That video just shows how most JWs are, bury their heads in to the sand and ignore the proof thier cult is just that. Now they'll say she's all messed up and left the truth because she let demons in to her house.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Last song at Regional Convention of 2016 was stolen from Audiomachine
by LevelThePlayingField inas far as i know, i did a search, and you may not know this but, the last song play during a music video of the regional convention, was not of watchtower.
it's stolen from a group called audiomachine off their album epica.
the song is called eternal flame and it is exactly and i mean, note for note the same as the music video.
Last song at Regional Convention of 2016 was stolen from Audiomachine
by LevelThePlayingField inas far as i know, i did a search, and you may not know this but, the last song play during a music video of the regional convention, was not of watchtower.
it's stolen from a group called audiomachine off their album epica.
the song is called eternal flame and it is exactly and i mean, note for note the same as the music video.
Yep and to think people think the WT actually paid the band a fee for using the song, not in your life.
Church Property Ownership
by Richard Oliver ini have been reading a lot of cases that have to do with church property, especially when the church is affiliated with a larger national church.
it looks like the most common of these is episcopal churches.
a lot of episcopal churches wanted to disaffiliate with the national church when the national church ordained an openly gay bishop, the local churches wanted to join the anglican church of uganda.
I think one has to look into the Kingdom Hall near San Francisco that was taken away from the local congregation , Menlo Park, and the elders DFD. I'm not sure of the details but that would be a good start on how the WT is handling property ownership.
There may not be any evidence of Horus being born on December 25 but there plenty of evidence that the Egyptians and others equated thier gods with planets and the sun. There is also plenty of evidence that Jesus was modeled after the God Serapis which was a hybrid god with the attributes of Osiris, dyonisus, Helios, Zues, and others. One can see all sorts of similarities between ancient Egyptian religion and Christianity.
This might be a good week to start a conversation about Jeremiah 29:10
by George One Time inat this week clam meeting, jeremiah 29:10 is discussed:.
jer 29:10—how does this verse demonstrate the accuracy of bible prophecy?
the mistranslation of this verse is the basis of the idea that the jews spend 70 years in exile in babylon.
Ok let's get some real context of what's going on here. First off the sabbath was a bastardized idea of what was the real story. The gods rested after killing off most of mankind it was not originally a rest day for mankind but for the gods. Second the original and true story about the curse of 70 years was put on Babylon by the Assyrian king Sinacarib (misspelled) . Anyway the Bible writers got the first idea wrong or twisted it, so they too did the same with the curse of 70 years on Jerusalem.
if you think I'm just plain wrong look at another example, the story of Moses , born abandoned by his mother , put into a basket covered with pitch and floated down a river. Sargon of Akkad gotten rid of by his mother by her putting him into a basket covered with pitch or whatever they called it and floated down a river. Sargon was real and lived way before the fictional Moses.
The noah story is another twisting or changing of an even older story.
So again if they can twist these older stories why do we think that there was really an actual curse on Jerusalem or its people. No way!
I hate the Watchtower but I really still hate the Trinity Jesus is NOT God!
by Witness 007 insome bibles use the term "worship" when refering to times people did fall down and bow to him........this doesn't show he was god!
the greek term; proskeyneo, means to prostrate oneself, to bow down and show honour.
now, this was done for jehovah.....and his representatives....jesus israelite kings and priests....but for the honour of jehovah not as creature worship which even angels would refuse.. also i studied the non-biblical early church gospels which really does show a slow decline over 150 years, into the trinity as the watchtower claims...........although i still hate the watchtower society at least i learnt something that wasn't a lie..
The trinity was pushed by the Catholic Church and the earlier Eastern Orthodox Church the church of the Roman state. What people dont realize is the whole thing is stolen from Egypt. The Catholics exalt Mary about as much as the son Jesus. One of the last trinities of Egypt was Osiris Isis and Horus but there were trinitys going back before, as well as ones in Mesopotamia. Christianity is in large part a copy of the Egyptian religion.
the archangel, an archangel
by AmyWatson916 ini'm reading a book called "what to do when they knock" that goes over the jw book "what does the bible really teach?".
it points out that the "bible really teach" book, on page 218, makes a bit of a point about there being only one archangel.
it says michael is "the archangel" and emphasizes that "the" means only one.
The book of Enoch also mentions more then one archangel. One thing to remember is angel is a later concept. Earliest Bible writings uses the word Elohim in most places where the word angels is now used. The word Elohim is plural for the word god. The in most cases where one sees the word angel or angels what it really is saying is gods or sons of god.
This might be a good week to start a conversation about Jeremiah 29:10
by George One Time inat this week clam meeting, jeremiah 29:10 is discussed:.
jer 29:10—how does this verse demonstrate the accuracy of bible prophecy?
the mistranslation of this verse is the basis of the idea that the jews spend 70 years in exile in babylon.
I believe this writting is originally about the destruction and 70 year curse the king of Assyria put on Babylon. He moved the people out of the city and burned it to the ground. It was to be cured and uninhabited for 70 years. After he died his son with the help of his priest said the curse was only for 11 years. The city then was rebuilt.
Next weeks Watchtower. ' Who is leading God's people today'
by UnshackleTheChains innext weeks watchtower.
'who is leading god's people today' is quite incredible.
i am so looking forward to blondie's comments on this one.
Hey hey let's not get to pissy about them being mostly white guys! If you remember they taught a few decades ago that after Armageddon black people will loose the curse of Ham and turn back to white. No No thier not racist the Bible clearly says the offspring of Ham were cursed, actually just Canaan but who's ever reads thier bible anyway.
One last thing we can tell exactly that the GB is the ones leading god people today because the Bible describes them as being discreet and we can tell by this article that yes they are discreet.
The Tribe of Dan was NOT a genuine tribe of Israel
by fulltimestudent inthe claim that dan was not a genuine tribe is not new, but as the haaretz article explains there is newer archaeological evidence to suggest that the contemporary claims about the tribe of dan have some merit.. so check out the haaretz claims at:
but there are wider implications in the story.
if this particular group of people did not travel from egypt (as god's word of truth also claims) then they must have lived in canaan all the time.. then consider that palestine (canaan) was for so long part of the egyptian empire, and we begin to see that most of story about the origins of the israelites is mythical..
The Egyptians broke thier empire down in to 12 groups and thier taxation was also the same as Solomons . There was never a 12 tribes of Israel oh did I forget to mention the word Solomon means son of Amon