Without reading all their stuff and getting some experience with regards to their practices it would be impossible to tell. With that said I think their trying to change things so that not all child sexual activity is judged the same.
Case in point , I know of two young men age 18 that had a sexual relations with a younger teenager, in both cases I believe the females were 16. Both were charged then when all things were settled they were put on the registry as sex offenders. Both had to go through all the stipulations as if they had molested a 3 year old and treated by the authorities and people in the community as if they had indeed molested a 3 year old because know one knew the details.
Im not saying having sex with a teenager is ok but what I'm thinking these guys are trying to do is get the rules changed so that young men's lives aren't destroyed forever for sleeping with some one a year or two younger then them. Some states have even changed their rules so these types offenses are not judge and prosecuted the same.