Dugout, except for being and elder I'm regretting I didn't do much of the same when I was at least single. I messed around and dated a lot of sisters but remained a gentleman, now I'm regretting it. We only live once so we should all have as much fun as possible!
JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
What is the biggest sexual scandal to hit the top of JW tree ?
by Chook inelders ,co ,do ,branch overseers ,gb ,missionaries has "sinful" lust got the better of them..
Russia Threatens to Target US Jets in Syria
by cofty inon sunday a us jet shot down a syrian military government fighter plane after it dropped bombs close to us backed kurdish soldiers.. russia who backs erdogan has reacted with a threat to target us jets over syria and withdraw from communication arrangements designed to prevent us - russian conflict in the region.. the threat of a hot war between the usa and russia is growing rapidly....
This whole thing is a joke! Isis got its start because the Baathists and Sunnis wanted their power back in Iraq. I also believe someone from the states financially supported them to keep the Kurds at bay and go into Syria, keep war going since it's big business. Assad of Syria backs them because they were taking out all the rebel groups poping up to take him out. Russia is supporting Assad and the US doesn't seem to know who to back.
They don't want to support any rebel group not knowing what they'll turn into. Can't or won't support the Kurds beyond small arms so as to not upset the Turks. Iran and several other middle eastern states have gotten involved, it's just a crazy mess and in the end the innocent civilians are the ones getting killed!
This is what happens when you have a regime that invades a country because they want the oil and to stop the leader from selling his oil for another currency, doing all this with out a plan for after the war.
The Alliances for Constitutional Sex Offenders Laws
by John Davis ini was listening to the news today and heard of this organization.
it advocates for the removal of sex offenders registries or at least the reduction of its use and who has to register for it.
just one example of its work is to advocate for what the la district attorney's office is doing by working with sex offenders to get their names off the registry.
Without reading all their stuff and getting some experience with regards to their practices it would be impossible to tell. With that said I think their trying to change things so that not all child sexual activity is judged the same.
Case in point , I know of two young men age 18 that had a sexual relations with a younger teenager, in both cases I believe the females were 16. Both were charged then when all things were settled they were put on the registry as sex offenders. Both had to go through all the stipulations as if they had molested a 3 year old and treated by the authorities and people in the community as if they had indeed molested a 3 year old because know one knew the details.
Im not saying having sex with a teenager is ok but what I'm thinking these guys are trying to do is get the rules changed so that young men's lives aren't destroyed forever for sleeping with some one a year or two younger then them. Some states have even changed their rules so these types offenses are not judge and prosecuted the same.
Jehovahs Witness/sport/music/celebrity/status and ,contrast that with those denied that experience as JW`s.Young ones today.
by smiddy inwe all know about the" world famous" jehovahs witnesses who have had successfull careers in the sport and entertainment, and literature world ,and if your new to this board google it.
what about the young jw`s who see this and are told this is not for a jw ,its making a name for yourself where you should be highlighting jehovahs name and his organization.. but do the young ones see the organization taking the successfull jw`s in their field to task for making a name for themselves ?
iwant to be a world skater ?i want to be a 1st class footballer?
I knew a guy that was a good athlete but wasn't allowed to play in school. He dropped out and helped his parents work their business because who needs school with the end being so near. He did play football around town , that's the sport he love the most and when he was a bit older people would ask him what college did he play for since he was so good they assumed he was also playing at college. But nope no college just work.
The denial of 1975 when and how did they go about it.
by Crazyguy ini was pretty young in 1975, all i remember was a few complaining at the hall after and those at the door that razed us over it.
does anyone remember how they went about denying it and when this started.
i do remember a scripture in psalms about people being mighty and living longer so this was used.
I was pretty young in 1975, all I remember was a few complaining at the hall after and those at the door that razed us over it. Does anyone remember how they went about denying it and when this started. I do remember a scripture in Psalms about people being mighty and living longer so this was used. But not sure when they started denying it imminently or after a few years? I knew an elder that came in and was baptized in 1986 and he was of the belief that they never predicted 1975 . So the denial was still going on despite the admissions in 1980
Jehovahs Witness/sport/music/celebrity/status and ,contrast that with those denied that experience as JW`s.Young ones today.
by smiddy inwe all know about the" world famous" jehovahs witnesses who have had successfull careers in the sport and entertainment, and literature world ,and if your new to this board google it.
what about the young jw`s who see this and are told this is not for a jw ,its making a name for yourself where you should be highlighting jehovahs name and his organization.. but do the young ones see the organization taking the successfull jw`s in their field to task for making a name for themselves ?
iwant to be a world skater ?i want to be a 1st class footballer?
I do I'm sill pissed that my youth was pissed away because of the lies of the cult !
If you were a J.W. before July 2013..................
by The Searcher in....................then you couldn't have been "in the truth" nor was "the truth in you" until july 2013, because that month's watchtower was dedicated to reversing the following 8 "truths" and replacing them with opposing "truths".
you'd been believing and teaching falsehoods.. these are for any new members and those j.w.
's who visit here who have not seen this list before.
Before I stopped going I professed to being one of the anointed. I guess I could go back and if they tried to df me I could use the no evil slave argument, lol.
Is there Some YouTube shenanigans going on?
by Crazyguy ini won't name the youtube channels yet but i noticed something while listening to them.
both channels were christian in there title both had a married couple that had both woke up and left.
both first started waking by up when the man out in service came a cross a wonderful christian family and they explained their lives followers of christ and doing missionary work etc.. both couples wanted to pray for or with the jws at their door but it didn't happen.
I listed the two channels above, anyway one couple can be seen in their video but the other is just a voice. It doesn't sound like the same guy.
Witnessing to two JW elders
by Roger Kirkpatrick ini was approached by two jehovah’s witness elders who handed me a pamphlet advertising the jw .org website.
each man carried a bible and an apple ipad.
they told me that they enjoyed visiting with people about the bible, and asked if i was a bible reader.
Nicely done except the wt does some fine dancing around the word Naos to explain away how their teaching is not wrong. Of course their lying.
How many JWs would Disassociate if their were no family sanctions?
by Chook ini think the swamp would empty overnight .
No there's a lot of truly delusional believers still in. I'd say only about 10 percent would bail immediately then after more over time as they are screwed over in one way or another.