their adult lives in the truth, how about them?there are many in the congregations suffering from depression and other mental problems, what would our knowledge do to them?should we be taking the intiative to help these out, or could we do more harm than good to them?of course i can't know how knowing what know about the truth will effect some people.will it make their lives better or worse.will it free some to fufill their ambitions and desires living a full and happy life or will others be full of regret , deprestion and sadness, maybe even some would comit suicide.. what part will i have played if its me that persuades them?should i wait to be asked about the organiasion, or should i take the initative, is it really up to me to judge who can "take" it and who can't?
I think of it this way there are some points you agree with and some you don't.Who cares, if someone ask you a Q you can choose to tell or keep it to yourself.The only people you answer to is to God or his Son and to NO human.Remember you confess to God NOT MAN. So if someone ask you a Q just say I confess to God not Man.Those are Q's that are not appropriate to ask and make that plain an clear. Just be nice and tell them who is man to judge man only God judges man.I think of it this way don't give anyone any Fuel to fire, just don't say anything, I mean what is it going to fix......Nothing.Just do your only thing from what you see is the real truth from the bible, thats all.Take care and hope all is well!!!!!
22 and the lord god said, behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:.
23 therefore the lord god sent him forth from the garden of eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.. 24 so he drove out the man: and he placed at the east of the garden of eden cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.. .
if he would eat from that tree, he would have live forever.
I don't think the tree of life was a literal tree.For satan said to eve is it really so not to eat from every tree.He didn't say if you can eat from that tree (tree of life) why can't you eat of this tree.God has a sense of humor when he said to his son "Here the man is like one of us".Jesus didn't need to eat of any tree to be perfect or stay alive then what would be the point of trying to kill him if he was already dead like us, get it.The tree of life is Not literal it is used as an example/illustration that symbolize life.In other words they would always crave life because they lost life from a tree so it is only fitting that God used another tree as an "illustration" meaning to get life back. And because that symbolic tree of life is in the garden and since they are kicked out of it they don't have (everlasting) life and will die an will alway long for that other symbolic tree meaning (Life).I hope this helps