JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Going Through A Box Of Old Photo's. Found This...
by pale.emperor injw wedding early 1980s and where they are now.... .
I love the fact that the new bride here is now dfd, lol. It's also good to see how many or either out of mentally out. -
Big Elder Removal in Temecula, California
by jacobm inhello all,.
i heard from a friend that there was a big elder removal in my old city, temecula.
just rumor.
Several elders or just one ?
What is the watchtower going to do when
by pepperheart inwhat is the watchtower going to do when the money runs out ??
They robbed all the congregations and now are selling off most of their assets. I think this was done for two reasons , the major down turn in the economy and to hide money from the lawyers. Now their in protection mode as well as bracing for the impending downturn in their numbers. In reality the numbers before they went negative were a false sense of growth for them because I don't think they thought about the fact that most of their growth in the last 20 years was from third world countries. In the end this company has always been about making money not their followers.
The good news is they will collapse, people aren't joining anymore and the kids are still going away. They will out of desperation make it difficult for ones to leave and they continue to push for kids to get baptized and then blackmailed into staying but this in the end will make it worse for the cult and even more will leave. The end is near, the end is near, maybe not in my life time but the end is near , for them.
Do You Think Jehovah's Witnesses Are Typically Ignorant People?
by minimus ini think most witnesses are simple minded.many are ignorant.
there are a lot of basically "good people "in the religion but i believe many are kind of dumb, including many elders.
do you agree with my thoughts??
Most definitely! In fact the evidence gathered from the research polling company called PEW says their a bunch of idiots. I don't say this to be a jerk because I was once one of those idiots too.
Just when you thought things couldn't get any lower ...
by Tallon innow they are really scraping the barrel.
check out this discussion on exjw reddit ....
Their a sick cult that's become desperate!
Feel like I've failed
by Mr Negative ini need to get this off my chest, as i don't have many people to talk to about it who would understand.. i feel like i've failed my family, as not only have i been unable to get my parents and brother to see sense regarding the cult, but now my sister, who never got baptised but managed to escape twenty years ago, is now seriously considering going back for various "emotional" reasons, and i know that she won't listen to me.. i know they have all made their own decisions (at least, to the extent that brainwashed people can make their own decisions), and i can't really blame myself (even though i was the one who, when only ten years old, convinced my mum to listen to the poor lady on the doorstep out of politeness rather than just shut the door on her - so it is all indirectly my fault), but it still feels like i've failed them..
The cults major pull is its people. The social aspect is huge. Your family is still there most likely because of this and your sister is missing something in her life thinking this will be the fix. It's hard to get people to wake up.
San Diego: Osbaldo Padron v Watchtower
by wifibandit in
tough to build jehovah's witness sex-abuse case.
11. without documents, says plaintiff, he can’t get justice.
Another one where the court will end up fining the Wt several thousand dollars per day and the WT will ignore it as well.
New book on early Christianity
by careful ini'm not quite sure that this post fits under jws/wts since they do not keep up with real biblical scholarship, but i don't know where else to post it.. thomas a. robinson (university of lethbridge) has just published a book through oxford university press on the earliest christians, entitled who were the first christians?
: dismantling the urban thesis.
for some years the idea has dominated scholarship that christianity grew strongly at first in ancient cities like rome, alexandria, and corinth; the notion has been largely influenced by wayne meeks' (of yale) thinking in his book the first urban christians (1986).. i once saw a member here cite meeks' idea of how many christians existed in the roman empire.
Cobweb, I don't have any specific book to recommend. It's just my observation after reading books listening or watching shows on different subjects etc.
Christian ideas and thoughts were not original, they were taken from mostly Egypt and melded with other pagan teachings. The geeks admit their gods were a copy of the Egyptian pantheon of gods and then Rome copied Greece. There are many stories of early Christians going to Egypt to get ideas and concepts for Christianity from the walls of the temples. When one then looks at the worship of gods like Mithra and Dyonisus one can see how these ideas were added to Christianity. On the cover of the Jesus mysteries book by Timothy Freke there's a picture of a little amulet. This amulet shows Dyonisus being crucified on a cross. Jesus road a donkey in the gospel, in an earlier epic from Phoenicia Ashurah rides a donkey. In the book of Revelations it talks about a judgment of the dead a second death for those that are judge unworthy and they are thrown into the lake of fire. This was copied from the book of the dead . These are just a few of many examples.
Theres nothing new under the sun.
So we started at a new hall
by Steel inwhen i say we, i just mean my wife.
we moved to a community of maybe 20000. this hall claims to have 160 publishers but i have my doubts.. the most shocking part is there isn't a single child in the hall.
we just moved from a hall with at least 12 kids under 10. watching the people shuffle out this morning made me think it was some dying denominational church.
Pretty soon if your a young one and want to get married you'll have to marry your brother or sister, fleshly brother or sister that is.
New book on early Christianity
by careful ini'm not quite sure that this post fits under jws/wts since they do not keep up with real biblical scholarship, but i don't know where else to post it.. thomas a. robinson (university of lethbridge) has just published a book through oxford university press on the earliest christians, entitled who were the first christians?
: dismantling the urban thesis.
for some years the idea has dominated scholarship that christianity grew strongly at first in ancient cities like rome, alexandria, and corinth; the notion has been largely influenced by wayne meeks' (of yale) thinking in his book the first urban christians (1986).. i once saw a member here cite meeks' idea of how many christians existed in the roman empire.
I don't think Christianity evolved in a fluid fashion at all. I think the beginnings of Christianity came from the mystery schools of the Serapis cult and then gnostic ideas came in along with the thoughts of people like Plato. When Constantine made the religion his choice his friend Eusebius probably convinced him of this idea and then he had to make up some doctrine to established the church and religion. When this was done people from all over jumped on the band wagon and brought their beliefs and cults with them.
Christianity was influenced by cults like that of Dyonisus and Mithra and the the holy Church of Rome which worshiped the Cesar's. Most biblical writings before the 6th century were just scraps of paper and even the image of Christ before then was that of a lamb on a cross. The oldest bibles even after the 6th century don't have the name of Jesus or anything close to that in Greek near as much in the scriptures as we are led to believe. Just a four letter title . The church also had to keep having councils to make changes to what was to be taught. If the gospels were written in the later part of the first century like we've been told these questions and concerns as to what to teach could easily been answered just by reading the gospels.
Christianity's evolution was very rocky and very slow going. Before 325 CE the numbers of Christians must have numbered in just the thousands, in my opinion.