Not only does the body produce 1 million white blood cells per drop but in about 50% of pregnancys durning child birth blood gets passed from one to the other.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Are White Blood Cells Passed to a Baby via Breastfeeding?
by ThomasCovenant inhaving just read ''just n from bethel''s post .
i have to ask is it true that white blood cells are passed to a baby when breastfeeding?
if it is true then surely jw's cannot breastfeed..
Approximately how many JW have left permanently?
by longgone ini did try a search before posting this question and found nothing current.
pew research -2016 says approximately two thirds of those born into the religion in the united states alone, no longer consider themselves as members.
(sorry, still don't know how to link, but it's an easy google search.).
Let not forget all the ones that grew up in it but didn't get baptized and then left. My generation of kids in my hall all but three left, some came back but now with the internet less are and will. Also this new generation of kids are more out spoken more independent and more willing to speak out against the organization.
Approximately how many JW have left permanently?
by longgone ini did try a search before posting this question and found nothing current.
pew research -2016 says approximately two thirds of those born into the religion in the united states alone, no longer consider themselves as members.
(sorry, still don't know how to link, but it's an easy google search.).
I think the last time it was mentioned something like a million left in the last 10 years. There was also some one that did the numbers going back to like 1950 and found that there are more exjws then active.
Protect Your Family??
by Tech49 inhere is an article in the current study copy of the wt.
tell me your thoughts and i will tell you mine.!
this is a topic that i am very sensitive about, as i could never see not protecting my family, even if that meant using whatever means at hand to do so!
I think we all can think of a case in our past where we heard of a brother or sister that was assaulted or attacked etc.. a relative of mine was raped in her own home by an intruder another sister was staying and her blood sisters home and slept on the couch. A man broke in and assaulted her, he was chased out of the house and down the street for awhile by her sisters husband when he was awakened by the noise. He stopped the chase after a bit because he was naked and probably not catching up to the man. The girl a young woman in her late teens or early 20s was beaten so badly her brain swelled and I'm not sure of her final fate. Maybe a gun could not do much is these examples but who knows. I'm willing to bet if I broke into the GB residents and was on my way to find and kill them that someone on their staff would produce a weapon!
JW All seeing eye property
by wwjdnwt in have you guys seen this?
i googled it on my pc and pulled same thing.
crazy stuff.
I think the Old Stanley theatre with the Egyptian sun disk with wings is more telling. This could be explained away but not the Stanley theater.
Had to say something to a couple of cart women in Bentonville square.
by blownaway inmy wife and i were walking up to the original walmart store in bentonville.
its now a museum.
two women were sitting in the park next to a cart.
Good one chook, they also killed or injured countless ones by telling them not to get an organ transplant from 1967-1980.
2017 Kingdom Hall in Chile with Flag with Meeting
by ILoveTTATT2 infinally, after 5 years, we have received footage that shows, unmistakably, that there was a flag in the kingdom hall, while a meeting was is the video: will post this year's pictures below.
this year we had pictures and video of three different kingdom halls with the flag!.
I think the GB instructed the Chilean congregations to go ahead and fly the flag because they were not going to pay the $400 dollar fine as of course the Chilean congregations don't have that kind of money each year.
John 1:3
by Hi y-all injohn 1:3 states in the nwt, "all things came into existence through him, and apart from him (the word, or jesus) not even one thing came into existence.".
the wt states apart from him one thing came into existence, that is, jesus the first created being.. is there an explanation for this apparent contradiction?.
The New Testament writers were promoting Jesus as the new god others were promoting him as part of a trinity. This is why there is contradictions about who he is. In most pantheons back then the creator god or father god wasn't necessarily the all powerful god that was to be worshipped.
What would be most likely...
by The freewheeling inwhat statement to the elders would get you disfelloshipped fastest?
saying.... a) that you don't believe in god anymore.
or saying ... b) that you don't believe that the governing body is god's canal and mouthpiece anymore.. what opinion is most serious in there eyes?
They never once asked me if I believed in Jehovah or Jesus but was asked several times if I believe the GB were the faithful slave?
Oh The Irony
by FedUpJW inso i sat and suffered through the clam tonight.. everything was pretty much as dull, repetitious, and simple-minded as i have come to expect, but i was really struck by the mind-numbing idiotic comments made during the part about shunning family.. then came the book study (no real bible use) loaded with self-congratulatory b.s about how wt never has, and never will beg, solicit, or ask for money.
i could feel myself beginning to channel the old tasmanian devil cartoon character as i listened to that garbage while remembering the jdubya tv shows about how more money was going out than coming in and give more.
but finally came the most ironic (to me) part of the entire meeting and i could not help bursting out in a loud belly laugh that got me many dirty looks and heavy frowns.
Did they specify what this 14 dollars was for.