The 144,000 the 24 elders the great crowd the angels are All before the throne in Heaven. So maybe it's to prove that everyone is in the same location !
JoinedPosts by archangel01
Who are the 24 Elders?
by LittleToe inrevelation 4, 5, 11 & 19 talk of twenty four elders, before the throne of god.. the wts interpretation has them as the anointed in heaven, but that just doesn't wash, as they are seen to be observers of events that apparently involve folks still on earth.
by their account they have 23.5 elders in heaven and half a body on the ground, so to speak.. any ideas who these are?.
(i have an speculation, which i'll mention later).
Troublesome Trinty Verses Part 7
by hooberus inthis is part 7 of a series of threads which discuss verses used by the watchtower and others to "disprove" the trinity and deity of jesus christ.
each thread looks at a different verse.
please restrict your comments to the verse or closely related concept.
While we can freely acknowledge that it may be beyond our human brain capacity to grasp how one member of the Godhead can know something and another not know--and that we can know only the details God chooses to reveal to us in human terms--we can also offer this possible explanation: Namely, that Jesus was taking it for granted that the Holy Spirit knows everything the Father knows. The JW New World Translation says at 1 Corinthians 2:10-11 that "the spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God," and that "no one has come to know the things of God, except the spirit of God."
By the way, notice that the verse says, "no oneŠexcept the spirit of God." So the Holy Spirit is someone, rather than some thing. (If you ask people to fill in the blank in a sentence such as, "No one knows my address except ________," they would fill in the blank with someone's name--not with an impersonal thing like a book or a computer.) So, by saying, "No oneŠexcept the spirit," the New World Translation reveals that the Holy Spirit is someone!"
Good point but remember Jesus was perfect trulyMan trulyGod hewas not taking the holy sprirt for granted for he was sinless, I think maybe the Holy Sprirt does know the day an hour but because of his Position cannot reveal the date, however he can let us know by the course of time how close it is in that respect.
Whats the deal with the napkins on the head?
by RoadDoctor in.
what is the idea behind the sisters wearing a head covering when they lead a group for field service?
is there something written in the bible new world translation about this?
The point being ,women should have Long hair, most women will say short hair on another woman is cute well not to us guy's.Woman look better with long hair.The most beautiful women who ever lived had long hair an thats a fact.A womans hair is her crown so let it flow. A head covering is really for woman with short hair or who because of sickness/ genetic reasons can't have long hair. I guess it depends on the sitution not really the custom because if the custom of the land is for woman to have short hair then a Christian woman in Christ does not have to follow that/should not follow that because the Bible said a woman should have long hair an that's that.Must follow God not man. Well that's my two cent on this topic
Trinitarians, Did Jesus reveal himself as God?
by ClassAvenger ini'm a person that believes in the trinity, but i have a question.
i know jesus didn't reveal to all the people to whom he preached as god himself, and it was not something that he directly taught (or at least i think he didn't), but i know from what i've read that the disciples knew and taught it.
my question is, did jesus tell them, or did they have this revealed when they were anointed by the holy spirit?
to Myxomatosis
Great Answer, I couldn't have typed it better. Yes I believe in Christ, Trinity, etc etc. Well Done
In Christ Archangel01
Should I Convert to Become a MORMON??
by Latte injust thought id share with you.
any tips on dealing with them would be greatly appreciated..thanks!
yesterday, i had two lovely young men at my door - they were mormons.
listen to Myxomatosis. He or she hit it on the dot. Go to Jesus to be saved! Much love a brother in Christ!!!!!!!!!!
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-20-03 WT Study
by blondie in17but you will not even need to fight.
revelation 14:1, 3 (snippet).
(revelation 7:9 snippet).
Thanks Blondie, you have a heart of glass.....Gold!
That WT just shows, an is more proof that they are so far out of the body of christ, that they make Neil Armstrong just some guy who went to the moon in a rocket made out of Lego's/Little people!
Adventures at the District Convention
by RunningMan inwell, after a 15 month absence from the kingdom hall, i once again found myself in the biggest kingdom hall of all the district convention.
as in previous years, the material presented was dull and repetitious, so once again, i was forced to provide my own entertainment.
so, like last year, i am pleased to present a further installment to my assembly adventures, called:
They forgot to Thank God for the CBS show. If that isn't newlight what is. See God didn't just work on a map all year!
"Do JW's and Born-Again Christians have something in common?
by jads inthis might be funny to some people but i really feel that the reason that jw's and born again christians hate each other so much is because they are so much alike.
they see themselves in each other.
i have been on both sides of the spectum and believe me all of the born-agains that post on this site are more like jw's then they want to admit to themselves.
Your all wrong.I'm a Born-Again Christian, I was a JW but left because they don't teach what Jesus taught or really teach who Jesus was. JW'S DON'T Follow the Bible, they just think they do. A real Christian follows Only the Bible/Jesus not sinful men. JW'S are liar's an then some, come on now, you know what I mean. I can go on an on about this. But I do like to say that I'm a much better person now then I was that's for sure. I thank Jesus (The Word) for that. I'm nicer, not so judgemental, helpful, more caring about how other people feel, not so depress. Plus I have the wisdom from God and His Hope for mankind Not sinful mankinds false ideas. I'm just a better person that's all, an I'm happy now. Well that's my two cent on this thread!
My sister is starting to question....
by Nickey inas we read the daily text (for the sake of my family), my sister stopped after reading and sat quietly.
i could tell something was on her mind.
she finally said that she could never keep up and she didn't understand why "the truth" kept changing and that she didn't really know what it was anymore.. apparently, me throwing in the 1914 generation change a while ago stayed in the back of her mind.
Check the daily text for 2001 or 2002, can't remember the day/date but it's in there. They talk about that script "Newlight". Thats when I first started to Q the org, I was going out in service one day when they went over this text for the day, it BLEW ME AWAY but everyone else there just agreed with it,......NOT ME. Then I started to go on-line and from there I got both of RAYMOND FRANZ's BOOK'S and I make up my mind to follow GOD/JESUS not man! So I just stopped going right out of thin air and never looked back/went back. I'm born again an feel great for the REAL first time in my life, AMEN! Take care an hope this helps, God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mesianic Prophesies
by Tyler inok, ok. just to draw attention from the "did jesus exist" thread, here is a new controversial topic.
if we take as read that the gospels teach the truth about jesus (at least the general impression) did jesus actually fulfill any prophesies about the messiah?.
i recon he did not.
Jesus is the man! He fulfilled everything in the scripts, it's not hard to put it all together. You need to find an old bible because its closer to the meaning of things. Are english laug. doesn't have the right words sometimes to get the real meaning of things so that's why you have to reread it over an over and look up other scripts to get the whole scope of things and understand why they did what they did & said. That's my two cents!!!!!!!!