I have come to the conclusion that one has to become a victim of the cult to finally wake up. Even people that have experience a bunch of different hypocrisy’s before they wake often are still a victim. The other thought is those that are considered Mavericks or rebels will often wake up before others or just plain leave because they can’t handle the rules etc.
I and I’m betting most of you fall into these same categories. We had a hard time towing the line maybe something about the policies didn’t set well with you, then you became a victim in one way or another. Someone mistreated, or you were lied to or wrongly dfd in your opinion etc.
In my case I was already showing a rebellious spirit years before I woke up when I took a dfd young mother into my home. Then years later under a lot of stress what helped to wake me , I heard Lett admit they lied about 1975. Realizing what I heard and already having doubts do to the stress I was under I realized I was a victim of their lies. Then I became more of a victim when I voiced my concerns and some doubts.
So i think someone has to be of a similar personality and then be victimized if not if their happy they’ll never wake up. And if their not happy and not to much of a rebel maverick then they’ll stay even if they continue to be victimized unless outright dfd. The dfding process is so extreme that this will help non Maverick types also to wake up. Of course there always and exception to the rule, And it just my opinion. But there it is and that’s why they call me crazy.