I think there's one thing that David and I can agree on and that is religious writtings go back thousands and thousands of years and have been changed redacted changed and changed again to suit the purposes of the people in their area of the world and in their time and belief system. What we have today is just a melding of these beliefs and thier writings.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Has the Bible been redacted so that YAHWEH can be promoted to EL's position as Almighty God?
by I_love_Jeff infor background, read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/yahweh, the section, "iron age i: el, yahweh, and the origins of israel.
" "el and his sons made up the assembly of the gods, each member of which had a human nation under his care, and a textual variant of deuteronomy 32:8–9 describes the sons of el, including yahweh, each receiving his own people.
"el, the kind, the compassionate,' 'the creator of creatures,' was the chief of the canaanite gods, and he, not yahweh, was the original 'god of israel'—the word 'israel' is based on the name el rather than yahweh.
Has the Bible been redacted so that YAHWEH can be promoted to EL's position as Almighty God?
by I_love_Jeff infor background, read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/yahweh, the section, "iron age i: el, yahweh, and the origins of israel.
" "el and his sons made up the assembly of the gods, each member of which had a human nation under his care, and a textual variant of deuteronomy 32:8–9 describes the sons of el, including yahweh, each receiving his own people.
"el, the kind, the compassionate,' 'the creator of creatures,' was the chief of the canaanite gods, and he, not yahweh, was the original 'god of israel'—the word 'israel' is based on the name el rather than yahweh.
Let's get back to the subject a bit. One interesting observation that I have found is the name El-shaddai. People have said this means god almighty or god most high. Others have said it means god of the mountain. The first two meanings have stuck with most people and are written that way in the Bible .
Yet when you look at bible verses like in Judah and 2kings we get a clearer understanding. In Judah is says the lord was with him yet he could not beat the nations of the valleys because they had iron chariots. In 2kings the leader of the area we call Syria today gets beat by the Israelites but is told by his advisors to come back with another army and fight them in the valley because thier gods are mountain gods.
There is also a writting about a guy named Balam or Peor , same guy that beats his talking donkey in the Bible. This writting that's not in the Bible again talks about mountains gods and uses the term Shaddai. Both Baal and El were mountains gods. Other clues are in the Bible about thier worship of Baal and El too. There are plenty of descriptions of Yahweh that match that of El and Baal.
El was a god of covenants lived in a tent or tabernacle on a mountain top. Baal flew around on a chariot in the clouds and battled a sea monster as did Yahweh when he defeated Rahab. El had 70 sons or offspring so did Gideon.
Now as far a Judaism goes let's look at just one of their teachings. The sabbath this most holy days is a day their god told them to rest . But when you look at earlier writtings about the idea of a Sabbath in ancient Sumerian writtings this idea was a bit different. In the older writting the gods had just killed off most of mankind with a flood so they took a day of rest called Sabet or Sabit (can't remember the exact spelling) . In this earlier story as they rested they ate meat that had been sacrificed to them by Atrahasas and later Upanishtim and again later by Noah . So the earliest stories the gods were resting for killing off most of mankind and in time it got changed to a day of rest for mankind. So anyway all religion is guilty of taking ideas from previous cultures or religions and changing them to suit thier needs.
have you noticed how the main Jw preaching message has changed?
by nowwhat? inyears ago it was all about armageddon and getting out of babylon the great.
then with the draw close to jehovah and is there a creator that care about you.
it was all about building a relationship with jehovah.
Yes they have become all cute and cuddly until you roll back the cover and their still filled with maggots.
What was the craziest sight you brothers seen running mikes ?
by Chook ineg ,babies jump where they shouldn't, those hairy old sisters.....
This is off subject but once with corded Mics on a pole I think I stepped on the cord and it made the pole snap back a bit and I hit a brother right in the head . Good times.
Former CO Willis Bentley
by Rejected inis he on this board?
does anyone know the reason he left?
what denomination is his church?.
He probably just decided he couldn't take the BS anymore so he left.
Southern California USA Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses On High Alert
by JW GoneBad incircuit overseers, elders, ministerial servants, pioneers and rank & file are stressed out over an ex-jw (kevin) who has visited nearly 20 congregations (orange county) and has high-jacked the opening prayers and done some effective witnessing before he is escorted to the back door.
and everything is caught on video!.
kevin is also visiting numerous jw cart locations from the los angeles area to orange county and giving a most effective wiitness at each location and they're all on video.
Planting seeds at a cart would be way more effective. When someone does what Kevin does at a KH it's just a train wreck and the people aren't really paying attention to what's he's says just at the spectacle. It definitely reinforces their persecution complex.
I would rather go to a cart and mention something about the Bible they don't know and get them question the book , way more effective!
Did you ever have a discussion with an apostate that helped your journey out.
by jwfacts inthere seems to be a number of different ways that apostates try to get jehovah's witnesses realise they do not have the truth, ranging from subtle comments to aggressive attacks.
do you have any that looking back helped you finally leave.
some of the methods include:.
Reading other Christians opinions on bible subjects really got the ball rolling for me. When their ideas made more sense and could be backup by the Bible unlike the JWs that was the beginning of the end for me. Only came to sites like this place after I realized they stole the mediator from me and the other JWs.
2017 Conventions
by Maryo inin view of the terrorist attacks going on in the world right now, as well as the high degree of animosity towards jehovah's witnesses as a result of their shuning practices, etc., i think it would be wise for the wts to discontinue meeting for large conventions and use live streaming and broadcasts instead.
even with the increased security measures being put in place this year, it would not be surprising if some incidents take place.
has anyone heard any talk in this regard?.
Not going to happen like someone else already mentioned they make money off of those.
Have Jehovah's Witnesses Become Boring?
by David_Jay inokay, that new video about 1975 has got people talking, and yes, the child abuse cases will always require us to remain vigilant...but after my having left in the late 1980s/early 1990s, it seems all the real "exciting" stuff is gone.
when i left the witnesses were still preaching that the "generation that was old enough to understand the events of 1914" will not pass away before armageddon comes.
no blood cards were our badges (not that stupid jw logo) and that card meant what it said, "no blood"!
They were always boring but like you mentioned back then we were focused because we ne that This Generation would by no means pass away before the end came, it was the creators promise.
With out this promise the cult and the people in it are now just moving about nilly willy.
Lot's Wife - Connect the dots - JW.org
by Funchback inyay!
now kids can help draw lot's wife getting destroyed.. .
They have no love so they have to use scare tactics to try to keep ones from leaving.