Just an update; but yes I have found that the moon does indeed seem to die after the new moon for threes days. Older moon deities were male but in time many became female or were replaced with a feminine goddess or were the daughter of the moon god. Mary being a copy of Ishtar an older moon deities daughter.
A woman’s cycle is usually at about the same 28 day cycle as the moon. This again has all the makings of the fertility aspect of these fertility religions.
The early Christian Church wanted to inculcate all the aspects of all the fertility ideas from older religion. Jesus was born in the house of bread, Bethlehem. Was the light of the world Sun of god born on December 25 the rising and rebirth of the Sun. He saves mankind from the cold dark winter by being sacrificed but is resurrected when the sun takes over the night on the spring Equinox.
Add in some of the Greek ideas of fertility and you have the Easter celebration with Easter eggs and bunny rabbits.