It’s hard being sexual period when a JW, there’s so many hang ups even if your married the sex can be a problem.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
It's hard being bisexual and being a jw
by Sally fields ini've been bi for a long time but i know it's wrong if you want to be a jw... .
The Blood Soaked Savagery of the YHWH/Jesus Creation
by fulltimestudent indo you remember being with a group of witnesses looking at some cute little animal and everyone saying, "oooh!
isn't jehovah sooo wooooonderful!!!
" of course, most other christians are just as prone to utter such insipid, sugary and idiotic expressions.. the cats and dogs that we often dote on are the result of hundreds of years of breeding out undesirable traits, but their original ancestors survived by catching and tearing to pieces cute, cuddly little animals who are stricken with terror as they are hunted.
I like some of those videos on YouTube where Noah and his family is collecting animals to put on the ark but are discussing where the parasites and fleas etc will go an who’s body they’ll be on etc. Wonder how many animals Ebola killed before the flood was over and they were able to get off the ark?
Spirit Channeling at Wallkill's Bethel
by Marie33 inlook what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
Even though this stuff is hard to believe like mentioned before they have stated that resurrected elders the 24 are to there to share stuff. Rutherford claimed that Russell was one of the angels in the book of Revelations sharing things to him for the book Finish Mystery. In a later book Rutherford wrote that the Holy Spirit didn’t work any more and he was directly contacted by angels.
These stories sound over the top an unbelievably but a lot of crap said and done in the past would be unbelievable to anyone not familiar with the cult.
Revisiting the two witness rule, new light.
by Crazyguy init’s already been disgusted how mathew 18: verses 18 on showing that there’s not a cut and dry way to enforce a rule or law in another thread i started.
but let’s look at verse 16 the verse they like to quote.
the verse isn’t talking about having two witnesses to a crime or a wrong doing , it’s saying if you have a problem with a brother and he’s not willing to listen to your side off the issue to take some witnesses with you that agree with you to help establish that your point of view is in fact correct.
Funny I don’t know how I missed that I used the word “disgusted” instead of “discussed” . Maybe it was a freudian slip because these GB guys are really disgusting!!!
Revisiting the two witness rule, new light.
by Crazyguy init’s already been disgusted how mathew 18: verses 18 on showing that there’s not a cut and dry way to enforce a rule or law in another thread i started.
but let’s look at verse 16 the verse they like to quote.
the verse isn’t talking about having two witnesses to a crime or a wrong doing , it’s saying if you have a problem with a brother and he’s not willing to listen to your side off the issue to take some witnesses with you that agree with you to help establish that your point of view is in fact correct.
It’s already been disgusted how Mathew 18: verses 18 on showing that there’s not a cut and dry way to enforce a rule or law in another thread I started. But let’s look at verse 16 the verse they like to quote. The verse isn’t talking about having two witnesses to a crime or a wrong doing , it’s saying if you have a problem with a brother and he’s not willing to listen to your side off the issue to take some witnesses with you that agree with you to help establish that your point of view is in fact correct.
This has nothing to do with witnesses to a crime!!
Why isn't Lazarus my next-door neighbor?
by return of parakeet inafter looking through doug mason's "ransom" thread, i noticed a little discrepancy between dub doctrine and the bible; i.e.
lazarus.. if the wages of sin is death, lazarus paid the wages in full by dying, and when resurrected by jesus, he should then have been a "perfect" man.
after all, he paid his wages for his imperfection -- he died.
Better question is why aren’t the saints that came to life in the tombs at jesus death not our nieghbor’s.? These were resurrected at Jesus death so one can not say his ransom doesn’t apply !
Does This Site Ever Change The Mind of “Spiritual “ Jehovah’s Witnesses?
by minimus indo you think witnesses who come here believe that in fact they don’t have the truth, after all.
or are we just preaching to the choir?
People searching or realizing something is not right in their jw faith will come here with questions and often be enlightened. For me it was another none witness site about the Bible and it’s oldest translation and commentaries written there that helped to open my mind. Once the mind was open then coming to a place like this is just another step in the awakening process.
CA question....
by DATA-DOG inso mrs. dd is going to the ca, and it's refreshing to realize that i had no idea that it was coming up!
😎 what a great mental and emotional milestone!!
yay, me!!!.
They try and keep these things from me. Jw activities are a big secret if you don’t attend.
Scientific, Credible Discovery - Earthquakes are set to increase in 2018
by ILoveTTATT2 init has already been published and presented in a geology conference:it has been discovered that the earth´s rotation slows down a few milliseconds every so often, and when it slows down, about 5 years later there is a 5-year period where the frequency of large earthquakes around magnitude 7 or greater increases about according to scientists, in 2018, around the tropical areas, we should expect around 20 major earthquakes, compared to the 15 average on a normal year.jw´s are likely to jump on this as "evidence" of the time of the end, and will probably be misquoted in a watchtower publication sometime are some news organizations covering the story:
etc is the scientific paper (which i can´t read but if someone has access to the pdf, could you please share)? is the presentation to the geological society of america:.
Thanks for the heads up Ilovettatt2.
January 2018 Message of Judgment - What Is This?
by dubstepped ini've now seen a couple of references to this and did a little digging before leaving for work.
i saw someone on reddit in july saying that someone on the inside said a change was coming in 2018 with the jw message, and i've now seen two references to this in the past week.
help a former brother out.
Yeah this has been mentioned before it’s another way to get people thinking the end is close, yet they never actually do it and the end never comes either. Rinse and repeat rinse and repeat, JWs are so gullible!