I started reading the new Net Septuagint bible that came out just a few years. It was supposed to be the most up to date translation based on all the data. In the end they too, the translators, were influenced by all thier previous ideals for the new translation was in my opinion not truly an accurate one. Maybe a bit better but not as accurate as it should be.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Recent New Testament translation causing a stir
by careful insharp-witted and well-educated eastern orthodox philosopher and theologian david bentley hart, now a fellow at notre dame, has produced a nt translation (yale univ press 2017) that is causing a major stir.
one-man translations are pretty rare any more, but this one is making a real splash, largely because it does not surrender to the group/translation committee mentality.. .
even though it's been out only a few months, it's already been reviewed several times in well-known publications.
Victoria, Australia:Survivors of sexual abuse to be able to sue churches
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-24/survivors-of-sexual-abuse-to-be-able-to-sue-churches/9481000.
sexual abuse survivors in victoria to be able to sue churches as government moves to end 'ellis defence'.
updated about 2 hours ago.
Let’s hope it passes, but like stated earlier the cult is incorporated it like the Catholic Church so JWs down under should be able to sue and win.
Why JWs down there are not suing is beyond me? Maybe the culture is not a s sue happy as it is in the United States.
What does the WT say in response to the Bible command of human sacrifice?
by Crazyguy inin the bible at exodus 22:29 and numbers 3:13 its very specific that the first born males belong to god.
at leviticus 27:28,29 is specifically says all that is given to the lord even the sons can not be ransomed and are to be destroyed.
this makes it clear that human sacrifice of the first born males was expected.
I think what’s written in Numbers 5 where the Levites were substituted for the firstborn is the explanation the JWs would use. What’s funny here is what’s written in Numbers chapter 5 is a direct contradiction to what was written in both Leviticus and Exodus because those writtings said you could not Rasom or substitute things devoted to god.
What does the WT say in response to the Bible command of human sacrifice?
by Crazyguy inin the bible at exodus 22:29 and numbers 3:13 its very specific that the first born males belong to god.
at leviticus 27:28,29 is specifically says all that is given to the lord even the sons can not be ransomed and are to be destroyed.
this makes it clear that human sacrifice of the first born males was expected.
It’s interesting that in almost every case where the words cherem or charam is used it’s obvious that it means to destroy or to devote to destruction. But when it comes to human sacrifice the it could just mean to Ban. It’s also interesting that the Canaanites also known as Phoenicians the people’s that the Jews have been linked to via DNA and other means did preform human sacrifice until the Romans finally outlawed it.
Is he interested?
by Sunnybear ini met a wonderful man on match.com several months ago.
on our first date, there was amazing chemistry and we ended up having sex.
it was not planned, it just happened.
Like everyone is saying RUN. This guy is having sex with you out of wedlock then starts pushing his religion on you. WTF , what a hypocrite!!!
The cult of JWs is very toxic and life destroying you need to run away as if this guy has Ebola, if you don’t youll reget it!!!
Please explain!
by Freedom rocks inhi please can someone explain this in laymans terms for me coz i be ever got it as a jw and still don't.
it doesn't make sense to me.
bible chronology indicates that god’s kingdom was established in heaven in 1914. this is shown by a prophecy recorded in chapter 4 of the bible book of daniel.. overview of the prophecy.
John Aquila Brown wrote a book called the EvenTide back in the early 1800’s , this is where Miller , Boubour and other got these ideas of a second later fulfillment of Daniel. In his book he wrote that the gentile times would end in 1917.
Like Rattigan350 said the whole idea would rest on David’s offspring being on the throne and through his offspring would come the messiah.
It’s also confirmed that the writings of Daniel came much later about the 2 century BC . It’s also been argued very well that these so called prophecies or writings were about the Ptolemy’s.
Whether one want to believe this stuff or not the one question or point that people fail to realize it the Davidic line was broken a davidic King did not sit on the throne all the way until the messiah showed up. Just another failed prophecies in a book of failed prophecies.
What does the WT say in response to the Bible command of human sacrifice?
by Crazyguy inin the bible at exodus 22:29 and numbers 3:13 its very specific that the first born males belong to god.
at leviticus 27:28,29 is specifically says all that is given to the lord even the sons can not be ransomed and are to be destroyed.
this makes it clear that human sacrifice of the first born males was expected.
In the Bible at exodus 22:29 and Numbers 3:13 its very specific that the first born males belong to god. At Leviticus 27:28,29 is specifically says all that is given to the lord even the sons can not be ransomed and are to be destroyed.
This makes it clear that human sacrifice of the first born males was expected. So what does the WT say to try and get around this?
Try Not To Vomit When You Read Todays Text
by pale.emperor intuesday, february 27. let the elders who preside in a fine way be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching.—1 tim.
5:17.. those related to us in the faith certainly merit honor and respect.
this is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead.
I think these men these wonderful elders should then since their brainwashing my family should also take care of them. They should pay the mortgage the wife’s car payment and insurance all the children’s bills as well as clothe them and feed them.
Blood Issue.......something for thought, where is the logic.
by CovertsadJW ini have yet to read about the contradictions in the jw teachings on blood, but i have personally witnessed one.
i am a medical professional and have seen hemopure administered for an active jw who did refuse a blood transfusion.
its not fda approved here, but given in special life saving circumstances.
Your so right orphancrow, in chapter 17 of Leviticus they fail to mention the scripture where it says it’s ok to eat a dead animal found where there is no way to drain the blood. One would only be unclean until evening.
They fail to mention in Mathew chapter 12 where Jesus says we desire mercy no sacrifice.
They fail to mention in chapter 15 of Mathew where Jesus says nothing going into a man can defile him .
Who deserves the title of king of apostasy ?
by Chook ini think this would be a noble endeavour..
Mythology creatures I would say Jesus. Real people I would say Martin Luther. As for our local cult I would have to say Ray Franz then Paul Grundy.