If your going to do something anti JW have your hosting company in an offshore place like Iceland.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
How to start a Website?
by DATA-DOG indoes anyone know the best way to start a website?
is wordpress good?
there’s going to be lots of things being sold on this site.
Did the Jews invent themselves and Israel in response to Hellenism
by Crazyguy inafter alexander the great died a greek family called the ptolemy’s took over egypt and the area we call israel today.
they instituted a new form of god worship for their empire the worship of the king and a new god named serapis.
serapis was a combination of several egyptian and greeks gods combined into one god.
The letter you mention is the one that sounds like pure Jewish propaganda. In the end I wish i had a time machine so I could go back and find out what was really going on.
The Dark-Skinned Early Briton.
by fulltimestudent ini'm sure many others noted in yesterday's news feeds, that scientists deciphering the dna of the skeleton remains of a man thought to have died some 10,000 years ago in the south of england, have presented him as:.
as blue-eyed (now that's quite english) but as dark skinned.
and, that's not very english, to the horror of many.. (link: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/02/ancient-face-cheddar-man-reconstructed-dna-spd/ ).
They find fish living in caves that are blind but have eyes or the remnants of them. I too think humans migrated and when they got to northern places like Europe lost the need for so much pigment.
$5.5 Million to be transferred to World Wide Work from Assembly Hall fund
by Sour Grapes ina letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
So what are they doing for a hall in that area now? I would think having and owning a hall would be a big money maker so why rent?
Did the Jews invent themselves and Israel in response to Hellenism
by Crazyguy inafter alexander the great died a greek family called the ptolemy’s took over egypt and the area we call israel today.
they instituted a new form of god worship for their empire the worship of the king and a new god named serapis.
serapis was a combination of several egyptian and greeks gods combined into one god.
You make some good points Fulltimestudent, but since the Maccabean revolts started a bit later I wonder if there’s still some truth to my idea? What I don’t understand is why the Ptolemy’s if they actually did this we don’t know for sure, contracted, some Jews to write their books into Greek? If they were not behind writting a Greek bible so to speak then why would the Jews do so, for they thought the older Hebrew language sacred so we’re told? The other question is are these writtings really Jewish and if not why make them look as if they are.
Since we know many of the stories in the Old Testament are rewritten stories from other places then who changed them to fit a Jewish narrative and included a nation called Israel which never existed? Who made up stories about people like David, Solomon, and Moses? Maybe it was the Seleucid Greeks to weaken the Ptolemy’s?
...and so it begins
by Phoebe ini've had an email from a sister who tells me that out in field service this morning a long standing route call has told them she won't be taking any more magazines and doesn't want them calling on her again because she has heard about the jws child abuse scandals and cover ups.
she was quite angry with them and said your elders say there is nothing wrong but there is and it will all come out.. this is the first time anyone i know of has been challenged on the doorstep and they were absolutely shocked and also angry.
angry that the organization is not preparing them for dealing with this and for not being honest with the brothers about what is going on ie: lawsuits etc.. just thought i'd share that with you..
That’s awesome!!!!!!!!
Did the Jews invent themselves and Israel in response to Hellenism
by Crazyguy inafter alexander the great died a greek family called the ptolemy’s took over egypt and the area we call israel today.
they instituted a new form of god worship for their empire the worship of the king and a new god named serapis.
serapis was a combination of several egyptian and greeks gods combined into one god.
After Alexander the Great died a Greek family called the Ptolemy’s took over Egypt and the area we call Israel today. They instituted a new form of god worship for their empire the worship of the king and a new god named Serapis. Serapis was a combination of several Egyptian and Greeks gods combined into one god. The king also got himself named Pharaoh so to be god on earth.
This family wanted to influence their entire empire and make it more Greek like in culture and worship, this is where Hellenism was born.
