Never going to happen!!
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
RUMOUR - Regarding future memorials
by Listener ini heard this on the youtube channel - bad jw round table discussions and i normally don't give much thought to rumours, i did find this one of the guys on the channel said that there are plans that 'the other sheep' will be told not to attend any future memorials.he was asked how credible was this and he said that it is talk going around by those in the know, just like there had been those that knew about the fairly recent new edition of the bible being in production.even if this is probably just a rumour, the idea has a lot of merit.
the benefits for the organization outweigh the negatives and would fit in with their current are some of the benefits, for the org.
that could come from it- the biggest benefit would come from not having to accommodate so many attendants, which are more than double a normal meeting.
RC 2017
by wifibandit indue to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
9:40 symposium what a joke!
Jonah Letter
by Coded Logic indear brothers and sisters,.
it has come to our attention that many in our ministry are encountering individuals who question the accuracy of the bible on scientific grounds.
for example, they may ask questions such as, how does a snake talk when it has no vocal chords or mouth and lip muscles?
Kpop, do you have the scripture ?
Will Watchtower “simplify” the baptism arrangement at circuit assemblies?
by Londo111 inwatchtower ever “simplifies” its “arrangements”.
no more food.
one-day circuit assemblies…no more “special assembly day”--it was a sad occasion anyways.
They'll make baptisms to be done only at the regional conventions.
"jesus never said the spiritual food would be perfect"
by nowwhat? inoh so it's jesus fault the spiritual food hasn't been perfect!
we your governing body are just responsible for serving it!
think about this people, they are saying it was jesus who told us the end was going to come in 1975. then before the 1914 generation passed away no later than the 1990's.
Where was this statement written?
Deflated after realising my inactive friends are POMI
by Isambard Crater ini'm going through an extremely hard and dark time right now and really yearned for the support of people i know in the flesh, and i really thought revealing my serious doubts and frustrations to a few close friends who became inactive several years ago would help.
they attend the memorial and no more than 2 sunday meetings each year, and haven't preached for several years, so are still technically baptised-but-inactive.. it broke my heart or at least left me feeling very alone when they all (they don't know each other and live in separate areas) told me that they can sympathise but reckon i should stay with "the truth" (their words, still) as it's the best thing there is.
it's like i'd discovered a new group of people, not pimo (physically in, mentally out, like me) but pomi (physically out, mentally in).
A huge number of inactive ones are this way. Some feel they can't live up to the lifestyle so they become inactive but yeah they struggle with it . Very few do enough research to find out it's a bull crap.
Governing Body-Part of Great Crowd
by TakeOffTheCrown init appears that the governing body members today are part of the great crowd and are not of the anointed.. to those with some knowledge of the subject, is it possible that the christian congregation would eventually be lead by those who are not anointed?
They have been implying that for years but what do you know just when you think thier going to run out of anointed ones a new one pops up.
Great News in the EX Jehovahs Witness World!!!
by Christian Gutierrez inwe are so overjoyed with what is happening in the exjw community!
it is places like this forum where many can have a place to interact anonymously and be felt like they are understood.
you guys are awesome!
They aren't getting many to join at all anymore thats why they need to baptize the babies. With so many leaving many more becoming inactive because they have bills to pay and older ones dying this cult really is on the down turn. I'd say they have less then 5 million baptized and falling. Also so many are just not taking it seriously any more too. They go for social reasons and out in service once in awhile but that's it. The cult has really become a joke. Reminds me of the Hary Krishnas .
Today's W.T on GB not being inspired is having ZERO impact on most J.W's
by Isambard Crater inthe congregation i attend had it's watchtower study on thursday night because of l.d.c work this week-end, and another congregation i have some not very spiritual friends in had their watchtower study on wednesday.
from what i have delicately prised out of people, the congregations loved the watchtower study this week, saying it was so encouraging and all the usual stuff, with no-one seeming to realise the g.b.
said they're not inspired, so the spirit int he past has moved them to teach wrong things, and all the other ideas excellently summed up on reddit.. today's watchtower will wash over the heads of most j.w's like it never even happened, the all remaining as loyal as ever, and it makes me so, so sad..
People just except it because it come from an authority figure in thier lives. Take the example of the overlapping generation teaching. I excepted it for years even talked about it and tried to make sense of it too. When it didn't seem to make sense oh well and just moved on. It was learning about the blood doctrine and the mediator teaching that finally woke me up. 607 and all the other false dates were added in and probably some other crap before I woke to how stupid the overlapping generation teaching was.
This will go over most people heads but as people wake up it will become just another nail in the coffin of thier belief in the cult.
Spoke To Two Sisters At A Witnessing Cart Today
by pale.emperor inas the title says, i spoke to two sisters at a witnessing cart today.
i didnt approach them, as circumstances would have it i was out in liverpool city center with my 3yo and she was carrying a teddy and a balloon.
she caught the balloon on something sharp and it popped and so she started crying.
That's funny if thier traveling so they don't have to door knock.