Who cares, I'm Born-Again now, thank God I'm out of that cult. Don't go because if you go that means they still have some control over you. I know you want to know what might be said but still it's not worth it.That's my two cent and a dime.
JoinedPosts by archangel01
New Announcement At The Memorial?
by dawn27 ini was just wondering if anyone has heard anything about an announcement to be made at the memorial this year?
my family is repeatedly pressuring me to go and the newest approach is that they've heard about an announcement, never made before, that concerns innactive ones or ones who have fallen away,, that is all that they would tell me.
are they going to come find and disfellowship us unless we go back or can we now come back "no questions asked" (yah right)?
I need a scan of the April Watchtower
by archangel01 inhi all, i need a scan of the front cover the april watchtower.
it has a picture of the wild beast on it.
i need it so i can give it to this christian journal an will publish it with a big story on the jw's an what fakes they are.
hi all, I need a scan of the front cover the april watchtower. It has a picture of the wild beast on it. I need it so I can give it to this christian Journal an will publish it with a Big story on the JW's an what fakes they are. So Please Help
How YOU Humiliate the Watchtower (4/1/04)
by metatron intake a good look at the april 1, '04 watchtower, with its garish 'wild beast' on the cover.. now, wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity to show a picture of the un building being .
destroyed at armageddon?
wouldn't be a good idea to blast the churches of christendom.
Can someone scan the front cover of this watchtower an maybe a page or two of the story, a friend of mine needs it to post in a WORLDWIDE JOURNAL!!!!!!!!! This is to rich LOL. We alway have to be one step ahead of them....An we are LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Evil Slave Class
by Evesapple indoes anyone remember who that represented exactly?
as far as what i remember it represented those that were part of the remnant (144,000) and then became apostate.
and was this a made up title?
the 144,000 are found only in 2 places in the Bible Revelations cha 7 & 14. Now the great crowd comes in at vs 9 ok. Where is there LOCATION ,which is "BEFORE THE THRONE" right. Now turn to cha. 14 start at vs 3 now the 144,000 sang a new song (WHERE) "BEFORE THE THRONE". OH MY, The GREAT CROWD & THE 144,000 ARE ALL/BOTH IN THE SAME LOCATION.
An if we read the whole cha of 7 we see this is a HEAVENLY Seen, because all the angels are around Hmmm doesn't sound to earthly to me! Scripture is clear, share this with the dubs next time they bug you!
The Controversey / Warning To Babtised Witnesses.
by PeterOfJacob in( j w?s self appointed evil slave class, the self anointed ).the only people to ever do this on earth.
l. then is finished the mystery of god page 292 quote:
3rd trumpet blown 1924
I can sum up this post with one scripture, Jesus said it the best!
MATTHEW 23:13 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees,you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces.You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.
This also applys to the JW's as well as the other cults! The word of God is Soo Powerful.
Let's not for get there false prophesys 1874, 1878, 1914,1918,1925,1942 (I think, oh well does it matter), 1975,1984,1994,1998, whispers/hints for 2000, Oh an yet again 2005 whisper/hinting on this date.
Deuteronomy 18:20-22 sums up what is going to happen to these False Prophets also let's not forget Matthew cha 7 vs 21-23
I rest my case!
Okay, so are all babies/children destroyed at Armageddon?
by somebodylovesme inmy inactive jw hubby said he thought that babies/children too young to choose their beliefs would be brought back after armageddon in the jw belief system.
i have read the opposite on this board.
my husband hasn't been to a meeting in quite awhile and i don't think he paid too much attention when he was there ... lol ... so i thought i'd ask.
I'm a Bloodwashed Born-Again Christian and believe in the RAPTURE. I think Babies and little children etc are all Raptured as well and causes a worldwide panic. Then Anti-Christ shows up to tell the left behinders what happen and they are believe his lie and unites the world because they all believe him. Plus he will have the False Prophets backing him up. So the road has been set just waiting for action! That's my two cent and a dime!
Witnesses coming Saturday... I need HELP!!!!
by Globetrotter ini got into a rather heated discussion this morning with my unbaptised but raised jehovah's witness wife.
we discussed so many things: feb 1 watchtower article on 607 and 1914, the un, beth sarim, blood, god's mouthpiece here on earth, etc.
this was yet another attempt on my part to try to plant a seed of doubt.
Read them Matthew 28:18 "Then Jesus came to them and said, " All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." Note that he said this not too long after his Resurrection.So ask the jw's what other power did he need in 1914? Make sure you have a Great Big Smile on your face because this really get's them everytime. Make sure you stress the word ALL and the time period when it was said !!!!!!!!
Hope this helps. If you want I can mail you some booklets to you for free, which will help you witness to them! My e-mail is [email protected] so give me your address an I can send you some cool booklet's. I'm a Born-Again Christian.
UN sends reply to my inquiry about WTS NGO association- proof at last!
by joe_from_kokomo indear friends:.
it's been a while since i posted last, even though i probably still suffer with a newbie status, i did some dandy postings a few months back.
my wife and i are now approaching the 1 year anniversary of our split with the wtbts, and are quite happy with our decision.. one thing we did last year was to write to the u.n directly (i think i got the address from a posting here on this site) and asked specific and direct questions about the wts's involvement and knowledge of ngo requirements.
Alright Joe, Way to Go!
322 million cells in a quart
by Satanus in322 million dead white blood cells in a quart of cow's milk.
what is a poor loaded down apostolic governing body law abiding jw to do?
drink beer?
thanks for the info, I'll use it on them when they bug me
The Biggest Scandal In Your Congregation
by Hunyadi ini attended a notorious congregation as a child, the infamous winter gardens congregation!
my cousin and his best friend, both named joe, were elders, my cousin was the po and the other joe was a total loser suck up who wanted to be just like my cousin, joe.
what was even funnier, as i get off point a bit, is that "suck up" joe's wife, cathy, did everything she could do to get her pudgy lil self to dress, look, walk, and talk like my cousin joe's wife, clementine.
How an elder can still be an elder when one of his kids are reproved!
The dateline thing got things going and it seem like everyone was giving other people the look down.That made them no different then the world!
Then they release a childrens book, didn't the dateline thing get through to the higher ups Oh wait there the one's who hide the molester's.