In most cases I think people become very emotional when they learn TTATT and the cat gets out of the bag before you can even formulate a strategy. I only mentioned a little bit of info about a subject that I felt was wrong and off my wife went to call the elders.
Before I knew it or even had a chance to get some advice because my head was spinning about Ttatt I was being label an apostate. My wife even wanted it mentioned at my daughters little skit at the meeting about her getting baptized.
Things continued to spiral out of control the whole while I was still only talking privately to one elder. Some of us find out the hard way how deeply our mates are brain washed by the cult.
Not only did I find out she was lying about me but the elders were also spreading rumors about the circuit all the while I was still in private discussions with them. In the end I was able to get only publicly reproved but the damage was done. Many people in the hall had heard some rumor or another about me and I had zero desire to go back.
My wife and I are still together but only for the kids and a very sick child that I was trying to save her life while going through this misery.
One of the most hurtful things that was done, was while I was working my ass off to make tons of money so my child could be sent all over the US to save her life my wife was makIng it out that the “friends” were making most of the donations and later implied to my own sick child that I barrowed the money from my mother , the little I apparently put towards her therapies and travel. In reality thousand and thousands of dollars were spent and of the “friends” two were nice enough to donate over a thousand dollars each but one was a close friend of my child. Of the other “friends” all in all less then a thousand was donated by the rest none by the elders!
These people truly turn on you like your a demonized dog!