There’s the Turin kings list as well as lists of kings found on Egyptian temple walls that help to destroy the JW argument. It’s true some of the places and things in Egypt may not be accurately dated such as The Sphinx and maybe even the great pyramids at Egypt as well as the osirian temple. There however many temples and pyramids that have been dated to dates and kings that show the mistakes of the JWs. Just look at the dates of the flood according to the JWs at about 2370 and then look at what egyptologists show as who the king was and what pyramid he was building.
The other thing to take into consideration is Egyptologists show who was ruling at the time and what cities were built and temples etc all the way down in to the Roman era. So with this being said the JWs only real argument is that these older kings and thier building projects must have happened somewhere in time during the rule of another king. So an example would have to be while Ramses was off fighting the Hittites another Pharaoh rose to power had the people quickly biuld a temple and a pyramid and then disappeared into the mist before Ramses returned. This must of happened quite a lot .