The parking lot scam worked like this. The Borg had negotiated with the city of Tacoma a massive cheap rate. The city then said since we're giving you this reduced rate if you charge for parking we want it. The Borg agreed, except a year or so later the cult instructed the congregations to collect the money before hand at the Kingdom Halls and each member that paid would get a colored piece of paper to put on their dash showing the attendants that they had paid for parking at the hall. The cult had hoped that by doing it this way the city would never find out that the cult was collecting for parking, but a high up elder or CO in the area felt bad so he informed the city, of course he was dfd!
On a side note, when my daughter became very ill and needed help my wife was trying to raise money anyway she could and some of the people from the cult donated money , but to my knowledge not none elder in her congregation gave one red cent!