What their doing very effectively is telling their slaves not to associate with inactive ones and to treat them as if they are sinning aginst god somehow. Mind control cults all do this and shun former cult members.
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Will Watchtower target the inactive?
by ToesUp inif watchtower has no reason to df ones.
they have just become inactive.
do you all think wt will begin a witch hunt (df'ing) for these inactive ones?
by whatisthis12 inso i’ve been dating my boyfriend for over a year.
he left the jehovah witness community and we have been living together for one year.
he hasn’t kept in contact with his family because he was disfellowshipped and hasn’t gone to any meetings.
I think you should ask him straight up what he believes and if he believes the teachings of his religion? Let him explain the come back here for advice on how to respond.
What is your faith if any and what would you like to happen with you guys? There’s a lot of different ways one can approach the issues depending on what you want and believe.
So a religion based on a book by another religion?
by TTWSYF inso does anyone else find it odd that jws base their whole faith on the bible?.
the bible was never in the plan for christianity.
the apostles spread the good news as they were instructed to by christ jesus .
The religion of Christians was part mystery school of Serapis part gnostic and possible part Jewish Greek made up Torah. I think it was Pliny that wrote to his Caesar about what todo with this wierd group he had encountered while governor of a part of Turkey. He had held higher positions throughout the empire even in Rome yet never heard of a Christian before. The Bible only became a thing in response to writings by Marcion. Then when Constantine embraced the religion the writings of the Bible really started to be put together and formulated.
What most people don’t know is that the cannon was changed and changed and changed again many times for many more centuries. Then the Protestant reformation happened and it was dramatically changed again.
Also what most people don’t realize is the oldest bible writings in many places its unreadable. Of the four major codexes scriptures like 1or 2 Timothy 3:16 where we see it say that the Bible is inspired , it’s unintelligible. All over the New Testament the name for Jesus in Greek many times is just one letter like a I or a O.
Bart Erhman wrote that many of the scribes would make notes about what they thought the text may of ment or said and then later these notes became part of the actual bible.
For Active JW Men: Ideas on Awakening Your JW Spouse (Long post)
by Open mind indisclaimer: your mileage may vary.
if you are a married, "active, in good standing" (tm), jw male who has recently discovered that the .
watchtower is not what it claims to be, this thread is for you.
In most cases I think people become very emotional when they learn TTATT and the cat gets out of the bag before you can even formulate a strategy. I only mentioned a little bit of info about a subject that I felt was wrong and off my wife went to call the elders.
Before I knew it or even had a chance to get some advice because my head was spinning about Ttatt I was being label an apostate. My wife even wanted it mentioned at my daughters little skit at the meeting about her getting baptized.
Things continued to spiral out of control the whole while I was still only talking privately to one elder. Some of us find out the hard way how deeply our mates are brain washed by the cult.
Not only did I find out she was lying about me but the elders were also spreading rumors about the circuit all the while I was still in private discussions with them. In the end I was able to get only publicly reproved but the damage was done. Many people in the hall had heard some rumor or another about me and I had zero desire to go back.
My wife and I are still together but only for the kids and a very sick child that I was trying to save her life while going through this misery.
One of the most hurtful things that was done, was while I was working my ass off to make tons of money so my child could be sent all over the US to save her life my wife was makIng it out that the “friends” were making most of the donations and later implied to my own sick child that I barrowed the money from my mother , the little I apparently put towards her therapies and travel. In reality thousand and thousands of dollars were spent and of the “friends” two were nice enough to donate over a thousand dollars each but one was a close friend of my child. Of the other “friends” all in all less then a thousand was donated by the rest none by the elders!
These people truly turn on you like your a demonized dog!
A good idea not to have Children
by new boy indoes anyone one here remember any articles in the watchtower in the nineteen sixties or seventies that specifically stated the that the witnesses should refrain from having children because of the proximity of armageddon?.
i guess i should never have made a bound fire with my thirty years of bound volumes lol.
The were still lauding to that crap in the 80s and 90s
Feeling pressure to attend the Memorial?
by Fay Dehr infeeling pressure to attend the memorial?.
as a former elder i write this response to hopefully help those genuinely feeling “guilt” before their god.
if you are a jehovah’s witness or an “ex-jw” (for example, disfellowshipped or lapsed), then i hope that this will be of help to you.
I also found in the Bible a provision for travelers not in the land at the time , they could do the celebration a month later.
July 2018 WT points
by The Fall Guy inpage 16, par.
18 carefully follow the latest directions.. do we faithfully follow the latest directions that jehovah has given us?
if so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past.
I like how they blowveate how they are speaking for Jehovah yet in an interview with the lead attorney one of the GB admitted to not being able to speak to Jesus his mediator between him and his god.
Two witness rule: Stop using it, its not working on JWs!
by StephaneLaliberte inmost jws don't see this as a problem.
they reason that.
just like the jws, the police will not convict a pedophile over the story of one victim alone, there must be collaborative evidence.
Remember the Dateline show years ago, the elder that was accused by a girl in the hall denied it. When the family called the cops under their interrogation he admitted to it. The elders dfd the whole family and the congregation supported the elder even as he went off to prison.
Also a sister in the hall i grew up in had two sons molested by an older boy in the hall. The elders did nothing and just dragged their feet. She called the cops and after the investigation the perp went to juvenile detention for awhile. The elders treated the mother like crap after and she either left the cult or moved to another congregation.
If you're expecting a mass exodus anytime soon, FORGET ABOUT IT!
by nowwhat? ini have to make a token appearance at the k.h.
once a month or so and this week went to a different hall.
and believe me they are all still totally oblivious to all the negative news about the pedophiles and shunning that have come under scrutiny by the media and other governments.
I know someone that went to bethel back in the early 80s he said they were making money off the printing something like it cost them only about a 10-20% of what the householders were charged.
Three Simple Reasons Why an Assault-Weapons Ban Is Bad Policy
by freemindfade ini keep saying this is a bad place/policy to put all the time, energy and resources if you really do in fact care, or if you are just riding the agenda bandwagon: .
an assault-weapons ban is irrelevant to suicide deaths.
the large majority of gun deaths are suicides, and there is no credible argument that an assault-weapons ban will have the slightest effect on suicide.
The simple fact is this, the USA is a very open country with huge boarders and tons of ocean front property. This means it’s not to hard to smuggle things in. Second if they outlawed guns tomorrow how are they going to get all the guns out of everyone’s hands. It would have to be voluntary as well as some sort of mandatory collection process.
So in the end only the criminals would have the guns, so mass shootings by kids and crazies may go down but by criminals and gangs go way up. How does this solve the problem??
Final thought, I live in a state where open carry is legal and concealed carry is also legal with a background check. Tons of people here packing and there hasn’t been any mass shootings for awhile. I’m willing to bet if someone started shooting people someone would shoot back.