In his video he mentions an elders letter sent to Germany in 07 , I believe. In this letter if I'm understanding it correctly the elders are being instructed to send most of any information on hand about child abuse in their congregation to headquarters and any thing else they have at home or in their personal possession to destroy it. This seams to be the most obvious case of WT telling their elders to destroy information. Am I wrong on this? Other letters I've seen seam to be less obvious. Again am I wrong? This letter may need to be discussed in more detail here.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Latest son of thunder video on YouTube and the 07 letter to the elders.
by Crazyguy inin his video he mentions an elders letter sent to germany in 07 , i believe.
in this letter if i'm understanding it correctly the elders are being instructed to send most of any information on hand about child abuse in their congregation to headquarters and any thing else they have at home or in their personal possession to destroy it.
this seams to be the most obvious case of wt telling their elders to destroy information.
Jupiter protects the earth... another example of intellectual dishonesty and an argument against design
by cognisonance ini'm taking a university astronomy course, and i must say it's really fun to read about this field.
anyway, i remember the jws used to use jupiter (and probably still do) as an example for how unique and special our solar system is (and thus designed) -- namely, that jupiter protects the earth from astroids, comets, and meteors.
convincing if one doesn't know any better, especially circa 1994 when jupiter stepped in front of a comet for us... but this isn't the full story!
Every time an meteor hits the earth we are reminded that no ones watching over us. When a bigger one come close to hitting the ground like in Russia a few years ago or even worse the one that exploded in east Russian in the early 20th century, it becomes even obvious to the believers of god that he's just in their imagination.
Watchtower study today - best practice in word
by Gorbatchov indue to family reasons gorby was present today.. the watchtower study was about refugee's.. how to treat refugee's, jw and non believers, and help them spiritual, not financial.
nothing new.. what i mentioned is the juridical message underneath the whole story.
don't talk politics, listen to government regulations etc.. most bizar is that a whole congregation that normaly avoid giving any aid to people in need, this morning gave the best practice in word about what to do with refugee's.. if the subject was not that serious, this hypocracy could be funny.
This cult with these kind of teachings just shows that their not just a bunch of delusional idiots thinking thier working for gods organization, they are obviously just snake oil sales men wanting nothing more then money and they'll even take it from the needy!!
This also reminds me of back at 9/11 , when total chaos was going on the JWs showed up with tracts. It was such a joke and they'll realized it so many went and got bottled water and where giving it to the victims . Their pathetic completely pathetic!!!
Tacoma Dome Conventions
by Lynnie inso i went to visit my jw aging mother this week (i've been df'd for 40 years) and she told me she needs to give the people who are taking her to the convention $10 each day of the convention to cover gas?
my uber elder cousin told her she needs to do this!!!
The parking lot scam worked like this. The Borg had negotiated with the city of Tacoma a massive cheap rate. The city then said since we're giving you this reduced rate if you charge for parking we want it. The Borg agreed, except a year or so later the cult instructed the congregations to collect the money before hand at the Kingdom Halls and each member that paid would get a colored piece of paper to put on their dash showing the attendants that they had paid for parking at the hall. The cult had hoped that by doing it this way the city would never find out that the cult was collecting for parking, but a high up elder or CO in the area felt bad so he informed the city, of course he was dfd!
On a side note, when my daughter became very ill and needed help my wife was trying to raise money anyway she could and some of the people from the cult donated money , but to my knowledge not none elder in her congregation gave one red cent!
WT Library being edited
by berrygerry ini thought that wt would have started doing this, but i have not noticed any posts before.. can anyone confirm (post is from fb)?.
so i have been looking up these different articles to read for problem.the last time we got a disc was 2015 and i used my mil's disc to down load it to my computer.
they did a update to it last year over the internet, the program updated it's self.
Yep this is the plan, every time you get a new JW library cd they'll rewrite anything they dont want left out their. They were doing this back in the late 80s. The January 1989 wt said the end would come before the end of the twentieth century, but when the bound volume for that year came out end of the following year that wt had been edited changing that paragraph.
"A little leaven ferments the whole batch of dough". A way to make witnesses think!?
by stuckinarut2 inhow can we briefly make a calm, dignified point to witnesses we care about such as family or friends?
how can we make them think?.
here are a couple of well known scriptures: (from the revised new world translation.
Nice job Perry but unfortunately that's to much thinking for most JWs today. They have been conditioned to just go along to get along.
Lowering the standards: The sign of a cult struggling for survival
by Hidden-Window inmany of the recent changes in the jehovah's witness organization are a clear sign of a cult that is struggling for survival.
the internet has change the scenario in a very dramatic way.
many of us who for years struggled alone with doubts and cognitive dissonance thinking that we were the only ones, that we, as individuals were the issue, now know that there is a large community of individuals who see the organization as what it is, a mind controlling cult that is not only false, but also dangerous.. the governing body clearly understands the consequences of this awakening.
The problem is when the faithful hear something at the Kingdom Hall they believe it as if was from god. So anything can be said and the zombies will comply. This means the ones leaving are the ones on the fringe and the young. The cult will go down but ever so slowly.
The good news is they keep putting their foots in their mouths helping to wake up more people Also the numbers of old JWs that are going back seam to be falling way off. Once your out, faded or dfd it's easier to see the problems with the cult or get online to do research. People just aren't going back like they used to.
Weekly Scripture Twist - aka the Watchtower Study
by doubtfull1799 in“more than material assistance, refugees need spiritual and emotional support.
4:4) elders can help by obtaining literature in the language of the refugees and by helping them contact brothers who speak their language.
In recently donated 10% of the total cost so a kid could get a life changing machine that has enabled him to stop his overwhelming pain and start walking again. I guess I should of just sent him a watchtower, while in his horrific pain he could be day dreaming about living in paradise in the future after he died from his horrific condition. That is if he could even concentrate to read the magazine and then fantasize while in such pain.
Such urgency, I'm so glad their doing this life saving work. Their going to save so many worldly people from their impending doom with this urgent urgent urgent advertising of the Kingdom of god work! Jehovah is so proud!
So now the JW's are setting up carts/stands in our national and public parks!
by StoneWall inthought i'd share this article i was sent today.
it's getting to where you can't go and take a leisurely stroll or hike without being bombarded with the stufff we want to get away from.
This is great, it so going to back fire in them!!! Awesome!!!!!!