The LDS isn't a strick as the JWs and I believe there's a little more free thinking allowed. JWs are zombies Mormons are brainwashed.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
X/LDS vs X/JW!!!Who is more twisted and bitter.
by joe134cd insince leaving the jws i have become fascinated by the lds church, because of the similarities both organisations have.
in reading x-mo forums i get the impression that they tend to be not as bitter and as twisted as xjw.
this is surprising as i think the lds is a bigger con than the jws.
Judge orders Jehovah’s Witness to release molestation files
by cobweb in
judge orders jehovah’s witness to release molestation files.
eighteen years of horror in linda vista.
What's disgusting is how the courts aren't doing a damn thing to force the cult to comply. It's becoming all to common since the year 2000 that corporations don't have to do a damn thing or get away with some pretty evil crap and the courts are overwhelmingly siding with them over citizens.
Today's Text - Justifying The Increase Of Annointed Ones!
by Divergent inthursday, august 31. jehovah knows those who belong to him.—2 tim.
2:19.. in recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the memorial of christ’s death.
that trend contrasts with the decrease in the number of partakers that we saw for many decades.
The guy that wrote Revelations was mentally diseased and the fact that the GB are judging anyone partaking as having problems in itself condemns them, for jesus said not to judge!!
How can you be Jesus true followers if you do not head his counsel?!
Need help with a reference dealing with the Generations and SPLAINE
by ttdtt inwhen originally explaining the "new generations" splaine used the example of joseph and his brothers.. he backed up the time difference between the original anointed, and the new ones by using what he said was a big age difference between the youngest "joseph" and his oldest brothers.. then more recently in a jw broadcast - he said that there was not a big age difference between joseph and his oldest brother.. can any one help me find both those, please?.
I think only a bullshiter can explain bullshit, but I'm not sure.
Regional Assembly Violence
by Iamallcool induring a regional assembly, there was an incident when subjects suddenly invaded the assembly venue, spraying toxic gas and even hitting some brothers!..
the police and the fire department arrived at the call and arrested some of these violent subjects.
there are no reports of any death, more if several people who were affected by the gases.. let us pray for our beloved brothers so that they can be strong and courageous and regain their joy.. we know things are progressing from bad to worse, but we are also sure that we have the lord on our side!
If it really happened the WT was probably behind it.
Jesus resurrected in spirit or flesh, JW doctrine?
by Crazyguy inwhat is the jw doctrine on this?
and do they believe that he ascended then came back or dead for three days and then only ascended after being resurrected for a while?.
What is the JW doctrine on this? And do they believe that he ascended then came back or dead for three days and then only ascended after being resurrected for a while?
Is this Ancient Babylonian Trig System more accurate than the early Greek system?
by fulltimestudent inscientists at the university of nsw have been investigating an ancient clay tablet, known as plimpton 322, from the time of hammurabi (circa 1800 bce), whose laws may have been the model for the laws attributed to moses.. their conclusions are interesting.
if you want to quickly see what its about, check outs this video by the unsw,.
Babylonians and Egyptians way ahead of the Greeks. The Greeks eventually just stole the information.
Bethel Lurkers-A woman's Heartfelt phonecall regarding the organisations inhumane shunning policy!
by UnshackleTheChains ini hope bethel lurkers at warwick listen to the rational viewpoint of this australian woman in the recording below.
she virtually pleads with an australian branch member as to the reasons why shunning is inhumane and how unfair it is that individuals are being held captive within the watchtower organisation.
they can't simply leave officially without the threat of being shunned by friends and family members.. typically, the branch member responds in a robotic like manner, sticking rigidly to watchtower policy..
They were exposed by their own writing department and one of their GB members in 1980 for teaching things that were not biblical. They inturn responded with there evil cult like policies. When you lie and teach lies you have to protect yourself by trashing those that expose you for who you really are.
My return to the WT...a terrible mistake
by JustHuman14 ini haven't posted for quite a bit, decided to share my thoughts on this one, so it is a reference topic for anyone who decides to return back to the org, knowing all about the tatt.
being way for quite long for almost 15 years and all wt's activities, i have missed quite a lot including the "new light" latest updates, i found it quite hard to follow up what was going on to the meetings.
new songs, wt broadcast, videos, internet (so wt now is in favor of the internet) cartoons, and everything seemed completely new and weird to me.. reason for going back it was the severe pressure from close family members to return back to the "truth".
There's got to be away to go to maybe one meeting a week and spend most of it playing a game or reading something of interest on your IPad, so you don't have to listen to the trash. Unfortentaly I too may have to return, they are telling our kids that if we're not there then we don't matter and their fatherless. So I may have to go back and then when in, start feeding the kids some ttatt.
Last nights CLAM meeting
by dbq407 inso hadn't been to a clam meeting in quite a few months, but went last night.
so we learned that gog of magog is not satan as previously believed.
they used a few scriptures that made it clear that it couldn't be satan and that it would be a coalition of nations.
Good point stillin. When I was growing up in the cult they made it seem as though you wouldn't be hiding and when they did come for you that's when all hell breaks loose on the bad guys.
This hding in a basement is total fear mongering!