Here is some good key scriptures, what is the good news? 1corthinans chapter 15 answers this.
What must one do to be saved john chapter 3 and chapter 6 says just believe in Christ, no works needed. Ephesians chapter 2:8-9 says works are only for boasting.
The gospel say that jesus taught that we should not judge , do not exalt ourselves and that a true Christian loves everyone even his enemies.
Jesus did not shun anyone.
There are plenty of scriptures that teach that god does not show “favoritism” in the books of Acts Romans and such.
There also a plethora of scriptures that state all who believe and do the will of god are gods children Mathew 12:50 is a good one . These verses and subject I mentioned completely show how then JWs are wrong and can no way be the true religion. In fact the New Testament doesn’t say anything about having to be part of a sect or organization or cult to be right with god and be saved. Good luck to you!