I think there's no way to tell any of it. For instance early bible text mention a god with the title El , most people thought it just a title until the early 20th century when they found a Syrian god named El. Many similarities between the god of the Bible and this god but later it becomes obvious that some of the Bible writings indicate Baal takes on the powers and attributes of this god and so does the Bible god. But wait the Hebrew bible writtings are a mess because there clear evidence that stories like that of Noah's flood and even the creation of the earth and man or influence by Sumerian writtings. Proverbs by Egyptian writings and Job Assyrian. Other writtings are influenced from writings found at Ugarit and still again in some of the minor prophet writtings one can see clues to Egyptian gods again. Let's also not forget Babylonian gods Enki , Enlil and Marduk .
So now who is this god that's supposed to be Jesus father out of all thIs mess of writings an Egyptian moon god that later gets ubsorbed by Osiris? Amen ? Since Jesus is referred to as the great Amen in Revelations? Is it still El or Baal or Marduk? Or is it a new god that obsorbed the older ones that some say is a god called Yah? We didn't even touch on the Greek or Persian influences.
I think the reason Jesus father is never mentioned in the New Testament is because it's anyone's guess of who it could be and the Christians were pushing a newly named god this guy jesus who he himself was a copy of some of the older gods. This new guY was to be for all the nations so we can't be to specific on who his father is because it may favor one nation or group over the others.