Lets review the Bible says in the last chapter that Jesus will return very soon and quickly 5 times. Yep 5 times in the last chapter, in a book written almost 2000 years ago and yet we still believed it was going to happen and in our lifetime too. And they call me crazy.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
The great tribulation is now coming VERY soon!
by The Searcher inwatchtower october 2017, par 11, page 28 - "very soon the political powers of satan’s world will form a coalition that is bent on the destruction of god’s people.
's] have anything to fear?
not at all!........at that critical moment during the great tribulation, the angelic soldiers of jehovah of armies will come together to protect god’s people..."[j.w.
Fewer christians (and other religions) and more with NO RELIGION in Australia
by fulltimestudent inthe results of the last australian census are trickling out, and the results offer an insight into the changing concepts of contemporary aussies.. in 1966 only 0.8 % marked 'no religion' on their census form.. in 2001 those marking 'no religion" had grown to 16%.. and in 2016 those marking 'no religion" had grown to 29.6%.. so more non-believers than any other group.
catholics (the previous largest group) were now only 22.5% of australians.. ________________________.
the other interesting change is language,.
Hopefully in ten more years 40% or better will not be religious. The sooner religion dies the sooner mankind will be better off.
Gog of Magog - Watchtower says it has two identities
by Listener inthe searcher started a topic addressing the gt, a comment from sparrowdown asked an interesting question -.
"...the political powers of satan's world will form a coalition..."that's the statement that interests me.
what are they alluding to?.
When will people get a clue, these idiots just write stuff to keep people enslaved, they have no clue what their writtings.
I Give Up!
by pale.emperor inim giving up guys.
i've reached the end of my patience and now i finally refuse to waste any more time on part-time witnesses.
i've text all of my active jw family members and told them to delete my number from their phone and never contact me again.
Don't let it beat you up to much , most people are followers and will go with the Herd. Your out of the Herd so why would anyone listen to you. Those of us that are out and awake not going back are not followers .
Human element seen in 10 commandments
by venus ini appreciate 10 commandments because they try to ensure law and order in the society.
however, i have problem with introductory statements that say: “you shall have no other gods before[a] me… you shall not bow down to them or worship them; for i, the lord your god, am a jealous god, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (exodus 20:3-6).
1) this contradicts the characteristics of god described in mathew 5:44-48 where love is described as loving everyone without thinking whether others reciprocate or not.
What about the last Commandment something about not boiling a baby goat in its mothers milk?? What the hell? And of course nothing mentioned about rape or slavery!
the Great Cntraction continues
by never a jw ini just learned that my wife's congregations will soon be disbanded.
her congregation will disappear (cahuenga spanish in north hollywood in southern california).
all the members will be added to other neighboring congregations.
Respectful_observer, why do you make the claim that the illegal Latin population is self deporting in high numbers.
My Younger Brother Has Left The Witnesses!! :-D
by pale.emperor inabsolutely thrilled to give you the news that my younger brother, a zealous full-time pioneer has left the witnesses!!.
i haven't seen or spoke to him in a year.
i'd lost all contact with him, no facebook, no mobile number, i didn't even know his address because he'd moved house.
You should ask your brother if he knows some of the reasons why so many have left his hall?
What is the worst type of work or job you have ever had to do?
by stuckinarut2 inwe all need to earn a living.... so just curious, what is the worst type of work or job you have ever had to do?.
Roof tear offs, that's taking the old roof material off before new could be installed. Most roofers, so I was later told ,would take off the old then get a brake by installing the new. I for two weeks straight did nothing but take off the old. Hard ass very hot very physical work. Would come home so worn out I won't eat or shower just go to bed. I was at the time 18 in very good physical shape and pretty strong from working with my father in his landscaping business since I was a child. That was one hard as job, only lasted two weeks. I was later told roofers didn't do it that way , the boss must of hated me or something.
The great tribulation is now coming VERY soon!
by The Searcher inwatchtower october 2017, par 11, page 28 - "very soon the political powers of satan’s world will form a coalition that is bent on the destruction of god’s people.
's] have anything to fear?
not at all!........at that critical moment during the great tribulation, the angelic soldiers of jehovah of armies will come together to protect god’s people..."[j.w.'s].
It will come, invisibly.
the Great Cntraction continues
by never a jw ini just learned that my wife's congregations will soon be disbanded.
her congregation will disappear (cahuenga spanish in north hollywood in southern california).
all the members will be added to other neighboring congregations.
Wonder what's causing the Spanish to retract so much? You would think since they grew so much and many don't speak English they would be the ones less effected by the internet and the last to leave.