Let's get back to the subject a bit. One interesting observation that I have found is the name El-shaddai. People have said this means god almighty or god most high. Others have said it means god of the mountain. The first two meanings have stuck with most people and are written that way in the Bible .
Yet when you look at bible verses like in Judah and 2kings we get a clearer understanding. In Judah is says the lord was with him yet he could not beat the nations of the valleys because they had iron chariots. In 2kings the leader of the area we call Syria today gets beat by the Israelites but is told by his advisors to come back with another army and fight them in the valley because thier gods are mountain gods.
There is also a writting about a guy named Balam or Peor , same guy that beats his talking donkey in the Bible. This writting that's not in the Bible again talks about mountains gods and uses the term Shaddai. Both Baal and El were mountains gods. Other clues are in the Bible about thier worship of Baal and El too. There are plenty of descriptions of Yahweh that match that of El and Baal.
El was a god of covenants lived in a tent or tabernacle on a mountain top. Baal flew around on a chariot in the clouds and battled a sea monster as did Yahweh when he defeated Rahab. El had 70 sons or offspring so did Gideon.
Now as far a Judaism goes let's look at just one of their teachings. The sabbath this most holy days is a day their god told them to rest . But when you look at earlier writtings about the idea of a Sabbath in ancient Sumerian writtings this idea was a bit different. In the older writting the gods had just killed off most of mankind with a flood so they took a day of rest called Sabet or Sabit (can't remember the exact spelling) . In this earlier story as they rested they ate meat that had been sacrificed to them by Atrahasas and later Upanishtim and again later by Noah . So the earliest stories the gods were resting for killing off most of mankind and in time it got changed to a day of rest for mankind. So anyway all religion is guilty of taking ideas from previous cultures or religions and changing them to suit thier needs.