Now when we look at the story behind the creation of the Greek Septuagint Bible the oldest Old Testament writtings we are led to believe by some letters written back then that one of the Ptolemy Kings wanted a Jewish law book written in Greek. These letters go on to say that this king was willing to pay big money and free 100,000 slaves so these writtings would be written. 72 Jewish scholars gathered in Alexandria and then wrote the Old Testament into Greek.
Some say this Old Testament was put together by the Greeks to help Hellenise the jews, pointing to some of the stories in the Bible that are clearly Greek in nature.
Could it be the opposite? Could it be that to try to combat the Greeks a group of people Jews invented or made up many of the stories in the Bible to make themselves more legitimate as a group or a nation. Could be that this is what they did but do to lack of time they took many stories already written by others, stories from Egypt, Greece, Babylon and Assyria and just changed a few characters or places to give them a Jewish narrative. The letter written stating the Greek King released 100,000 slaves and paid a lot of money to get the Greek Septuagint written is just preposterous, possibly a Jewish lie to make these writtings that much more important.
To further this claim when we look back into history we can find no history of a nation called Israel and many historians like Heradadous never mention a people called Hebrews or Jews. So again was the Septuagint bible created to make a history for a people in order to counter Greek influences? Sure we have Jerusalem kings like Hezzekia and others after him down to the destruction of the city by the Babylonians but again a small group of people. Again could the Old Testament been written to counter Greek attempts to stamp out the Jewish culture?
Before you answer no thinking this is a crazy idea just remember this has happened in modern times. The Jehovah’s witnesses have written a myriad of books making it look as thought the New Testament was written for and about them exclusively, claiming in their writings that several prophecies in the Bible had their fulfillment by Jehovah witness leaders and that they continue to fulfill prophecy today.
PORTUGAL: Filed a petition to the parliament to erase the legal entity of the Jehovah's Witness
by EdenOne inbased on legal arguments that revolve around violations of several articles of the portuguese constitution, and of the law of religious freedom, a petition to the portuguese parliament has been set in motion to extinguish the legal entity that represents the jehovah's witness in portugal and remove this community from the national register of recognized religions protected by law.
the petition does not seek to ban the jehovah's witness as a whole in the country.
the petition denounces the institutional policy of shunning former members as a violation of basic human rights and psychological torture, and asks the portuguese legislators and judicial authorities to take action to stop this abuse, and suspend legal recognition to the branch office entity until the policies of shunning are changed.
I do think it’s weird thier going after just the JWs but to those that don’t agree and say it’s a waste of time because how can you tell people who to not talk to, just think it’s not about controlling who you can and can not talk to its about them the WT not getting tax exempt status for making these kind of evel rules.
Its about hurting them in their wallet!!
A Short Life Story - Part 4 (Finale)
by pale.emperor ina continuation from part 3, which is here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/4807117397557248/short-life-story-part-3#!#4918071166763008.
my wife had settled into a routine of waking up at 6am each day, cleaning (so no chance of a lie in for me or our daughter with the vacuum cleaner going), eating very little, picking the skin off her lips while she sits there in a trance obsessing over things that are out of our control and dont matter anyway.
she never did return to work.
I like your last line, I’m about to do the same for I have been with a wife that doesn’t love me and have stayed only for the kids. It’s about time I go live!
Sign of apostasy
by Ireneus inelders arranged a sort of informal visit by a more capable elder accompanied by another brother who is more qualified than me from academic background.
their purpose was to reason with me as a last resort to avoid a jc.. during the two-hour discussion, i could make my point clear to them: “i don’t think any one particular religion has the whole truth.
it may be existing as bits and piece in all religions and schools of thought.
You should respond how is this a sign of apostasy? The religion of JW has gotten things wrong before that they said was truth, the leader came out in February of last year and said they are neither inflabble or inspired. According to one of their broad casts November 2016 their still roving about. And in an older wt they state their doctrines are only their opinion? You are just reiterating what they themselves have said and proven in the past!